import sqlite3 import os import hashlib import json import string import subprocess from PIL import Image import tempfile import shutil import math import sys with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as config_file: CONFIG = json.load(config_file) filesafe_charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-" def avif_format(quality): avif_speed = "4" def fn(inpath, outpath): if os.path.splitext(inpath)[-1].lower() not in {".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".avif"}: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:["convert", inpath, "png:" +])["avifenc", "-s", avif_speed, "-j", "all", "-q", str(quality),, outpath], capture_output=True).check_returncode() else:["avifenc", "-s", avif_speed, "-j", "all", "-q", str(quality), inpath, outpath], capture_output=True).check_returncode() return fn def jpeg_format(quality=None, maxwidth=None, maxheight=None, target_size=None): def do_convert(size, quality, input, output):["convert", input, "-resize", "x".join(map(str, size)), "-quality", str(quality), output]).check_returncode() def fn(inpath, outpath): im = width, height = im.size if maxwidth and width > maxwidth: height /= width / maxwidth height = math.floor(height) width = maxwidth if maxheight and height > maxheight: width /= height / maxheight width = math.floor(width) height = maxheight if target_size is None: do_convert((width, height), quality, inpath, outpath) else: q_min = 1 q_max = 100 while True: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tf: test_quality = (q_min + q_max) // 2 do_convert((width, height), test_quality, inpath, stat = os.stat( if stat.st_size >= target_size: # too big q_max = test_quality else: q_min = test_quality + 1 if q_min >= q_max: shutil.copy(, outpath) break return fn input_path = CONFIG["input"] output_path = CONFIG["output"] exts = {".webp", ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"} output_formats = { "avif-lq": (avif_format(quality=30), ".avif", "image/avif"), "avif-hq": (avif_format(quality=80), ".avif", "image/avif"), "jpeg-800": (jpeg_format(maxwidth=800, quality=80), ".jpeg", "image/jpeg"), "jpeg-fullscale": (jpeg_format(quality=80), ".jpeg", "image/jpeg"), "jpeg-256k": (jpeg_format(target_size=256_000, maxwidth=600, maxheight=600), ".jpeg", "image/jpeg") } with open("formats.json", "w") as f: json.dump({ "formats": { k: v[1:] for k, v in output_formats.items() }, "extensions": list(exts) }, f) if "gen-formats" in sys.argv: raise SystemExit con = sqlite3.connect(CONFIG["database"]) con.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS thumb ( file TEXT PRIMARY KEY, mtime REAL NOT NULL, formats BLOB NOT NULL ); """) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row out_formats_set = set(output_formats) def generate_output_format_string(formats): return json.dumps(sorted(formats)) def to_outpath(input, format): format_ext = output_formats[format][1] return f"{''.join([ i if i in filesafe_charset else '_' for i in input ])}" + "." + format + format_ext full_formats = generate_output_format_string(output_formats.keys()) for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(input_path): directory = os.path.join(input_path, directory) if directory.startswith(output_path): continue for file in os.listdir(directory): ext = os.path.splitext(file)[-1].lower() if ext in exts: path = os.path.join(directory, file) rawname = path.removeprefix(input_path).removeprefix("/") st = os.stat(path) csr = con.execute("SELECT mtime, formats FROM thumb WHERE file = ?", (rawname,)) row = csr.fetchone() if not row: mtime, formats = None, "[]" else: mtime, formats = row if st.st_mtime != mtime or formats != full_formats: formats = set(json.loads(formats)) for new_format in out_formats_set - formats: new_path = os.path.join(output_path, to_outpath(rawname, new_format)) try: output_formats[new_format][0](path, new_path) except: print("working on", new_format, rawname) raise nst = os.stat(new_path) if nst.st_size > st.st_size: # bigger, so redundant os.unlink(new_path) os.symlink(os.path.relpath(path, output_path), new_path) formats.add(new_format) con.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO thumb VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (rawname, st.st_mtime, generate_output_format_string(formats))) con.commit() sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush()