mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot synced 2024-06-25 22:43:15 +00:00

107 lines
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import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import discord.ext.tasks as tasks
import util
def setup(bot):
@bot.command(brief="Set a reminder to be reminded about later.", rest_is_raw=True, help="""Sets a reminder which you will (probably) be reminded about at/after the specified time.
All times are UTC.
Reminders are checked every minute, so while precise times are not guaranteed, reminders should under normal conditions be received within 2 minutes of what you specify.""")
async def remind(ctx, time, *, reminder):
reminder = reminder.strip()
if len(reminder) > 512:
await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed("Maximum reminder length is 512 characters", "Foolish user error"))
extra_data = {
"author_id": ctx.author.id,
"channel_id": ctx.message.channel.id,
"message_id": ctx.message.id,
"guild_id": ctx.message.guild and ctx.message.guild.id,
"original_time_spec": time
time = util.parse_time(time)
now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed("Invalid time (wrong format/too large/non-integer months or years)"))
await bot.database.execute("INSERT INTO reminders (remind_timestamp, created_timestamp, reminder, expired, extra) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(time.timestamp(), now.timestamp(), reminder, 0, util.json_encode(extra_data)))
await bot.database.commit()
await ctx.send(f"Reminder scheduled for {util.format_time(time)} ({util.format_timedelta(now, time)}).")
async def send_to_channel(info, text):
channel = bot.get_channel(info["channel_id"])
if not channel: raise Exception(f"channel {info['channel_id']} unavailable/nonexistent")
await channel.send(text)
async def send_by_dm(info, text):
user = bot.get_user(info["author_id"])
if not user: raise Exception(f"user {info['author_id']} unavailable/nonexistent")
if not user.dm_channel: await user.create_dm()
await user.dm_channel.send(text)
async def send_to_guild(info, text):
guild = bot.get_guild(info["guild_id"])
member = guild.get_member(info["author_id"])
self = guild.get_member(bot.user.id)
# if member is here, find a channel they can read and the bot can send in
if member:
for chan in guild.text_channels:
if chan.permissions_for(member).read_messages and chan.permissions_for(self).send_messages:
await chan.send(text)
# if member not here or no channel they can read messages in, send to any available channel
for chan in guild.text_channels:
if chan.permissions_for(self).send_messages:
await chan.send(text)
raise Exception(f"guild {info['author_id']} has no (valid) channels")
remind_send_methods = [
("original channel", send_to_channel),
("direct message", send_by_dm),
("originating guild", send_to_guild)
async def remind_worker():
csr = bot.database.execute("SELECT * FROM reminders WHERE expired = 0 AND remind_timestamp < ?", (util.timestamp(),))
to_expire = []
async with csr as cursor:
async for row in cursor:
rid, remind_timestamp, created_timestamp, reminder_text, _, extra = row
remind_timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(remind_timestamp)
created_timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(created_timestamp)
extra = json.loads(extra)
uid = extra["author_id"]
text = f"<@{uid}> Reminder queued at {util.format_time(created_timestamp)}: {reminder_text}"
for method_name, func in remind_send_methods:
print("trying", method_name, rid)
await func(extra, text)
except Exception as e: logging.warning("failed to send %d to %s", rid, method_name, exc_info=e)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not send reminder %d", rid, exc_info=e)
for expiry_id in to_expire:
logging.info("Expiring reminder %d", expiry_id)
await bot.database.execute("UPDATE reminders SET expired = 1 WHERE id = ?", (expiry_id,))
await bot.database.commit()
async def before_remind_worker():
logging.info("Waiting for bot readiness...")
await bot.wait_until_ready()
logging.info("Remind worker starting")
bot.remind_worker = remind_worker
def teardown(bot):