import os import time import threading from aiohttp import web import aiohttp import asyncio import traceback import umsgpack import collections import queue from PIL import Image from prometheus_client import Counter, Histogram, REGISTRY, generate_latest import io import json import sys import torch from transformers import SiglipTokenizer, SiglipImageProcessor, T5TokenizerFast, SiglipTextConfig, SiglipVisionConfig import numpy with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as config_file: CONFIG = json.load(config_file) # blatantly copypasted from colab # VARIANT, RES = CONFIG["model"] CKPT, TXTVARIANT, EMBDIM, SEQLEN, VOCAB = { ("So400m/14", 384): ("webli_en_so400m_384_58765454-fp16.safetensors", "So400m", 1152, 64, 32_000), }[VARIANT, RES] model_cfg = ml_collections.ConfigDict() model_cfg.image_model = "vit" # TODO(lbeyer): remove later, default model_cfg.text_model = "proj.image_text.text_transformer" # TODO(lbeyer): remove later, default model_cfg.image = dict(variant=VARIANT, pool_type="map") model_cfg.text = dict(variant=TXTVARIANT, vocab_size=VOCAB) model_cfg.out_dim = (None, EMBDIM) # (image_out_dim, text_out_dim) model_cfg.bias_init = -10.0 model_cfg.temperature_init = 10.0 model = model_mod.Model(**model_cfg) init_params = None # sanity checks are a low-interest-rate phenomenon model_params = model_mod.load(init_params, f"{CKPT}", model_cfg) # assume path pp_img = pp_builder.get_preprocess_fn(f"resize({RES})|value_range(-1, 1)") TOKENIZERS = { 32_000: "c4_en", 250_000: "mc4", } pp_txt = pp_builder.get_preprocess_fn(f'tokenize(max_len={SEQLEN}, model="{TOKENIZERS[VOCAB]}", eos="sticky", pad_value=1, inkey="text")') print("Model loaded") BS = CONFIG["max_batch_size"] MODELNAME = CONFIG["model_name"] InferenceParameters = collections.namedtuple("InferenceParameters", ["text", "images", "callback"]) items_ctr = Counter("modelserver_total_items", "Items run through model server", ["model", "modality"]) inference_time_hist = Histogram("modelserver_inftime", "Time running inference", ["model", "batch_size"]) batch_count_ctr = Counter("modelserver_batchcount", "Inference batches run", ["model"]) @jax.jit def run_text_model(text_batch): _, features, out = model.apply({"params": model_params}, None, text_batch) return features @jax.jit def run_image_model(image_batch): features, _, out = model.apply({"params": model_params}, image_batch, None) return features def round_down_to_power_of_two(x): return 1<<(x.bit_length()-1) def minimize_jits(fn, batch): out = numpy.zeros((batch.shape[0], EMBDIM), dtype="float16") i = 0 while True: batch_dim = batch.shape[0] s = round_down_to_power_of_two(batch_dim) fst = batch[:s,...] out[i:(i + s), ...] = fn(fst) i += s batch = batch[s:, ...] if batch.shape[0] == 0: break return out def do_inference(params: InferenceParameters): try: text, images, callback = params if text is not None: items_ctr.labels(MODELNAME, "text").inc(text.shape[0]) with inference_time_hist.labels(MODELNAME + "-text", text.shape[0]).time(): features = run_text_model(text) elif images is not None: items_ctr.labels(MODELNAME, "image").inc(images.shape[0]) with inference_time_hist.labels(MODELNAME + "-image", images.shape[0]).time(): features = run_image_model(images) batch_count_ctr.labels(MODELNAME).inc() callback(True, numpy.asarray(features)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() callback(False, str(e)) iq = queue.Queue(100) def infer_thread(): while True: do_inference(iq.get()) pq = queue.Queue(100) def preprocessing_thread(): while True: text, images, callback = pq.get() try: if text: assert len(text) <= BS, f"max batch size is {BS}" # I feel like this ought to be batchable but I can't see how to do that text = numpy.array([pp_txt({"text": text})["labels"] for text in text]) elif images: assert len(images) <= BS, f"max batch size is {BS}" images = numpy.array([pp_img({"image": numpy.array("RGB"))})["image"] for image in images]) else: assert False, "images or text required" iq.put(InferenceParameters(text, images, callback)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() callback(False, str(e)) app = web.Application(client_max_size=2**26) routes = web.RouteTableDef()"/") async def run_inference(request): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() data = umsgpack.loads(await event = asyncio.Event() results = None def callback(*argv): nonlocal results results = argv loop.call_soon_threadsafe(lambda: event.set()) pq.put_nowait(InferenceParameters(data.get("text"), data.get("images"), callback)) await event.wait() body_data = results[1] if results[0]: status = 200 body_data = [x.astype("float16").tobytes() for x in body_data] else: status = 500 print(results[1]) return web.Response(body=umsgpack.dumps(body_data), status=status, content_type="application/msgpack") @routes.get("/config") async def config(request): return web.Response(body=umsgpack.dumps({ "model": CONFIG["model"], "batch": BS, "image_size": (RES, RES), "embedding_size": EMBDIM }), status=200, content_type="application/msgpack") @routes.get("/") async def health(request): return web.Response(status=204) @routes.get("/metrics") async def metrics(request): return web.Response(body=generate_latest(REGISTRY)) app.router.add_routes(routes) async def run_webserver(): runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, "", CONFIG["port"]) print("Ready") await site.start() try: th = threading.Thread(target=infer_thread) th.start() th = threading.Thread(target=preprocessing_thread) th.start() loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(run_webserver()) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: import sys sys.exit(0)