import Lens from 'chrome-lens-ocr' import sharp from "sharp" import fs from "fs/promises" import sqlite3 from "better-sqlite3" import path from "path" import memeSearchConfig from "./mse_config.json" with { type: "json" } import ocrConfig from "./ocr_config.json" with { type: "json" } const DB = sqlite3(memeSearchConfig.db_path) DB.exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ocr ( filename TEXT PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES files(filename), scan_time INTEGER NOT NULL, text TEXT NOT NULL, raw_segments TEXT ); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ocr_fts USING fts5 ( filename, text, tokenize='unicode61 remove_diacritics 2', content='ocr' ); CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS ocr_fts_ins AFTER INSERT ON ocr BEGIN INSERT INTO ocr_fts (rowid, filename, text) VALUES (new.rowid, new.filename, new.text); END; CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS ocr_fts_del AFTER DELETE ON ocr BEGIN INSERT INTO ocr_fts (ocr_fts, rowid, filename, text) VALUES ('delete', old.rowid, old.filename, old.text); END; `) const preparedStatements = new Map() const SQL = (strings, ...params) => { const sql = strings.join("?") let stmt const cachedValue = preparedStatements.get(sql) if (!cachedValue) { stmt = DB.prepare(sql) preparedStatements.set(sql, stmt) } else { stmt = cachedValue } return { get: () => stmt.get.apply(stmt, params), run: () =>, params), all: () => stmt.all.apply(stmt, params), statement: stmt } } const wait = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)) const lens = new Lens(ocrConfig.lens_options || {}) for (const file of SQL`SELECT files.filename FROM files LEFT JOIN ocr ON files.filename = ocr.filename WHERE ocr.scan_time IS NULL OR ocr.scan_time < files.modtime`.all()) { console.log(file.filename) const filepath = path.join(memeSearchConfig.files, file.filename) const metadata = await sharp(filepath).metadata() console.log(metadata.width, metadata.height) let newWidth = Math.min(metadata.width, ocrConfig.image_dim) let newHeight = Math.ceil(metadata.height * (newWidth / metadata.width)) let text = "" let segments = [] let failed = false for (let y = 0; y < newHeight; y += ocrConfig.image_dim) { const result = await sharp(filepath).resize(newWidth, newHeight, { fit: "fill" }).extract({ left: 0, width: newWidth, top: y, height: Math.min(ocrConfig.image_dim, newHeight - y) }).png().toBuffer() let chunk let count = 10 while (!chunk) { try { chunk = await lens.scanByBuffer(result) } catch(e) { console.log("OCR failed, retry", e.body ? "?" : e, count) await wait(500) count-- if (count === 0) { console.log("retry limit") failed = true break } } } if (failed) break // they appear to be in the "right order" out of the API anyway for (const segment of chunk.segments) { text += segment.text + "\n" segments.push({ text: segment.text, x: segment.boundingBox.pixelCoords.x, y: segment.boundingBox.pixelCoords.y + y, width: segment.boundingBox.pixelCoords.width, height: segment.boundingBox.pixelCoords.height }) } } if (failed) continue SQL`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ocr VALUES (${file.filename}, ${ / 1000}, ${text.trim()}, ${JSON.stringify(segments)})`.run() }