var canvas = document.querySelector(".hacker-3d-shiz"), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), canvasBars = document.querySelector(".bars-and-stuff"), ctxBars = canvasBars.getContext("2d"), outputConsole = document.querySelector(".output-console"); canvas.width = (window.innerWidth/3)*2; canvas.height = window.innerHeight / 3; canvasBars.width = window.innerWidth/3; canvasBars.height = canvas.height; = (window.innerHeight / 3) * 2 + 'px'; = window.innerHeight / 3 + 'px'; /* Graphics stuff */ function Square(z) { this.width = canvas.width/2; this.height = canvas.height; z = z || 0; this.points = [ new Point({ x: (canvas.width / 2) - this.width, y: (canvas.height / 2) - this.height, z: z }), new Point({ x: (canvas.width / 2) + this.width, y: (canvas.height / 2) - this.height, z: z }), new Point({ x: (canvas.width / 2) + this.width, y: (canvas.height / 2) + this.height, z: z }), new Point({ x: (canvas.width / 2) - this.width, y: (canvas.height / 2) + this.height, z: z })]; this.dist = 0; } Square.prototype.update = function () { for (var p = 0; p < this.points.length; p++) { this.points[p].rotateZ(0.001); this.points[p].z -= 3; if (this.points[p].z < -300) { this.points[p].z = 2700; } this.points[p].map2D(); } }; Square.prototype.render = function () { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].xPos, this.points[0].yPos); for (var p = 1; p < this.points.length; p++) { if (this.points[p].z > -(focal - 50)) { ctx.lineTo(this.points[p].xPos, this.points[p].yPos); } } ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); this.dist = this.points[this.points.length - 1].z; }; function Point(pos) { this.x = pos.x - canvas.width / 2 || 0; this.y = pos.y - canvas.height / 2 || 0; this.z = pos.z || 0; this.cX = 0; this.cY = 0; this.cZ = 0; this.xPos = 0; this.yPos = 0; this.map2D(); } Point.prototype.rotateZ = function (angleZ) { var cosZ = Math.cos(angleZ), sinZ = Math.sin(angleZ), x1 = this.x * cosZ - this.y * sinZ, y1 = this.y * cosZ + this.x * sinZ; this.x = x1; this.y = y1; }; Point.prototype.map2D = function () { var scaleX = focal / (focal + this.z + this.cZ), scaleY = focal / (focal + this.z + this.cZ); this.xPos = vpx + (this.cX + this.x) * scaleX; this.yPos = vpy + (this.cY + this.y) * scaleY; }; // Init graphics stuff var squares = [], focal = canvas.width / 2, vpx = canvas.width / 2, vpy = canvas.height / 2, barVals = [], sineVal = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { squares.push(new Square(-300 + (i * 200))); } //ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.strokeStyle = ctxBars.strokeStyle = ctxBars.fillStyle = '#00FF00'; /* fake console stuff */ var commandStart = [ 'Performing DNS Lookups for ', 'Searching ', 'Analyzing ', 'Estimating Approximate Location of ', 'Compressing ', 'Requesting Authorization From : ', 'wget -a -t ', 'tar -xzf ', 'Entering Location ', 'Compilation Started of ', 'Downloading ' ], commandParts = [ 'Data Structure', '', 'Texture', 'TPS Reports', ' .... Searching ... ', '', 'http://ab.ret45-33/?timing=1ww' ], commandResponses = [ 'Authorizing ', 'Authorized...', 'Access Granted..', 'Going Deeper....', 'Compression Complete.', 'Compilation of Data Structures Complete..', 'Entering Security Console...', 'Encryption Unsuccesful Attempting Retry...', 'Waiting for response...', '....Searching...', 'Calculating Space Requirements ' ], isProcessing = false, processTime = 0, lastProcess = 0; function render() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); squares.sort(function (a, b) { return b.dist - a.dist; }); for (var i = 0, len = squares.length; i < len; i++) { squares[i].update(); squares[i].render(); } ctxBars.clearRect(0, 0, canvasBars.width, canvasBars.height); ctxBars.beginPath(); var y = canvasBars.height/6; ctxBars.moveTo(0,y); for(i = 0; i < canvasBars.width; i++){ var ran = (Math.random()*20)-10; if(Math.random() > 0.98){ ran = (Math.random()*50)-25; } ctxBars.lineTo(i, y + ran); } ctxBars.stroke(); for(i = 0; i < canvasBars.width; i+=20){ if(!barVals[i]){ barVals[i] = { val : Math.random()*(canvasBars.height/2), freq : 0.1, sineVal : Math.random()*100 }; } barVals[i].sineVal+=barVals[i].freq; barVals[i].val+=Math.sin(barVals[i].sineVal*Math.PI/2)*5; ctxBars.fillRect(i+5,canvasBars.height,15,-barVals[i].val); } requestAnimationFrame(render); } function consoleOutput(){ var textEl = document.createElement('p'); if(isProcessing){ textEl = document.createElement('span'); textEl.textContent += Math.random() + " "; if( > lastProcess + processTime){ isProcessing = false; } }else{ var commandType = ~~(Math.random()*4); switch(commandType){ case 0: textEl.textContent = commandStart[~~(Math.random()*commandStart.length)] + commandParts[~~(Math.random()*commandParts.length)]; break; case 3: isProcessing = true; processTime = ~~(Math.random()*5000); lastProcess =; break; default: textEl.textContent = commandResponses[~~(Math.random()*commandResponses.length)]; break; } } outputConsole.scrollTop = outputConsole.scrollHeight; outputConsole.appendChild(textEl); if (outputConsole.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) { var removeNodes = outputConsole.querySelectorAll('*'); for(var n = 0; n < ~~(removeNodes.length/3); n++){ outputConsole.removeChild(removeNodes[n]); } } setTimeout(consoleOutput, ~~(Math.random()*200)); } render(); consoleOutput(); window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ canvas.width = (window.innerWidth/3)*2; canvas.height = window.innerHeight / 3; canvasBars.width = window.innerWidth/3; canvasBars.height = canvas.height; = (window.innerHeight / 3) * 2 + 'px'; = window.innerHeight / 3 + 'px'; focal = canvas.width / 2; vpx = canvas.width / 2; vpy = canvas.height / 2; ctx.strokeStyle = ctxBars.strokeStyle = ctxBars.fillStyle = '#00FF00'; });