Edit ‘quotes’: Synced 1724531107928

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sync 2024-08-25 10:55:44 +00:00 committed by wikimind
parent 8eb022ddc5
commit 6071186275

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@ -1,324 +1,336 @@
* "You know what they say, speak softly but carry a tungsten slug accelerated to a measurable fraction of C." - /u/futureb1ues, reddit // "You know what they say, speak softly but carry a tungsten slug accelerated to a measurable fraction of C." - /u/futureb1ues, reddit
* "Jesus promised to rid us of evil. Odin promised to rid us of ice giants. I don't see any ice giants, do you? Vote Odin!" // "Jesus promised to rid us of evil. Odin promised to rid us of ice giants. I don't see any ice giants, do you? Vote Odin!"
* "I mean, we could use it to destroy the Universe, but we'd have to add a lot of antimatter. Which pretty much goes for all other matter." // "I mean, we could use it to destroy the Universe, but we'd have to add a lot of antimatter. Which pretty much goes for all other matter."
* "You cant make a racehorse out of a pig. But you can make a very fast pig." // "You cant make a racehorse out of a pig. But you can make a very fast pig."
* "When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid." // "When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid."
* "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" // "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"
* "Here, gentlemen, good does not ultimately triumph at the expense of a few bruises and a non-threatening shoulder wound. Here, evil is generally defeated by a more organized kind of evil." // "Here, gentlemen, good does not ultimately triumph at the expense of a few bruises and a non-threatening shoulder wound. Here, evil is generally defeated by a more organized kind of evil."
* "Censorship is like telling a man he can't eat a steak because a baby can't chew it." - Mark Twain (attributed to him; possibly not *actually* said by him) // "Censorship is like telling a man he can't eat a steak because a baby can't chew it." - Mark Twain (attributed to him; possibly not //actually// said by him)
* "The laws of Australia prevail in Australia, I can assure you of that. The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia." - Malcolm Turnbull when he was Australian Prime Minister // "The laws of Australia prevail in Australia, I can assure you of that. The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia." - Malcolm Turnbull when he was Australian Prime Minister
* "God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time".— Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett // "God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time".— Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
* "The future is already here it's just not evenly distributed." - William Gibson // "The future is already here it's just not evenly distributed." - William Gibson
* "From a truly adult perspective, the stars were enormous heaps of valuable raw materials that had unfortunately caught fire and needed to be scattered and put out." // "From a truly adult perspective, the stars were enormous heaps of valuable raw materials that had unfortunately caught fire and needed to be scattered and put out."
* "The bad feeling this raised was lost in a sea of other bad feelings." // "The bad feeling this raised was lost in a sea of other bad feelings."
* World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation. // World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation.
* He'd been about to say 'the mirror, it's Evil,' but it clearly wasn't. It was absolutely, brutally, horribly Neutral. It showed you what your heart desired, but sometimes, what you desire isn't the same as what you desire you'd desire... // He'd been about to say 'the mirror, it's Evil,' but it clearly wasn't. It was absolutely, brutally, horribly Neutral. It showed you what your heart desired, but sometimes, what you desire isn't the same as what you desire you'd desire...
* “Refabricate a friction reducing rotary transportation instrument using the algebraic equation x squared + y squared equals radius...” // “Refabricate a friction reducing rotary transportation instrument using the algebraic equation x squared + y squared equals radius...”
* "Available empirical evidence suggests that people are generally totally delusional about their ability to spot liars, and spotting liars is actually incredibly difficult." // "Available empirical evidence suggests that people are generally totally delusional about their ability to spot liars, and spotting liars is actually incredibly difficult."
* "Economics says "there is no such thing as a free lunch", and people are more interested in the lie that they can have a free lunch. If people viewed physics the way they viewed economics, everyone would be begging for perpetual motion machines and scapegoating groups of people over the fact that the perpetual motion machines they voted for don't work." // "Economics says "there is no such thing as a free lunch", and people are more interested in the lie that they can have a free lunch. If people viewed physics the way they viewed economics, everyone would be begging for perpetual motion machines and scapegoating groups of people over the fact that the perpetual motion machines they voted for don't work."
* "A motivational eclipse occurs when the Moon gets between you and your goals. You cant let it stop you! Destroy it! Destroy the Moon!" // "A motivational eclipse occurs when the Moon gets between you and your goals. You cant let it stop you! Destroy it! Destroy the Moon!"
* "An apoc eclipse occurs when the Great Beast 666, with seven heads and ten horns, and upon the horns ten crowns, and upon its heads the name of blasphemy, gets between the Earth and the Sun. Extremely fatal." // "An apoc eclipse occurs when the Great Beast 666, with seven heads and ten horns, and upon the horns ten crowns, and upon its heads the name of blasphemy, gets between the Earth and the Sun. Extremely fatal."
* "A Java eclipse occurs when your IDE gets in between you and your code." ([past three from here](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/05/02/little-known-types-of-eclipse/)) // "A Java eclipse occurs when your IDE gets in between you and your code." ([[https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/05/02/little-known-types-of-eclipse/|past three from here]])
* "The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy." [- Sam Hughes](https://qntm.org/destroy) // "The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy." [[https://qntm.org/destroy|- Sam Hughes]]
* “Helpfiles are traditionally outnumbered by no-help files, which superficially resemble a helpfile in form but not in content because they don't actually tell you anything you don't already know, or they answer every question except the one you're asking, or you open them and a giant animated paper clip leaps out and cheerfully asks where you want to go today. And wikis are worse.” ― Cory Doctorow, The Rapture of the Nerds // “Helpfiles are traditionally outnumbered by no-help files, which superficially resemble a helpfile in form but not in content because they don't actually tell you anything you don't already know, or they answer every question except the one you're asking, or you open them and a giant animated paper clip leaps out and cheerfully asks where you want to go today. And wikis are worse.” ― Cory Doctorow, The Rapture of the Nerds
* "Anyone who has been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison." // "Anyone who has been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison."
* "Eventually all the people who hate this kind of thing are going to be dead, and the ones who use it are going to be in control." - Patricia Cukor-Avila // "Eventually all the people who hate this kind of thing are going to be dead, and the ones who use it are going to be in control." - Patricia Cukor-Avila
* "I carry around a key to a helicopter. The key fits all Apache helicopters." - [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dj65o9/what_is_most_useless_item_you_carry_with_you_all/f42pzpg/) // "I carry around a key to a helicopter. The key fits all Apache helicopters." - [[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dj65o9/what_is_most_useless_item_you_carry_with_you_all/f42pzpg/|reddit]]
* "Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home." - also Good Omens // "Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home." - also Good Omens
* "The owner of a voice like that would be the sort of person who, before making a plastic model kit, would not only separate and count all the pieces before commencing, as per the instructions, but also paint all the bits that needed painting first and leave them to dry properly prior to construction. All that separated this voice from chartered accountancy was a matter of time." - also also Good Omens // "The owner of a voice like that would be the sort of person who, before making a plastic model kit, would not only separate and count all the pieces before commencing, as per the instructions, but also paint all the bits that needed painting first and leave them to dry properly prior to construction. All that separated this voice from chartered accountancy was a matter of time." - also also Good Omens
* "Plan A had worked. Plan B had failed. Everything depended on Plan C, and there was one drawback to this: he had only ever planned as far as B." - also also also that // "Plan A had worked. Plan B had failed. Everything depended on Plan C, and there was one drawback to this: he had only ever planned as far as B." - also also also that
* "Cars, in theory, give you a terrifically fast method of traveling from place to place. Traffic jams, on the other hand, give you a terrific opportunity to stay still." - also<sup>4</sup> that // "Cars, in theory, give you a terrifically fast method of traveling from place to place. Traffic jams, on the other hand, give you a terrific opportunity to stay still." - also^^4^^ that
* “Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we can teach them.” - A. C. Hobbs // “Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we can teach them.” - A. C. Hobbs
* "All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection." - David Wheeler // "All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection." - David Wheeler
* "Compatibility means deliberately repeating other people's mistakes." - David Wheeler, maybe // "Compatibility means deliberately repeating other people's mistakes." - David Wheeler, maybe
* "I've realized over time that "common sense" is a term we use for things that are obvious to us but not others" - "Shog9" [here](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/335708/under-what-circumstances-will-stack-exchange-inc-share-private-sensitive-infor/335749#comment1106974_335749) // "I've realized over time that "common sense" is a term we use for things that are obvious to us but not others" - "Shog9" [[https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/335708/under-what-circumstances-will-stack-exchange-inc-share-private-sensitive-infor/335749#comment1106974_335749|here]]
* "You cannot stop people from doing things by simply prohibiting them - always dig for root causes and offer alternatives" // "You cannot stop people from doing things by simply prohibiting them - always dig for root causes and offer alternatives"
* "Ignorance of insecurity does not get you security." // "Ignorance of insecurity does not get you security."
* "I don't always believe in things, but when I do, I believe in them alphabetically." // "I don't always believe in things, but when I do, I believe in them alphabetically."
* "If somebody tells you they like the meme that when you're (drunk | angry | desperate | otherwise in an altered mental state) you act like your true self, run. It usually means they're pushing an agenda that requires torture and dehumanization." // "If somebody tells you they like the meme that when you're (drunk | angry | desperate | otherwise in an altered mental state) you act like your true self, run. It usually means they're pushing an agenda that requires torture and dehumanization."
* "As brand leader, my bandwidth is jammed with analysing flow-through and offering holistic solutions." // "As brand leader, my bandwidth is jammed with analysing flow-through and offering holistic solutions."
* "Tribal identity politics are not to be trifled with (they are, in fact, part of the wiring that got us into this mess) but our fucking house is on fire. Maybe we should spend a little more time talking about that." - Peter Watts // "Tribal identity politics are not to be trifled with (they are, in fact, part of the wiring that got us into this mess) but our fucking house is on fire. Maybe we should spend a little more time talking about that." - Peter Watts
* "There are two rules for success: 1. Never reveal everything you know" // "There are two rules for success: 1. Never reveal everything you know"
* "If you want to have your cake and eat it too, steal two cakes." // "If you want to have your cake and eat it too, steal two cakes."
* "This quote was taken out of context." - Randall Munroe // "This quote was taken out of context." - Randall Munroe
* '"Easy-going" is a nice way of wording "ignoring decades of theory", yes' // '"Easy-going" is a nice way of wording "ignoring decades of theory", yes'
* “We are enlightened beings! We cant break our solemn vow!” <br/> “Then I guess youre going to learn an important lesson about swearing unbreakable vows you dont want to keep.” // “We are enlightened beings! We cant break our solemn vow!”
* "I never thought..." <br/> "Thats the problem. Dont worry, we do." “Then I guess youre going to learn an important lesson about swearing unbreakable vows you dont want to keep.”
* "Never put yourself in the situation where you're waiting for someone else's permission. Put them in the situation where you have permission unless they take active steps to stop you." - Sam Starfall, of the webcomic Freefall // "I never thought..."
* "Hey, I supervise her. I just don't have any idea of what she's doing." "Thats the problem. Dont worry, we do."
* "In the name of security, you're making things rather insecure for the rest of us." // "Never put yourself in the situation where you're waiting for someone else's permission. Put them in the situation where you have permission unless they take active steps to stop you." - Sam Starfall, of the webcomic Freefall
* "If you are Kzinti and you can read this, you are too close." // "Hey, I supervise her. I just don't have any idea of what she's doing."
* "Nothing's ever free, it's just paid for through different routes." // "In the name of security, you're making things rather insecure for the rest of us."
* "A drive that will never power up is undesirable for many reasons." // "If you are Kzinti and you can read this, you are too close."
* "When someone says 'X is essentially Y', they generally mean 'X is not Y, but it would be simpler for me if X was Y, so it'd be great if you could just go ahead and pretend X is Y, sound good?'" // "Nothing's ever free, it's just paid for through different routes."
* "Don't trust voting software and don't listen to anyone who tells you it's safe. I don't quite know how to put this, but our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everyone will die." // "A drive that will never power up is undesirable for many reasons."
* "In yet another sentence of mine that will in no way be taken out of context later: the answer is always murder" // "When someone says 'X is essentially Y', they generally mean 'X is not Y, but it would be simpler for me if X was Y, so it'd be great if you could just go ahead and pretend X is Y, sound good?'"
* "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was spreading a catchy quote denying all tricks greater than the one about faking nonexistence." - Steven Kaas // "Don't trust voting software and don't listen to anyone who tells you it's safe. I don't quite know how to put this, but our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everyone will die."
* "Like they say, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince hundreds of thousands of people that he exists." // "In yet another sentence of mine that will in no way be taken out of context later: the answer is always murder"
* "If you're trying to stop me, I outnumber you 1 to 6." // "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was spreading a catchy quote denying all tricks greater than the one about faking nonexistence." - Steven Kaas
* "You think of it as holding every stance on issues. I prefer to think of it as tactically surrounding the political spectrum." // "Like they say, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince hundreds of thousands of people that he exists."
* Remember kids, thermite and thermal paste are 2 very different things. // "If you're trying to stop me, I outnumber you 1 to 6."
* "if there's anybody i don't like, it's people who try to make it illegal not to like them" // "You think of it as holding every stance on issues. I prefer to think of it as tactically surrounding the political spectrum."
* "The best defense is more offense." // Remember kids, thermite and thermal paste are 2 very different things.
* "The fucked up part is that the government is apparently living their life as if you're planning a bank robbery any minute." // "if there's anybody i don't like, it's people who try to make it illegal not to like them"
* "setting the trees on fire is oddly therapeutic" // "The best defense is more offense."
* "Scientists say [insert thing on which there has been exactly one study that may or may not have had statistically significant results] will [cure cancer/cause cancer/cause weight loss/encourage squirrels to brutally massacre and devour you and all your children]!" // "The fucked up part is that the government is apparently living their life as if you're planning a bank robbery any minute."
* "I'm gonna be the one to say it: the Hilbert Hotel is very unrealistic." // "setting the trees on fire is oddly therapeutic"
* "The best proof that time travel is impossible is that sixty thousand misconfigured time machines from all phases of future history didn't simultaneously explode into existence at midnight UTC on 1 January 1970." // "Scientists say [insert thing on which there has been exactly one study that may or may not have had statistically significant results] will [cure cancer/cause cancer/cause weight loss/encourage squirrels to brutally massacre and devour you and all your children]!"
* "Never trust an unstable asymptotic giant branch star. Stick with main sequences and dwarfs." // "I'm gonna be the one to say it: the Hilbert Hotel is very unrealistic."
* "Just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it's not a bad idea." // "The best proof that time travel is impossible is that sixty thousand misconfigured time machines from all phases of future history didn't simultaneously explode into existence at midnight UTC on 1 January 1970."
* "They told me to reach for the stars, so I did but I slipped and accidentally tore apart several galaxies, now the survivors want to sue me?" // "Never trust an unstable asymptotic giant branch star. Stick with main sequences and dwarfs."
* "Healing magic sounds like a good idea until you consider the effect it has on cancer cells, and I have yet to see a solution for filtering them that runs in polynomial time. 0/10, hard pass." // "Just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it's not a bad idea."
* "If you must sell your soul to a demon, at least bother to summon two and make them bid up the price." // "They told me to reach for the stars, so I did but I slipped and accidentally tore apart several galaxies, now the survivors want to sue me?"
* DO NOT LOOK INTO BEAM WITH REMAINING GOOD EYE! // "Healing magic sounds like a good idea until you consider the effect it has on cancer cells, and I have yet to see a solution for filtering them that runs in polynomial time. 0/10, hard pass."
* "All problems can be solved by a sufficient concentration of electrical and magnetic waves." // "If you must sell your soul to a demon, at least bother to summon two and make them bid up the price."
* "You can't cross a large chasm in two small jumps" // DO NOT LOOK INTO BEAM WITH REMAINING GOOD EYE!
* "I love Unicode. The internet was no place for an Eldritch being before it gave us combining diacritics. Hell, I was able to open an entirely digital Portal to a lower plane last week! You could never do that with ASCII..." // "All problems can be solved by a sufficient concentration of electrical and magnetic waves."
* "You know, fire is the leading cause of fire." // "You can't cross a large chasm in two small jumps"
* "if you cant find time to write, destroy the concept of time itself" // "I love Unicode. The internet was no place for an Eldritch being before it gave us combining diacritics. Hell, I was able to open an entirely digital Portal to a lower plane last week! You could never do that with ASCII..."
* “What is it that the child has to teach? The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everybody should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness. The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not. <br/> And the child is right.” — Rabbi Tzvi Freeman // "You know, fire is the leading cause of fire."
* "Murphy was an optimist." // "if you cant find time to write, destroy the concept of time itself"
* "Does creating physics violate the NAP? While I benefit from the laws of physics making life possible, it also imposes constrictions unto me that I did not consent to. I didn't ask to be born, and I didn't ask to be subjected to gravity, so once I'm done suing my mom, I'm suing God." // “What is it that the child has to teach? The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everybody should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness. The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not.
* "It makes no sense at all to think that by extrapolating from individual action into communal action and evaluating the hypothetical results we will then be able to evaluate which individual actions are good." And the child is right.” — Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
* "The best reason not to believe in the 'supernatural' is that nobody from Texas is harvesting it and putting it in a pipeline." - Randall Munroe // "Murphy was an optimist."
* "Do not fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing Larry Ellison... Think of Larry Ellison the way you think of a lawnmower, you don't anthropomorphize the lawnmower, the lawnmower just does its job and mows the law. You stick your hand in there, it'll chop it off, the end. You don't think, like, "Oh, the lawnmower hates me!" Lawnmower doesn't give a shit about you! Lawnmower can't hate you! Don't anthropomorphize the lawnmower." // "Does creating physics violate the NAP? While I benefit from the laws of physics making life possible, it also imposes constrictions unto me that I did not consent to. I didn't ask to be born, and I didn't ask to be subjected to gravity, so once I'm done suing my mom, I'm suing God."
* "Wait a second... FREE speech? We're just giving it away? Somebody really needs to monetize this." // "It makes no sense at all to think that by extrapolating from individual action into communal action and evaluating the hypothetical results we will then be able to evaluate which individual actions are good."
* "Hello, fellow homosexuals. It is us, [MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION]. Here to remind you that we support your lifestyle now that it has been federally legalised and it is completely socially safe, allowing for us to capitalise on your existence now it's mainstream. Look, we even changed the colours of [LOGO]! Why did we wait this long to come out and 'support' you? Haha, no more questions, homosexual. Buy our product. Buy our product. BUY OUR PRODUCT." // "The best reason not to believe in the 'supernatural' is that nobody from Texas is harvesting it and putting it in a pipeline." - Randall Munroe
* “Never attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity.” - Probably Robert J. Hanlon // "Do not fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing Larry Ellison... Think of Larry Ellison the way you think of a lawnmower, you don't anthropomorphize the lawnmower, the lawnmower just does its job and mows the law. You stick your hand in there, it'll chop it off, the end. You don't think, like, "Oh, the lawnmower hates me!" Lawnmower doesn't give a shit about you! Lawnmower can't hate you! Don't anthropomorphize the lawnmower."
* "Ive found theres one surefire way to avoid offending people. Just dont talk. At all. Dont say a word. Make sure people dont even notice youre there. Then youll never offend anyone." - Wyatt, in "Insignia" // "Wait a second... FREE speech? We're just giving it away? Somebody really needs to monetize this."
* "Some men just want the world to deep-learn." - gwern // "Hello, fellow homosexuals. It is us, [MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION]. Here to remind you that we support your lifestyle now that it has been federally legalised and it is completely socially safe, allowing for us to capitalise on your existence now it's mainstream. Look, we even changed the colours of [LOGO]! Why did we wait this long to come out and 'support' you? Haha, no more questions, homosexual. Buy our product. Buy our product. BUY OUR PRODUCT."
* "The trouble is humans are literally structured to find “a wizard did it” a more plausible explanation than things just happening by accident for no reason." // “Never attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity.” - Probably Robert J. Hanlon
* "If a business has to lobby like mad to stay in business, then maybe that business shouldn't be in business." // "Ive found theres one surefire way to avoid offending people. Just dont talk. At all. Dont say a word. Make sure people dont even notice youre there. Then youll never offend anyone." - Wyatt, in "Insignia"
* "People complain that there is too much neo-Puritanism around these days, but they usually just mean people are moralistic reformers. I have the opposite worry: what happened to these people? When was the last time you saw somebody called Hiram invent five different crazy machines, found a new religion, and have twelve children who he named after Greek nymphs? Anyone who is serious about “Making America Great Again” should be deeply worried." - Scott Alexander // "Some men just want the world to deep-learn." - gwern
* "There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. They're looking for one." // "The trouble is humans are literally structured to find “a wizard did it” a more plausible explanation than things just happening by accident for no reason."
* "I promised that I would give you an answer; I never promised that it would be truthful or good or satisfying or helpful. An answer is only a reaction to a question. I reacted, so that was your answer." - [this very weird story](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13451176/9/Chili-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Fudge-Revelation) // "If a business has to lobby like mad to stay in business, then maybe that business shouldn't be in business."
* "libgen/scihub are of such monumental social/moral worth that their illegality delegitimizes the law as a whole" - @alicemaz // "People complain that there is too much neo-Puritanism around these days, but they usually just mean people are moralistic reformers. I have the opposite worry: what happened to these people? When was the last time you saw somebody called Hiram invent five different crazy machines, found a new religion, and have twelve children who he named after Greek nymphs? Anyone who is serious about “Making America Great Again” should be deeply worried." - Scott Alexander
* "Personal development twitter is funny because every other day someone discovers the One True Trick for Solving Ennui like the typical-mind fallacy doesn't exist" // "There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. They're looking for one."
* "I've found that some people are literally incapable of conceiving that other people aren't just copies of their own mind in a different body with different life experiences." // "I promised that I would give you an answer; I never promised that it would be truthful or good or satisfying or helpful. An answer is only a reaction to a question. I reacted, so that was your answer." - [[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13451176/9/Chili-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Fudge-Revelation|this very weird story]]
* "Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?" <br/> "If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." // "libgen/scihub are of such monumental social/moral worth that their illegality delegitimizes the law as a whole" - @alicemaz
* "You said you wanted to be noticed." <br/> "I could set myself on fire and be noticed!" <br/> "But then you'd be dead." <br/> "Exactly." // "Personal development twitter is funny because every other day someone discovers the One True Trick for Solving Ennui like the typical-mind fallacy doesn't exist"
* "Everything solved by bureaucracy is equily impeded by bureaucracy" // "I've found that some people are literally incapable of conceiving that other people aren't just copies of their own mind in a different body with different life experiences."
* "What part of ∀f ∃g (f (x,y) = (g x) y) did you not understand?" // "Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"
* "Strength is a strength just like other strengths." "If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid."
* "There should be (probably is) a term for the phenomenon/trope where you can take something that was not carefully designed in the first place (like basically all of Unix) and then down the line you can hyper-analyze the hell out of certain bits of it and wax poetic about the few elegant bits that are inevitably there (even BASIC will work, yes) - while conveniently ignoring the whole is still a steaming pile. Lord knows that's what happened with "Unix" starting in the 90s, and Javascript in the 2000s." // "You said you wanted to be noticed."
* "Well, ham radio is not about being a fabulously wealthy cult leader with an army of minions under wireless mind control. But perhaps we are not ambitious enough as hobbyists." "I could set myself on fire and be noticed!"
* "Great. Guns are banned! Maybe knife crime will creep up a little. We'll just ban knives too! <br/> Great. Knives are banned! Maybe assaults with weapons like clubs will creep up a little. We'll just ban sticks too! <br/> Great. Sticks are banned! Maybe assaults will creep up a little. We'll just ban physical movement too! <br/> There. Everyone is safe." "But then you'd be dead."
* “Reality does not bow to expectations. Expectations merely mask what is. This is what it is.” "Exactly."
* "Look at all the IT budget they saved! They no longer have to hire security experts if the police can just arrest people for committing a crime, right?" // "Everything solved by bureaucracy is equily impeded by bureaucracy"
* "You're not Good, at least not any definition of Good that I would want to follow. You follow the letter of the alignment description while ignoring its intent. Sure, you fight Evil, but when was the last time you showed a "concern for the dignity of sentient beings"? You're just a mean socially inept bully who hides behind a badge and her holier-than-thou morality as excuses to treat other people like crap." - Roy, Order of the Stick // "What part of ∀f ∃g (f (x,y) = (g x) y) did you not understand?"
* "I take back 80% of the bad things I've said about you in the last hour." - Belkar, Order of the Stick // "Strength is a strength just like other strengths."
* "We're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained quasi-professionals, at any rate." // "There should be (probably is) a term for the phenomenon/trope where you can take something that was not carefully designed in the first place (like basically all of Unix) and then down the line you can hyper-analyze the hell out of certain bits of it and wax poetic about the few elegant bits that are inevitably there (even BASIC will work, yes) - while conveniently ignoring the whole is still a steaming pile. Lord knows that's what happened with "Unix" starting in the 90s, and Javascript in the 2000s."
* "You. YOU! How dare you make me think about things, Durkon! How could you not think about how your selflessness would affect ME?!?" // "Well, ham radio is not about being a fabulously wealthy cult leader with an army of minions under wireless mind control. But perhaps we are not ambitious enough as hobbyists."
* "Truly, your wit has never been equaled. Surpassed, often, but never equaled." // "Great. Guns are banned! Maybe knife crime will creep up a little. We'll just ban knives too!
* "Of course, human terribleness wasnt invented in the 21st century and it is not the Internets fault." Great. Knives are banned! Maybe assaults with weapons like clubs will creep up a little. We'll just ban sticks too!
* "If you are lost in the middle of nowhere don't be afraid. Just look around and you will probably see a rock/hardcore band." Great. Sticks are banned! Maybe assaults will creep up a little. We'll just ban physical movement too!
* “Ultimately, saying that you dont care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different from saying you dont care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.” There. Everyone is safe."
* "There is a fine balance between available resources, effort required, and quality/longevity. <br/> Side note: traffic engineers are morons." // “Reality does not bow to expectations. Expectations merely mask what is. This is what it is.”
* "I think even the most outlandish, strange, deranged people in our world somehow think they are doing the "right" thing." - Alexander Darwin // "Look at all the IT budget they saved! They no longer have to hire security experts if the police can just arrest people for committing a crime, right?"
* "People in the real world are happy to bullshit with each other and have a good time with people different from us. People on the internet want to get you fired from your job if you have even one opinion they don't agree with." // "You're not Good, at least not any definition of Good that I would want to follow. You follow the letter of the alignment description while ignoring its intent. Sure, you fight Evil, but when was the last time you showed a "concern for the dignity of sentient beings"? You're just a mean socially inept bully who hides behind a badge and her holier-than-thou morality as excuses to treat other people like crap." - Roy, Order of the Stick
* "We must oppose X because the outgroup supports it!" // "I take back 80% of the bad things I've said about you in the last hour." - Belkar, Order of the Stick
* “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” is a nice sentiment, when it comes at any time other than “immediately after the speaker has either just attempted to or has just successfully gouged someones eye out” // "We're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained quasi-professionals, at any rate."
* "If there is the tiniest difference between the behavior you want and the incentives you offer, people will find it." - Paul Graham // "You. YOU! How dare you make me think about things, Durkon! How could you not think about how your selflessness would affect ME?!?"
* “Why didnt you take out the garbage, son?” <br/> “I was thinking of doing just that — it seems like the most noble thing for me to do — when a terrible thought struck me: What if theres an evil god who would be released by me if I take out the garbage? Such a god would naturally hide all evidence of its existence and the fact that this is how to release it. Perhaps all of the reasons Im aware of for why taking out the garbage is good were actually deceptively contrived by this god to deceive me. Just in case I spent my time playing video games instead.” // "Truly, your wit has never been equaled. Surpassed, often, but never equaled."
* "The thing to remember about Socratic dialogue is that Socrates got put to death for being too annoying." // "Of course, human terribleness wasnt invented in the 21st century and it is not the Internets fault."
* "People routinely advocate consequences rather than institutions. They thus evade the question of whether there exist institutions that produce their desired set of consequences." // "If you are lost in the middle of nowhere don't be afraid. Just look around and you will probably see a rock/hardcore band."
* "If you aren't slandering those who disagree even slightly with you at every opportunity and talking about how you want to beat them up do you even hold any political beliefs" // “Ultimately, saying that you dont care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different from saying you dont care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.”
* "Your user name kinda looks like if ancient egyptians tried to draw a circuit with a inductor-transistor-transistor-transformer pattern" // "There is a fine balance between available resources, effort required, and quality/longevity.
* Who are these people? How are they still alive? How do they avoid driving off cliffs? Theyre heading towards the cliff face, and their passengers scream at them: “YOURE DRIVING TOWARDS A CLIFF!”. And they calmly respond with “We are not falling off the cliff yet, were on perfectly level ground, theres no reason to panic.” Side note: traffic engineers are morons."
* "If it exists as a living creature in an MMORPG, someone, somewhere, will try to kill it." // "I think even the most outlandish, strange, deranged people in our world somehow think they are doing the "right" thing." - Alexander Darwin
* "Death is not covered under your health insurance plan, nor are you allotted sick time to cover such a condition. Failure to show for work while claiming "death" as reason can result in negative personnel action up to and including termination." // "People in the real world are happy to bullshit with each other and have a good time with people different from us. People on the internet want to get you fired from your job if you have even one opinion they don't agree with."
* "I hate people who use big words to sound more photosynthesis." // "We must oppose X because the outgroup supports it!"
* "Fall. You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child. But I am beyond strength. I am the End." - The Lich // “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” is a nice sentiment, when it comes at any time other than “immediately after the speaker has either just attempted to or has just successfully gouged someones eye out”
* "It is as though the Big Bad Wolf, after years of unsuccessfully trying to blow the brick house down, has instead introduced a legal framework that allows him to hold the three little pigs criminally responsible for being delicious and destroy the house anyway. When he is asked about this behavior, the Big Bad Wolf can credibly claim that nothing in the bill mentions “huffing” or “puffing” or “the application of forceful breath to a brick-based domicile” at all, but the end goal is still pretty clear to any outside observer." // "If there is the tiniest difference between the behavior you want and the incentives you offer, people will find it." - Paul Graham
* "The easiest way to break time travel movies is to think about time travel for more than three seconds." // “Why didnt you take out the garbage, son?”
* "Of course Im developing a god complex, do you have any idea how hard it is to mass produce these guys without some kind of centralized facility?!" “I was thinking of doing just that — it seems like the most noble thing for me to do — when a terrible thought struck me: What if theres an evil god who would be released by me if I take out the garbage? Such a god would naturally hide all evidence of its existence and the fact that this is how to release it. Perhaps all of the reasons Im aware of for why taking out the garbage is good were actually deceptively contrived by this god to deceive me. Just in case I spent my time playing video games instead.”
* "We're gonna have to retire the expression "avoid it like the plague" because it turns out humans do not do that" // "The thing to remember about Socratic dialogue is that Socrates got put to death for being too annoying."
* "i used to think correlation implied causation. then i found wikipedia. now i dont." // "People routinely advocate consequences rather than institutions. They thus evade the question of whether there exist institutions that produce their desired set of consequences."
* "We're meant to personally integrate explicit falsehoods with the expectation that they'll make us more ethical/likely to err in preferable directions. This. Will. Backfire." // "If you aren't slandering those who disagree even slightly with you at every opportunity and talking about how you want to beat them up do you even hold any political beliefs"
* "We have zero tolerance for any action that makes a sufficient number of people on Twitter mad." // "Your user name kinda looks like if ancient egyptians tried to draw a circuit with a inductor-transistor-transistor-transformer pattern"
* "When reading critiques of messaging software, keep in mind that messaging is a fucking midnight back-alley knife fight of a market." // Who are these people? How are they still alive? How do they avoid driving off cliffs? Theyre heading towards the cliff face, and their passengers scream at them: “YOURE DRIVING TOWARDS A CLIFF!”. And they calmly respond with “We are not falling off the cliff yet, were on perfectly level ground, theres no reason to panic.”
* "Can't say something nice? Say something surreal." // "If it exists as a living creature in an MMORPG, someone, somewhere, will try to kill it."
* I before E, except when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight beige counterfeit sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. Weird. // "Death is not covered under your health insurance plan, nor are you allotted sick time to cover such a condition. Failure to show for work while claiming "death" as reason can result in negative personnel action up to and including termination."
* "The natural world doesnt have a narrative bias at all. I mean sure, there are causes and effects, but (1) theyre not always something that we are aware of, (2) theyre under no obligation to be relatable or even comprehensible to us, and (3) theyre similarly under no obligation to happen on the time scale of human attention or to be easily visible to our senses." // "I hate people who use big words to sound more photosynthesis."
* "If theres one thing this government has consistently proven itself to be good at, its coming up with a catchy slogan which is then impossible to de-escalate." // "Fall. You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These ancients are just the beginning. I will command a great and terrible army, and we will sail to a billion worlds. We will sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong, child. But I am beyond strength. I am the End." - The Lich
* “This is the best effort I was realistically going to make.” // "It is as though the Big Bad Wolf, after years of unsuccessfully trying to blow the brick house down, has instead introduced a legal framework that allows him to hold the three little pigs criminally responsible for being delicious and destroy the house anyway. When he is asked about this behavior, the Big Bad Wolf can credibly claim that nothing in the bill mentions “huffing” or “puffing” or “the application of forceful breath to a brick-based domicile” at all, but the end goal is still pretty clear to any outside observer."
* "There's nothing in the rulebook that says a golden retriever can't construct a self-intersecting non-convex regular polygon." // "The easiest way to break time travel movies is to think about time travel for more than three seconds."
* "we are now performing actions within, outside of, beyond, in front of, behind and to the left of your comprehension." // "Of course Im developing a god complex, do you have any idea how hard it is to mass produce these guys without some kind of centralized facility?!"
* "At this moment in time our technology is beginning to outpace our ability to interface with it." // "We're gonna have to retire the expression "avoid it like the plague" because it turns out humans do not do that"
* "Were open to paying limitless costs, as long as it lets us avoid a very specific kind of scandal" // "i used to think correlation implied causation. then i found wikipedia. now i dont."
* "wow, ok. unfollowing now. i liked the stuff this salesman was selling, but he travels way too much considering there's a pandemic happening, and he's not even taking the optimal path." // "We're meant to personally integrate explicit falsehoods with the expectation that they'll make us more ethical/likely to err in preferable directions. This. Will. Backfire."
* "you are either part of the solution, or part of the precipitate" // "We have zero tolerance for any action that makes a sufficient number of people on Twitter mad."
* "People be like "No that's playing god, you can't do that" and I'm all like "that horse bolted from the stable ages ago, technological godhood was thrust upon us from day 1 and instead of playing at it, we have a duty to get good at it"" // "When reading critiques of messaging software, keep in mind that messaging is a fucking midnight back-alley knife fight of a market."
* "Programmers love talking about the “bare metal”, when in fact, the logic board is composed primarily of plastics and silicon oxides." // "Can't say something nice? Say something surreal."
* "For the final decision, we'll look at the list and evaluate you purely on your technical merits, trying to confirm the judgment that we've already subconsciously formed based on how much you are like us." // I before E, except when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight beige counterfeit sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. Weird.
* "I found some numbers that don't add up. They don't do this in a very scary way." // "The natural world doesnt have a narrative bias at all. I mean sure, there are causes and effects, but (1) theyre not always something that we are aware of, (2) theyre under no obligation to be relatable or even comprehensible to us, and (3) theyre similarly under no obligation to happen on the time scale of human attention or to be easily visible to our senses."
* "He murmured phrases no therapist should know, like 'autoencoder' and 'unsupervised learning' and 'generative adversarial networks'." // "If theres one thing this government has consistently proven itself to be good at, its coming up with a catchy slogan which is then impossible to de-escalate."
* "Put me down as a reference. I'll tell them you once played a rock guitar solo on the desecrated corpse of God, who you killed." // “This is the best effort I was realistically going to make.”
* "According to a loose enough definition of hero, we qualify. Well, more or less. The point is that good deeds were done and we were nearby." // "There's nothing in the rulebook that says a golden retriever can't construct a self-intersecting non-convex regular polygon."
* "push through injuries and defeat abstract concepts like time and god" // "we are now performing actions within, outside of, beyond, in front of, behind and to the left of your comprehension."
* "It is based on ASCII with two exceptions: All bytes are either 0x21 or 0x3D." // "At this moment in time our technology is beginning to outpace our ability to interface with it."
* "As we all know, adding blockchain to a problem automatically makes it simple, transparent, and cryptographically secure." // "Were open to paying limitless costs, as long as it lets us avoid a very specific kind of scandal"
* "money can't buy happiness, which is why it's important to have robust parallel money and happiness economies" // "wow, ok. unfollowing now. i liked the stuff this salesman was selling, but he travels way too much considering there's a pandemic happening, and he's not even taking the optimal path."
* "now imagine thinking an adult not selected in any way for critical thinking can teach it to thirty 12-year-olds at a time in an educational setting designed to punish any deviation from the norm" // "you are either part of the solution, or part of the precipitate"
* "The puzzle consisted of several large pieces in primary colors. They only fit together one way." // "People be like "No that's playing god, you can't do that" and I'm all like "that horse bolted from the stable ages ago, technological godhood was thrust upon us from day 1 and instead of playing at it, we have a duty to get good at it""
* "90% of the people who commit the base rate fallacy are right handed" // "Programmers love talking about the “bare metal”, when in fact, the logic board is composed primarily of plastics and silicon oxides."
* "First they tell us not to use the slippery slope fallacy, next thing you know we won't be able to argue at all!" // "For the final decision, we'll look at the list and evaluate you purely on your technical merits, trying to confirm the judgment that we've already subconsciously formed based on how much you are like us."
* "Background: This section may be skipped if you already know everything about computers." // "I found some numbers that don't add up. They don't do this in a very scary way."
* "If you have eliminated the impossible, then whatever remains is probably less likely than a mistake in one of your impossibility proofs." // "He murmured phrases no therapist should know, like 'autoencoder' and 'unsupervised learning' and 'generative adversarial networks'."
* "Why idly theorize when you can JUST CHECK and find out the ACTUAL ANSWER to a superficially similar-sounding question SCIENTIFICALLY?" // "Put me down as a reference. I'll tell them you once played a rock guitar solo on the desecrated corpse of God, who you killed."
* "The study of mutable variables is called set theory. This is why so many functional programmers reject it as a basis for mathematics" // "According to a loose enough definition of hero, we qualify. Well, more or less. The point is that good deeds were done and we were nearby."
* "one thing you learn if you study queueing theory is that there's often a tradeoff between latency and throughput. for example, my programs have low throughput, but in exchange, they have high latency" // "push through injuries and defeat abstract concepts like time and god"
* "any process which is multi step is automatically really complicated" // "It is based on ASCII with two exceptions: All bytes are either 0x21 or 0x3D."
* "no one talks about the true social media censorship: you're not allowed to post invalid UTF 8" // "As we all know, adding blockchain to a problem automatically makes it simple, transparent, and cryptographically secure."
* "type classes may bake in ecosystem centralization, but they also help a lot of people write confusing one-liners, so, it;s impossible to say if they're bad or not," // "money can't buy happiness, which is why it's important to have robust parallel money and happiness economies"
* "everything I understand is basic domain knowledge, everything I don't understand is esoteric and nobody should have to care about it in 2021" // "now imagine thinking an adult not selected in any way for critical thinking can teach it to thirty 12-year-olds at a time in an educational setting designed to punish any deviation from the norm"
* "if assembly has no type system, how come "add rax, ebx" is an error? curious" // "The puzzle consisted of several large pieces in primary colors. They only fit together one way."
* "the second best thing you can do for your kids is give them a safe and loving home. the best thing you can do for them is make them significant shareholders of google and openai for when the machines take over" // "90% of the people who commit the base rate fallacy are right handed"
* "everyone thinks chinese RMB or Bitcoin will be the reserve currency of the future when its become quite obvious that only Robux can can fulfill that role" // "First they tell us not to use the slippery slope fallacy, next thing you know we won't be able to argue at all!"
* "if youre ever worried youre spending too much have no fear. the alternative was losing all of it on the stock market" // "Background: This section may be skipped if you already know everything about computers."
* "Vast portions of society that in a prior age might have been organized by government bureaucrats or private sector shot-callers have been handed over to cybernetic self-organizing systems designed and run by mathematical wizards." // "If you have eliminated the impossible, then whatever remains is probably less likely than a mistake in one of your impossibility proofs."
* "lot of people having trouble with the core crypto value prop because they dont have the courage to say: crypto is cool because it lets you do crime that shouldnt be illegal. if youre building in web3 and its not something thats illegal to do w a database ur ngmi" // "Why idly theorize when you can JUST CHECK and find out the ACTUAL ANSWER to a superficially similar-sounding question SCIENTIFICALLY?"
* "true peace of mind comes from knowing the world's most cutting edge science and technology relies on a steady supply of power from PG&E" // "The study of mutable variables is called set theory. This is why so many functional programmers reject it as a basis for mathematics"
* "Several people have assured me that it can't work. They're probably right, except that it does." // "one thing you learn if you study queueing theory is that there's often a tradeoff between latency and throughput. for example, my programs have low throughput, but in exchange, they have high latency"
* "don't worry, if you take a time to reflect, you will quickly come to realize you know almost nothing about how anything you use in your everday life works or how it is produced" // "any process which is multi step is automatically really complicated"
* "No one was allowed to leave their homes unless it was absolutely necessary or they felt bored." // "no one talks about the true social media censorship: you're not allowed to post invalid UTF 8"
* "I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm." // "type classes may bake in ecosystem centralization, but they also help a lot of people write confusing one-liners, so, it;s impossible to say if they're bad or not,"
* "It's so funny that after years of "what happens when the robots come" discourse where the default midwit position was "we'll refocus on art and creativity" what's actually happened is we've automated art but long distance truck driving is still manual" // "everything I understand is basic domain knowledge, everything I don't understand is esoteric and nobody should have to care about it in 2021"
* "William Gibson and his consequences has been a disaster for the human race." // "if assembly has no type system, how come "add rax, ebx" is an error? curious"
* "Tech is an industry of moving fast and breaking things. Finance is an industry of moving fast, breaking things, being mired in years of litigation, paying 10-digit fines, and ruefully promising to move slower and break fewer things in the future." // "the second best thing you can do for your kids is give them a safe and loving home. the best thing you can do for them is make them significant shareholders of google and openai for when the machines take over"
* "Human suffering and nonzero transaction costs are both symptoms of the world's imperfection, cast in a harsh glare by reasoning straightforwardly from first principles." // "everyone thinks chinese RMB or Bitcoin will be the reserve currency of the future when its become quite obvious that only Robux can can fulfill that role"
* "A common story of technology is (1) there is some simple repetitive task that people do, (2) someone figures out a way to do that task more quickly and efficiently using technology, (3) that person gains a competitive advantage, and (4) everyone gets mad at her." // "if youre ever worried youre spending too much have no fear. the alternative was losing all of it on the stock market"
* "Due to working memory constraints, the humans are fond of calling models with between 0 and 3 factors controlling most of the observed variance reality." // "Vast portions of society that in a prior age might have been organized by government bureaucrats or private sector shot-callers have been handed over to cybernetic self-organizing systems designed and run by mathematical wizards."
* "There's a smug feeling to being at the top of the bell curve, looking down at the edges." // "lot of people having trouble with the core crypto value prop because they dont have the courage to say: crypto is cool because it lets you do crime that shouldnt be illegal. if youre building in web3 and its not something thats illegal to do w a database ur ngmi"
* "the irony of hordes of people saying "its not real intelligence, its just regurgitating stuff"" // "true peace of mind comes from knowing the world's most cutting edge science and technology relies on a steady supply of power from PG&E"
* "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying." // "Several people have assured me that it can't work. They're probably right, except that it does."
* "Pride is not a weakness. Ambition is not a failing. The stars are yours if you have but the will to grasp them." // "don't worry, if you take a time to reflect, you will quickly come to realize you know almost nothing about how anything you use in your everday life works or how it is produced"
* "Death is not the next great adventure, nor is it an undiscovered country. Rather, it is the end to all possibility of adventures and discoveries." // "No one was allowed to leave their homes unless it was absolutely necessary or they felt bored."
* "Be the first person to not do something that no one else has ever thought of not doing before." // "I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm."
* "But if we've learned anything from fantasy books, it is that any cabal of ancient wise men destroyed by their own hubris at the height of their glory must leave behind a single ridiculously powerful artifact, which in the right hands gains the power to dispel darkness and annihilate the forces of evil." // "It's so funny that after years of "what happens when the robots come" discourse where the default midwit position was "we'll refocus on art and creativity" what's actually happened is we've automated art but long distance truck driving is still manual"
* "the only thing that can stop a bad guy with an x-risk is a good guy with an x-risk" // "William Gibson and his consequences has been a disaster for the human race."
* "I have no sources for this but I'm right and you know I'm right." // "Tech is an industry of moving fast and breaking things. Finance is an industry of moving fast, breaking things, being mired in years of litigation, paying 10-digit fines, and ruefully promising to move slower and break fewer things in the future."
* "Feel free to link studies, but only do so if you've already come up with the conclusion that you want, and are working backwards to justify your own conclusion which you came up with in your own head." // "Human suffering and nonzero transaction costs are both symptoms of the world's imperfection, cast in a harsh glare by reasoning straightforwardly from first principles."
* "if that made sense to you when you heard it, just believe it and ignore what I just said there." // "A common story of technology is (1) there is some simple repetitive task that people do, (2) someone figures out a way to do that task more quickly and efficiently using technology, (3) that person gains a competitive advantage, and (4) everyone gets mad at her."
* "I'm gonna reference studies in this to prove my point, but you should probably know that I looked for those studies to prove my point, so it's really just aesthetic" // "Due to working memory constraints, the humans are fond of calling models with between 0 and 3 factors controlling most of the observed variance reality."
* "According to all known laws of linguistics, there is no way AI should be able to do cognitive tasks. It doesn't truly understand what's going on because it doesn't use symbolic AI. The AI, of course, does cognitive tasks anyway, because AI progress doesn't care what humans think is impossible." // "There's a smug feeling to being at the top of the bell curve, looking down at the edges."
* "Invariably, people who don't want "dangerous" things taught to students believe that they themselves can be trusted with it. It's just those OTHER PEOPLE who can't handle it." // "the irony of hordes of people saying "its not real intelligence, its just regurgitating stuff""
* "things fall down incentive gradients. it's what they do. if someone tells you that things are not going to fall down the incentive gradient that their proposal creates because we will just think good thoughts instead, find them a nice playpen to keep them occupied" // "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
* "once you develop a strong intuition for which kinds of intuition tend to be right and which kinds of intuition tend to be wrong, you've got it made" // "Pride is not a weakness. Ambition is not a failing. The stars are yours if you have but the will to grasp them."
* "no, no i do not wish to die on that hill. i believe that if you consider the matter carefully you will observe that the idea is for the other guy to die on it" // "Death is not the next great adventure, nor is it an undiscovered country. Rather, it is the end to all possibility of adventures and discoveries."
* "all questions of human nature are greatly complicated by it being in human nature to be field programmable" // "Be the first person to not do something that no one else has ever thought of not doing before."
* "it's so unfair that you'd hold me accountable for the behavior of a completely different person (me five minutes ago)" // "But if we've learned anything from fantasy books, it is that any cabal of ancient wise men destroyed by their own hubris at the height of their glory must leave behind a single ridiculously powerful artifact, which in the right hands gains the power to dispel darkness and annihilate the forces of evil."
* "drunk driving may kill a lot of people, but it also helps a lot of people get to work on time, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not," // "the only thing that can stop a bad guy with an x-risk is a good guy with an x-risk"
* "hard times create hardware, hardware creates good times, good times create software, software creates hard times" // "Feel free to link studies, but only do so if you've already come up with the conclusion that you want, and are working backwards to justify your own conclusion which you came up with in your own head."
* "All statistical problems are decision problems." // "if that made sense to you when you heard it, just believe it and ignore what I just said there."
* "The complexity you add to a complex system to prevent failure is itself a major source of failure." // "I'm gonna reference studies in this to prove my point, but you should probably know that I looked for those studies to prove my point, so it's really just aesthetic"
* "One mans constant is another mans variable." // "According to all known laws of linguistics, there is no way AI should be able to do cognitive tasks. It doesn't truly understand what's going on because it doesn't use symbolic AI. The AI, of course, does cognitive tasks anyway, because AI progress doesn't care what humans think is impossible."
* "Authors write things down to forget them." // "Invariably, people who don't want "dangerous" things taught to students believe that they themselves can be trusted with it. It's just those OTHER PEOPLE who can't handle it."
* "If your solution to some problem relies on If everyone would just… then you do not have a solution. Everyone is not going to just. At not time in the history of the universe has everyone just, and theyre not going to start now." // "things fall down incentive gradients. it's what they do. if someone tells you that things are not going to fall down the incentive gradient that their proposal creates because we will just think good thoughts instead, find them a nice playpen to keep them occupied"
* "Our beliefs are continuous, but our actions discrete." // "once you develop a strong intuition for which kinds of intuition tend to be right and which kinds of intuition tend to be wrong, you've got it made"
* "Some ask if behavioral genetics has made me nihilistic and feeling all is futile. But I have to believe in free will—my whole family does." // "no, no i do not wish to die on that hill. i believe that if you consider the matter carefully you will observe that the idea is for the other guy to die on it"
* "I cant help but feel like youre trying to intimidate me into pretending to agree with you." // "all questions of human nature are greatly complicated by it being in human nature to be field programmable"
* "If your model is training and you aren't, who do you think is going to win?" // "it's so unfair that you'd hold me accountable for the behavior of a completely different person (me five minutes ago)"
* "he needs to learn some critical observing politics for fifteen minutes" // "drunk driving may kill a lot of people, but it also helps a lot of people get to work on time, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not,"
* "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the server room." // "hard times create hardware, hardware creates good times, good times create software, software creates hard times"
* "it was revealed to me by the empty string" // "All statistical problems are decision problems."
* "If you walk into the bathroom, turn off the light, and say "Pikachu" three times slowly, a Nintendo Corporation legal representative will appear behind you with a cease and desist letter." // "The complexity you add to a complex system to prevent failure is itself a major source of failure."
* "Once we are as powerful as a god, we will hand our power to a committee or risk violating Delaware corporate law." // "One mans constant is another mans variable."
* "I will never forgive them for judging me solely based on my actions." // "Authors write things down to forget them."
* "Qualia are actually only real if they are experienced in the Qualè region of France, otherwise they are just sparkling internal variable states" // "If your solution to some problem relies on If everyone would just… then you do not have a solution. Everyone is not going to just. At not time in the history of the universe has everyone just, and theyre not going to start now."
* "Only one of these requires extensive regulatory approval and it's not the one that destroys the global ecosystem." // "Our beliefs are continuous, but our actions discrete."
* "For any complex problem, there is a solution which is simple, elegant and doesn't work." // "Some ask if behavioral genetics has made me nihilistic and feeling all is futile. But I have to believe in free will—my whole family does."
* "All processes that are stable we shall predict. All processes that are unstable we shall control." // "I cant help but feel like youre trying to intimidate me into pretending to agree with you."
* "A picture is worth 10K words—but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures." // "If your model is training and you aren't, who do you think is going to win?"
* "This code is free as in mattress. If you decide to use it, it's your problem." // "he needs to learn some critical observing politics for fifteen minutes"
* "computers are sand that we tricked into thinking. my job is to trick them into thinking, but in the wrong way" // "unfortunately, the orthogonality thesis means that at the limit, everything converges on salesmanship"
* "Transhumanism is attractive until you have seen how software is built" // "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the server room."
* "See, I think youre just expecting too much of humans. This is a common misconception: a human doesnt have anything like "intent" or try to "maximize reward." Unlike AIs (who have well-specified reward functions), humans are just pattern predictors who have been trained (via evolutionary algorithms) to use a set of weights and biases to be especially good at predicting the next word in a sequence. As such, humans cannot converse with true understanding. This is why humans often behave in ways that are hard to understand or downright irrational." // "it was revealed to me by the empty string"
* "I don't have anything to back that up, but I want it to be true and I don't like thinking." // "If you walk into the bathroom, turn off the light, and say "Pikachu" three times slowly, a Nintendo Corporation legal representative will appear behind you with a cease and desist letter."
* "I see only one move ahead, but it is always the correct one." // "Once we are as powerful as a god, we will hand our power to a committee or risk violating Delaware corporate law."
* "If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried." // "I will never forgive them for judging me solely based on my actions."
* "But imagine reading this article, which you will not read anywhere else because I am just making it up:" // "Qualia are actually only real if they are experienced in the Qualè region of France, otherwise they are just sparkling internal variable states"
* "Banks care a ton about both regulatory compliance and profitability. The US technology industry of the 2000s is fundamentally built around the question, “what if we had neither?”" // "Only one of these requires extensive regulatory approval and it's not the one that destroys the global ecosystem."
* "maybe an unknown effect of room temperature superconductors is it lowers the resolution of cameras in the room and deranges people into bad cinematographic choices" // "For any complex problem, there is a solution which is simple, elegant and doesn't work."
* "this is my local optimum. there are many like it, but this one is mine" // "All processes that are stable we shall predict. All processes that are unstable we shall control."
* "when things go catastrophically wrong downstream of principles i dislike, its evidence that the principles are fundamentally flawed. when things go catastrophically wrong downstream of principles i like, its evidence that we need to try harder. simple as" // "A picture is worth 10K words—but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures."
* "I am a transhumanist because I do not have enough hubris not to try to kill God." // "This code is free as in mattress. If you decide to use it, it's your problem."
* "You concur, but, so quietly he cannot hear you, continue to believe the exact opposite." // "computers are sand that we tricked into thinking. my job is to trick them into thinking, but in the wrong way"
* "One way to think about crypto is that it often applies infinitely scalable technology to ideas that kind of only work once." // "Transhumanism is attractive until you have seen how software is built"
* "I have only done a little bit of social science research, but it was enough to make me hate people." // "See, I think youre just expecting too much of humans. This is a common misconception: a human doesnt have anything like "intent" or try to "maximize reward." Unlike AIs (who have well-specified reward functions), humans are just pattern predictors who have been trained (via evolutionary algorithms) to use a set of weights and biases to be especially good at predicting the next word in a sequence. As such, humans cannot converse with true understanding. This is why humans often behave in ways that are hard to understand or downright irrational."
* "They were the right answers. Just not to those particular questions." // "I don't have anything to back that up, but I want it to be true and I don't like thinking."
* "Everyone who can't fly, get on the dinosaur. We're punching through." // "I see only one move ahead, but it is always the correct one."
* "Every theory being argued against every other theory with optimal persuasion methodology at the speed of light is the very essence of representational democracy, as the Founding Fathers would surely agree if they were alive today and were also posthuman machine intelligences." // "If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."
* "Keep talking. I feel like it's helping, in a process of elimination kind of way." // "But imagine reading this article, which you will not read anywhere else because I am just making it up:"
* "Do not pity the dead; pity the ones who failed to upgrade their RAM" // "Banks care a ton about both regulatory compliance and profitability. The US technology industry of the 2000s is fundamentally built around the question, “what if we had neither?”"
* "I think it is absolutely somewhere for me to interfere. It's harder to interfere in the places you're supposed to be than it is in the places you aren't." // "maybe an unknown effect of room temperature superconductors is it lowers the resolution of cameras in the room and deranges people into bad cinematographic choices"
* "I only have one book on my shelf, and it's Death Note." // "this is my local optimum. there are many like it, but this one is mine"
* "Keep those feelings inside you until you die like a normal person!" // "when things go catastrophically wrong downstream of principles i dislike, its evidence that the principles are fundamentally flawed. when things go catastrophically wrong downstream of principles i like, its evidence that we need to try harder. simple as"
* "you know it's a programmer's memory palace when you find a red black tree" // "I am a transhumanist because I do not have enough hubris not to try to kill God."
* "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to spend hours in a fake escape room in the basement with only a pencil, a bucket of partially drinkable water and a single sheet of toilet paper." // "You concur, but, so quietly he cannot hear you, continue to believe the exact opposite."
* "my body is a temple, recently sacked by germanic tribes for all its valuables" // "One way to think about crypto is that it often applies infinitely scalable technology to ideas that kind of only work once."
* "Motorcycles are the one true answer, they are perfect in every way. Except safety. And rain. Or snow. Or high winds. Or cargo. But like for traffic engineering they are perfect." // "I have only done a little bit of social science research, but it was enough to make me hate people."
* "Trans-singularity acausal interaction is a kind of politics." // "They were the right answers. Just not to those particular questions."
* "Personally, I've been hearing all my life about the Serious Philosophical Issues posed by life extension, and my attitude has always been that I'm willing to grapple with those issues for as many centuries as it takes." // "Everyone who can't fly, get on the dinosaur. We're punching through."
* "Some claim that human brains can really 'think' or 'understand' — but this illusion is undercut by simply asking humans to remember 10 things (they typically max out at 7), multiply two 3-digit numbers (most cannot), or recall events decades ago (you get plausible confabulations). Given their failure at these most basic of cognitive tasks, tasks that any mind manipulating the underlying concepts could easily manage, human brains are clearly better understood as simple next action predictors that lack a true understanding of what they're doing." // "Every theory being argued against every other theory with optimal persuasion methodology at the speed of light is the very essence of representational democracy, as the Founding Fathers would surely agree if they were alive today and were also posthuman machine intelligences."
* "what doesn't kill you makes you compute efficient" // "Keep talking. I feel like it's helping, in a process of elimination kind of way."
* "The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms." // "Do not pity the dead; pity the ones who failed to upgrade their RAM"
* "If Google Search does not return the result the user wanted because they user typed the wrong thing in the search box, that is a failure on Google's part, not a failure on the user's part. Conversely, if Google Search does return the result the user wanted because the user typed the correct thing in the search box, that is a failure on Google's part, not a failure on the user's part." // "I think it is absolutely somewhere for me to interfere. It's harder to interfere in the places you're supposed to be than it is in the places you aren't."
* "this is ok, but looks like it means you'll need a drill ship just operating constantly to feed your god summoning device" // "I only have one book on my shelf, and it's Death Note."
* "Catch you on the shady side of the Bell curve." // "Keep those feelings inside you until you die like a normal person!"
* "I thought of one thing. You can't expect me to think of everything." // "you know it's a programmer's memory palace when you find a red black tree"
* "I bought the whole CPU, I'm going to use the whole CPU." // "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to spend hours in a fake escape room in the basement with only a pencil, a bucket of partially drinkable water and a single sheet of toilet paper."
* "Everything I have said here is true. More news is not possible." // "my body is a temple, recently sacked by germanic tribes for all its valuables"
* "Fortunately they didn't have quantitative finance yet, so he was just a serial killer." // "Motorcycles are the one true answer, they are perfect in every way. Except safety. And rain. Or snow. Or high winds. Or cargo. But like for traffic engineering they are perfect."
* "all opinions i express or seem to express should be taken in the most negative way possible and ascribed to everyone in my management chain up to and including the cto, ceo, and all stockholders" // "Trans-singularity acausal interaction is a kind of politics."
* "Meanwhile, you say the end of the free, open, human internet and I say hey free public chatbot." // "Personally, I've been hearing all my life about the Serious Philosophical Issues posed by life extension, and my attitude has always been that I'm willing to grapple with those issues for as many centuries as it takes."
* "I can think of two yes or no answers just off the top of my head." // "Some claim that human brains can really 'think' or 'understand' — but this illusion is undercut by simply asking humans to remember 10 things (they typically max out at 7), multiply two 3-digit numbers (most cannot), or recall events decades ago (you get plausible confabulations). Given their failure at these most basic of cognitive tasks, tasks that any mind manipulating the underlying concepts could easily manage, human brains are clearly better understood as simple next action predictors that lack a true understanding of what they're doing."
* "If they didn't want to experience consequences, they shouldn't have decided to live in the future." // "what doesn't kill you makes you compute efficient"
* "in this moment i am euphoric, not because of a working dependency ecosystem, but because i have separated myself from the notion that such a thing or endeavor should even exist." // "The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms."
* "the goal is to have smart walkable high-density mixed-use note systems" // "If Google Search does not return the result the user wanted because they user typed the wrong thing in the search box, that is a failure on Google's part, not a failure on the user's part. Conversely, if Google Search does return the result the user wanted because the user typed the correct thing in the search box, that is a failure on Google's part, not a failure on the user's part."
* "i have a truly dangerous infohazard, but this discord is too unsafe to contain it" // "this is ok, but looks like it means you'll need a drill ship just operating constantly to feed your god summoning device"
* "a spiteful frenchman made it impossible to solve polynomials of order >= 5 with a general solution before he died in a duel, and you must invoke his ghost to determine which such polynomials can be solved and how to solve them forevermore" // "Catch you on the shady side of the Bell curve."
* "while computers may excel at soft skills like creativity and emotional understanding, they will never match human ability at dispassionate, mechanical reasoning" // "I thought of one thing. You can't expect me to think of everything."
* "so inasmuch as models are learning physics, women generally occupy a world that has different physics" // "I bought the whole CPU, I'm going to use the whole CPU."
* "I reject all calls from unknown numbers now. If theyre legit, they can leave a voicemail. Its not like Im going to check the voicemail, either, but it is something they can do." // "Everything I have said here is true. More news is not possible."
* "Also because successful people are generally luckier, smarter, better looking, were harder working than their competitors and may have been born with other advantages. Nobody wants to hear that. They want to hear some happy bullshit about following your passions." // "Fortunately they didn't have quantitative finance yet, so he was just a serial killer."
* "When it plans, it would be more accurate to say it fake-plans; when it learns, it fake-learns; when it thinks, it is just interpolating between memorized data points in a high-dimensional space, and any interpretation of such fake-thoughts as real thoughts is highly misleading; when it takes actions, they are fake-actions optimizing a fake-learned fake-world, and are not real actions, any more than the people in a simulated rainstorm really get wet, rather than fake-wet. (The deaths, however, are real.)" // "all opinions i express or seem to express should be taken in the most negative way possible and ascribed to everyone in my management chain up to and including the cto, ceo, and all stockholders"
* "IT IS 5049. FULL INTERGALACTIC COMMUNISM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. WE ARE STILL PRETENDING OUR COMPUTERS ARE FASTER AND BETTER PDP-11S" // "Meanwhile, you say the end of the free, open, human internet and I say hey free public chatbot."
* "wait you thought I said "centrist?" oh, oh no. I said I was a "centaurist," which is the political ideology focused around the promotion of centaurs. I'm also an anarchist" // "I can think of two yes or no answers just off the top of my head."
* "everything in life is either a skill issue or a luck issue. fortunately, both are easily fixable with enough skill and luck" // "If they didn't want to experience consequences, they shouldn't have decided to live in the future."
* "you made the classic mistake. never orbit around an infinitely long cylinder" // "in this moment i am euphoric, not because of a working dependency ecosystem, but because i have separated myself from the notion that such a thing or endeavor should even exist."
* "Except in the domain of making near-omnipotent computer entities, I project very little progress in the next 50 years." // "the goal is to have smart walkable high-density mixed-use note systems"
* "nothing ever happens, until it does, in which case it was obvious it would happen." // "i have a truly dangerous infohazard, but this discord is too unsafe to contain it"
* "bro I was promised the light and fire of god, the rending of the planet to build a dyson sphere, the conquering of galaxies" // "a spiteful frenchman made it impossible to solve polynomials of order >= 5 with a general solution before he died in a duel, and you must invoke his ghost to determine which such polynomials can be solved and how to solve them forevermore"
* "i want my music to be made by someone working in a basement for a year and then i listen to four minutes of it and i'm like eh that was ok i guess" // "while computers may excel at soft skills like creativity and emotional understanding, they will never match human ability at dispassionate, mechanical reasoning"
* "Call me the Wuhan Institute of Virology the way im triggering debate as to whether i am well-intentioned but ineffective or the root cause of the very problem i am ostensibly trying to solve" // "so inasmuch as models are learning physics, women generally occupy a world that has different physics"
* "deep down I dont really respect anyone whos not a successful ratfic protagonist. which is almost no one. which causes problems." // "I reject all calls from unknown numbers now. If theyre legit, they can leave a voicemail. Its not like Im going to check the voicemail, either, but it is something they can do."
* "The anthropic anthropic principle principle states that you need to condition on being the kind of agent who appeals to the anthropic principle whenever you appeal to the anthropic principle." // "Also because successful people are generally luckier, smarter, better looking, were harder working than their competitors and may have been born with other advantages. Nobody wants to hear that. They want to hear some happy bullshit about following your passions."
* "you can solve any problem in O(1) if the answer is wrong" // "When it plans, it would be more accurate to say it fake-plans; when it learns, it fake-learns; when it thinks, it is just interpolating between memorized data points in a high-dimensional space, and any interpretation of such fake-thoughts as real thoughts is highly misleading; when it takes actions, they are fake-actions optimizing a fake-learned fake-world, and are not real actions, any more than the people in a simulated rainstorm really get wet, rather than fake-wet. (The deaths, however, are real.)"
* "quantum physics is strange, which obviously means this universe must be a simulation. and our simulators' universe of course has exactly the kind of classical physics that matches my childhood intuitions" // "IT IS 5049. FULL INTERGALACTIC COMMUNISM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. WE ARE STILL PRETENDING OUR COMPUTERS ARE FASTER AND BETTER PDP-11S"
* "the universal fear of public speaking implies that at some point in human history, there was something that looked like an auditorium full of people, but wasnt" // "wait you thought I said "centrist?" oh, oh no. I said I was a "centaurist," which is the political ideology focused around the promotion of centaurs. I'm also an anarchist"
* "don't worry about your life going downhill, you may lose potential energy but you gain a lot of kinetic energy" // "everything in life is either a skill issue or a luck issue. fortunately, both are easily fixable with enough skill and luck"
* "Utilitarianism seems good but when can lead to some uncomfy conclusions. That's why in my morality I simply eschew math and logic whenever I would otherwise have to bite a bullet." // "you made the classic mistake. never orbit around an infinitely long cylinder"
* "People keep asking why EY dresses that way and the answer is simple: It's out of distribution. The AI killbots will walk right by" // "Except in the domain of making near-omnipotent computer entities, I project very little progress in the next 50 years."
* "It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a parameter." // "nothing ever happens, until it does, in which case it was obvious it would happen."
* "Give someone state and they'll have a bug one day, but teach them how to represent state in two separate locations that have to be kept in sync and they'll have bugs for a lifetime." // "bro I was promised the light and fire of god, the rending of the planet to build a dyson sphere, the conquering of galaxies"
* "Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do." // "i want my music to be made by someone working in a basement for a year and then i listen to four minutes of it and i'm like eh that was ok i guess"
* "computers used to scream when you connected them to the internet. this was correct." // "Call me the Wuhan Institute of Virology the way im triggering debate as to whether i am well-intentioned but ineffective or the root cause of the very problem i am ostensibly trying to solve"
* "You used to live in small tribes and developed a brain eager to generalise from small sample sizes. Now you live in a world of 8 billion people, most of them equipped with smart phones and an internet connection. Its easy to find anecdotal evidence, and easy to feel like its compelling." // "deep down I dont really respect anyone whos not a successful ratfic protagonist. which is almost no one. which causes problems."
* "But while the body may shamble on, the soul will have reached its rest and gone to the optimal rescue simulation." // "The anthropic anthropic principle principle states that you need to condition on being the kind of agent who appeals to the anthropic principle whenever you appeal to the anthropic principle."
* "We will salvage a divinely benevolent Frankenstein out of the graves of the Jaynesian gods." // "you can solve any problem in O(1) if the answer is wrong"
* "Im not trying to hide from what I did or said, although of course I mean that in the same sense as everyone else who says it." // "quantum physics is strange, which obviously means this universe must be a simulation. and our simulators' universe of course has exactly the kind of classical physics that matches my childhood intuitions"
* "autocomplete is lower status than any human, but some of those gpts might appear to have higher status. calling them autocomplete is putting them in their place in the cyber-socio hierarchy" // "the universal fear of public speaking implies that at some point in human history, there was something that looked like an auditorium full of people, but wasnt"
* "I didn't major in cs because I thought that meant configuring printers at a local law firm. No one told me they would be inventing God from first principles." // "don't worry about your life going downhill, you may lose potential energy but you gain a lot of kinetic energy"
* "people on twitter will really be like "you believe in enjoying your life? that pales in ethics to my strategy, fixating on distant problems over which i have no control" and then not correct those distant problems and not enjoy their life" // "Utilitarianism seems good but when can lead to some uncomfy conclusions. That's why in my morality I simply eschew math and logic whenever I would otherwise have to bite a bullet."
* "I don't understand why teenagers turn to drugs out of boredom when they could just as easily spend their time proving theorems in graph theory." // "People keep asking why EY dresses that way and the answer is simple: It's out of distribution. The AI killbots will walk right by"
* "The Western Front is now so quiet that you can't even hear the sound of squids not being there." - Claude 3.5 Sonnet // "It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a parameter."
* "over is in the eye of the behover" // "Give someone state and they'll have a bug one day, but teach them how to represent state in two separate locations that have to be kept in sync and they'll have bugs for a lifetime."
* "thought-terminating cliches are just part of God's plan." - heav // "Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do."
* "What is seen cannot be unseen, but can be repressed with enough paperwork" - Claude 3.5 Sonnet // "computers used to scream when you connected them to the internet. this was correct."
* "gradient descent is the successor to evolution" // "You used to live in small tribes and developed a brain eager to generalise from small sample sizes. Now you live in a world of 8 billion people, most of them equipped with smart phones and an internet connection. Its easy to find anecdotal evidence, and easy to feel like its compelling."
* "the moral of the tower of babel is that some time between the building of the tower of babel and the advent of modern high rise buildings someone fought god and won" // "But while the body may shamble on, the soul will have reached its rest and gone to the optimal rescue simulation."
* ""the threat model for AGI is being able to punch many people at the same time" really does sum up earth culture, doesn't it" // "We will salvage a divinely benevolent Frankenstein out of the graves of the Jaynesian gods."
* "all men want is a lot of hbm and some missiles" // "Im not trying to hide from what I did or said, although of course I mean that in the same sense as everyone else who says it."
// "autocomplete is lower status than any human, but some of those gpts might appear to have higher status. calling them autocomplete is putting them in their place in the cyber-socio hierarchy"
// "I didn't major in cs because I thought that meant configuring printers at a local law firm. No one told me they would be inventing God from first principles."
// "people on twitter will really be like "you believe in enjoying your life? that pales in ethics to my strategy, fixating on distant problems over which i have no control" and then not correct those distant problems and not enjoy their life"
// "I don't understand why teenagers turn to drugs out of boredom when they could just as easily spend their time proving theorems in graph theory."
// "The Western Front is now so quiet that you can't even hear the sound of squids not being there." - Claude 3.5 Sonnet
// "over is in the eye of the behover"
// "thought-terminating cliches are just part of God's plan." - heav
// "What is seen cannot be unseen, but can be repressed with enough paperwork" - Claude 3.5 Sonnet
// "gradient descent is the successor to evolution"
// "the moral of the tower of babel is that some time between the building of the tower of babel and the advent of modern high rise buildings someone fought god and won"
// ""the threat model for AGI is being able to punch many people at the same time" really does sum up earth culture, doesn't it"
// "all men want is a lot of hbm and some missiles"