import torch.nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch import sqlite3 import random import numpy import json import time from tqdm import tqdm import sys from collections import defaultdict import msgpack from model import Config, BradleyTerry import shared def fetch_files_with_timestamps(): csr = shared.db.execute("SELECT filename, embedding, timestamp FROM files WHERE embedding IS NOT NULL") x = [ (row[0], numpy.frombuffer(row[1], dtype="float16").copy(), row[2]) for row in csr.fetchall() ] csr.close() return x batch_size = 2048 device = "cuda" config = Config( d_emb=1152, n_hidden=1, n_ensemble=16, device=device, dtype=torch.float32, output_channels=3, dropout=0.1 ) model = BradleyTerry(config) model.eval() modelc, _ = shared.checkpoint_for(int(sys.argv[1])) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(modelc)) params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) print(f"{params/1e6:.1f}M parameters") print(model) for x in model.ensemble.models: # hack to match behaviour of cut-down implementation results = defaultdict(list) model.eval() files = fetch_files_with_timestamps() with torch.inference_mode(): for bstart in tqdm(range(0, len(files), batch_size)): batch = files[bstart:bstart + batch_size] timestamps = [ t1 for f1, e1, t1 in batch ] embs = torch.stack([ torch.Tensor(e1).to(config.dtype) for f1, e1, t1 in batch ]) inputs = embs.unsqueeze(0).expand((config.n_ensemble, len(batch), config.d_emb)).to(device) scores = model.ensemble(inputs).mean(dim=0).cpu().numpy() for sr in scores: for i, s in enumerate(sr): results[i].append(s) # add an extra timestamp channel results[config.output_channels].extend(timestamps) cdfs = [] # we want to encode scores in one byte, and 255/0xFF is reserved for "greater than maximum bucket" cdf_bins = 255 for i, s in results.items(): quantiles = numpy.linspace(0, 1, cdf_bins) cdf = numpy.quantile(numpy.array(s), quantiles) print(cdf) cdfs.append(cdf.tolist()) with open("cdfs.msgpack", "wb") as f: msgpack.pack(cdfs, f)