from aiohttp import web import aiohttp import asyncio import traceback import umsgpack from PIL import Image import base64 import aiosqlite import faiss import numpy import os import aiohttp_cors import json import io import sys from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as config_file: CONFIG = json.load(config_file) app = web.Application(client_max_size=32*1024**2) routes = web.RouteTableDef() async def clip_server(query, unpack_buffer=True): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess: async with["clip_server"], data=umsgpack.dumps(query)) as res: response = umsgpack.loads(await if res.status == 200: if unpack_buffer: response = [ numpy.frombuffer(x, dtype="float16") for x in response ] return response else: raise Exception(response if res.headers.get("content-type") == "application/msgpack" else (await res.text()))"/") async def run_query(request): data = await request.json() embeddings = [] if images := data.get("images", []): target_image_size = app["index"].inference_server_config["image_size"] embeddings.extend(await clip_server({ "images": [ load_image(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(x)), target_image_size)[0] for x, w in images ] })) if text := data.get("text", []): embeddings.extend(await clip_server({ "text": [ x for x, w in text ] })) weights = [ w for x, w in images ] + [ w for x, w in text ] embeddings = [ e * w for e, w in zip(embeddings, weights) ] if not embeddings: return web.json_response([]) return web.json_response(app["index"].search(sum(embeddings))) @routes.get("/") async def health_check(request): return web.Response(text="OK")"/reload_index") async def reload_index_route(request): await["index"].reload() return web.json_response(True) def load_image(path, image_size): im = im.draft("RGB", image_size) buf = io.BytesIO() im.resize(image_size).convert("RGB").save(buf, format="BMP") return buf.getvalue(), path class Index: def __init__(self, inference_server_config): self.faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(inference_server_config["embedding_size"]) self.associated_filenames = [] self.inference_server_config = inference_server_config self.lock = asyncio.Lock() def search(self, query): distances, indices =[query]), 4000) distances = distances[0] indices = indices[0] try: indices = indices[:numpy.where(indices==-1)[0][0]] except IndexError: pass return [ { "score": float(distance), "file": self.associated_filenames[index] } for index, distance in zip(indices, distances) ] async def reload(self): async with self.lock: with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor: print("Indexing") conn = await aiosqlite.connect(CONFIG["db_path"], parent_loop=asyncio.get_running_loop()) conn.row_factory = aiosqlite.Row await conn.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( filename TEXT PRIMARY KEY, modtime REAL NOT NULL, embedding_vector BLOB NOT NULL ); """) try: async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg: batch_sem = asyncio.Semaphore(3) modified = set() async def do_batch(batch): try: query = { "images": [ arg[2] for arg in batch ] } embeddings = await clip_server(query, False) await conn.executemany("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [ (filename, modtime, embedding) for (filename, modtime, _), embedding in zip(batch, embeddings) ]) await conn.commit() for filename, _, _ in batch: modified.add(filename) sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() finally: batch_sem.release() async def dispatch_batch(batch): await batch_sem.acquire() tg.create_task(do_batch(batch)) files = {} for filename, modtime in await conn.execute_fetchall("SELECT filename, modtime FROM files"): files[filename] = modtime await conn.commit() batch = [] failed = set() for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(CONFIG["files"]): paths = set() done = set() for file in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, file) file = os.path.relpath(path, CONFIG["files"]) st = os.stat(path) if st.st_mtime != files.get(file): paths.add(path) for task in asyncio.as_completed([ asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(executor, load_image, path, self.inference_server_config["image_size"]) for path in paths ]): try: b, path = await task st = os.stat(path) file = os.path.relpath(path, CONFIG["files"]) done.add(path) except Exception as e: # print(file, "failed", e) we can't have access to file when we need it, oops continue batch.append((file, st.st_mtime, b)) if len(batch) == self.inference_server_config["batch"]: await dispatch_batch(batch) batch = [] failed |= paths - done if batch: await dispatch_batch(batch) print() for failed_ in failed: print(failed_, "failed") remove_indices = [] for index, filename in enumerate(self.associated_filenames): if filename not in files or filename in modified: remove_indices.append(index) self.associated_filenames[index] = None if filename not in files: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM files WHERE filename = ?", (filename,)) await conn.commit() # TODO concurrency # TODO understand what that comment meant if remove_indices: self.faiss_index.remove_ids(numpy.array(remove_indices)) self.associated_filenames = [ x for x in self.associated_filenames if x is not None ] filenames_set = set(self.associated_filenames) new_data = [] new_filenames = [] async with conn.execute("SELECT * FROM files") as csr: while row := await csr.fetchone(): filename, modtime, embedding_vector = row if filename not in filenames_set: new_data.append(numpy.frombuffer(embedding_vector, dtype="float16")) new_filenames.append(filename) if not new_data: return new_data = numpy.array(new_data) self.associated_filenames.extend(new_filenames) self.faiss_index.add(new_data) finally: await conn.close() app.router.add_routes(routes) cors = aiohttp_cors.setup(app, defaults={ "*": aiohttp_cors.ResourceOptions( allow_credentials=False, expose_headers="*", allow_headers="*", ) }) for route in list(app.router.routes()): cors.add(route) async def main(): while True: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess: try: async with await sess.get(CONFIG["clip_server"] + "config") as res: inference_server_config = umsgpack.unpackb(await print("Backend config:", inference_server_config) break except: traceback.print_exc() await asyncio.sleep(1) index = Index(inference_server_config) app["index"] = index await index.reload() print("Ready") runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, "", CONFIG["port"]) await site.start() if __name__ == "__main__": loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.run_forever()