mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot synced 2024-06-26 06:53:15 +00:00
osmarks d8344d9759 Unified bridge system
ABR can now bridge to IRC, because of course.
It can also bridge Discord to Discord.
Bridging works transitively because I have a fairly elegant (if I do say so myself) way of handling it:
links are internally point-to-point, and when something is sent in a channel with links configured the bot traverses the graph of links to work out where to send to.
It is planned to expose a private websocket API to synchronize with other servers providing virtual channels.
This system is now used for telephone calls.
There may be issues in certain situations due to the lack of (meaningful) transaction support in aiosqlite.
The telephone command has been extended with (un)link commands, currently only for me as they can link anywhere.
2021-02-25 17:48:06 +00:00

100 lines
3.8 KiB

import asyncio
import prometheus_client
import dataclasses
import typing
import collections
import logging
import util
class AuthorInfo:
name: str
id: any
avatar_url: str = None
deprioritize: bool = False
def unpack_dataclass_without(d, without):
dct = dict([(field, getattr(d, field)) for field in type(d).__dataclass_fields__])
del dct[without]
return dct
class Message:
author: AuthorInfo
message: str
source: (str, any)
id: int
evbus_messages = prometheus_client.Counter("abr_evbus_messages", "Messages processed by event bus", ["source_type"])
evbus_messages_dropped = prometheus_client.Counter("abr_evbus_messages_dropped", "Messages received by event bus but dropped by rate limits", ["source_type"])
# maps each bridge destination type (discord/APIONET/etc) to the listeners for it
listeners = collections.defaultdict(set)
# maintains a list of all the unidirectional links between channels - key is source, values are targets
links = collections.defaultdict(set)
def find_all_destinations(source):
visited = set()
targets = set(links[source])
while len(targets) > 0:
current = targets.pop()
targets.update(adjacent for adjacent in links[current] if not adjacent in visited)
return visited
RATE = 10.0
PER = 5000000.0 # µs
RLData = collections.namedtuple("RLData", ["allowance", "last_check"])
rate_limiting = collections.defaultdict(lambda: RLData(RATE, util.timestamp()))
async def push(msg: Message):
destinations = find_all_destinations(msg.source)
if len(destinations) > 0:
# "token bucket" rate limiting algorithm - max 10 messages per 5 seconds (half that for bots)
# TODO: maybe separate buckets for bot and unbot?
current = util.timestamp_µs()
time_passed = current - rate_limiting[msg.source].last_check
allowance = rate_limiting[msg.source].allowance
allowance += time_passed * (RATE / PER)
if allowance > RATE:
allowance = RATE
rate_limiting[msg.source] = RLData(allowance, current)
if allowance < 1:
allowance -= 2.0 if msg.author.deprioritize else 1.0
rate_limiting[msg.source] = RLData(allowance, current)
for dest in destinations:
if dest == msg.source: continue
dest_type, dest_channel = dest
for listener in listeners[dest_type]:
asyncio.ensure_future(listener(dest_channel, msg))
def add_listener(s, l): listeners[s].add(l)
async def add_bridge_link(db, c1, c2):
logging.info("Bridging %s and %s", repr(c1), repr(c2))
await db.execute("INSERT INTO links VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (c1[0], c1[1], c2[0], c2[1], util.timestamp()))
await db.execute("INSERT INTO links VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (c2[0], c2[1], c1[0], c1[1], util.timestamp()))
await db.commit()
async def remove_bridge_link(db, c1, c2):
logging.info("Unbridging %s and %s", repr(c1), repr(c2))
await db.execute("DELETE FROM links WHERE (to_type = ? AND to_id = ?) AND (from_type = ? AND from_id = ?)", (c1[0], c1[1], c2[0], c2[1]))
await db.execute("DELETE FROM links WHERE (to_type = ? AND to_id = ?) AND (from_type = ? AND from_id = ?)", (c2[0], c2[1], c1[0], c1[1]))
await db.commit()
async def initial_load(db):
rows = await db.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM links")
for row in rows:
links[(row["from_type"], row["from_id"])].add((row["to_type"], row["to_id"]))
logging.info("Loaded %d links", len(rows))