diff --git a/good_ideas.myco b/good_ideas.myco index a67be1c..09ad133 100644 --- a/good_ideas.myco +++ b/good_ideas.myco @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ * { Similarly, contrastive RL for computer algebra (specifically, proving that expressions equal other expressions via making substitutions repeatedly). Try and contrastively learn a "how close is this expression to this other one" function (I think with an action input?). Bootstrap to progressively harder problems. * What does Gyges mean by "anyone who wants it: you should be able to train contrastive models way faster if you use lsh to determine pairs to contrast"? This might contain alpha. +* Maybe this should be a "theorem prover" and not an "expression rewriter". I think they're fairly similar anyway. } * { Startup ideas: