import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns A = 0.6 LOG_A = np.log(A) def scale(xs): return np.sign(xs) * (np.log(np.abs(xs) + A) - LOG_A) n_dims = 1152 n_used_dims = 32 data = np.frombuffer(open("embeddings.bin", "rb").read(), dtype=np.float16).reshape(-1, n_dims).astype(np.float32) # TODO # Create histogram bins n_bins = 256 s = __import__("math").sqrt(n_dims) hist_range = (-1.2, 1.2) histogram_data = np.zeros((n_used_dims, n_bins)) # Calculate histograms for each dimension for dim in range(n_used_dims): dbd = data[:, dim] dbd = (dbd - np.mean(dbd)) / np.std(dbd) dbd = scale(dbd) hist, _ = np.histogram(dbd, bins=n_bins, range=hist_range, density=True) histogram_data[dim] = hist # Create heatmap plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) sns.heatmap(histogram_data, cmap='viridis', xticklabels=np.linspace(hist_range[0], hist_range[1], n_bins), yticklabels=range(n_used_dims), cbar_kws={'label': 'Density'}) plt.xlabel('Value') plt.ylabel('Dimension') plt.title('Distribution Heatmap of First 16 Dimensions') # Adjust layout to prevent label cutoff plt.tight_layout()