import asyncio import traceback import re from discord.ext import commands import util import eventbus def setup(bot):"Debug/random messing around utilities. Owner-only.") @commands.check(util.admin_check) async def magic(ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand == None: return await ctx.send("Invalid magic command.") @magic.command(rest_is_raw=True, brief="Execute Python.") async def py(ctx, *, code): "Executes Python. You may supply a codeblock. Comments in the form #timeout:([0-9]+) will be used as a timeout specifier. React with :x: to stop, probably." timeout = 5.0 timeout_match ="#timeout:([0-9]+)", code, re.IGNORECASE) if timeout_match: timeout = int( if timeout == 0: timeout = None code = util.extract_codeblock(code) try: loc = { **locals(), "bot": bot, "ctx": ctx, "db": bot.database, "util": util, "eventbus": eventbus } def check(re, u): return str(re.emoji) == "❌" and u == result = None async def run(): nonlocal result result = await util.async_exec(code, loc, globals()) halt_task = asyncio.create_task(bot.wait_for("reaction_add", check=check)) exec_task = asyncio.create_task(run()) done, pending = await asyncio.wait((exec_task, halt_task), timeout=timeout, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in done: task.result() # get exceptions for task in pending: task.cancel() if result != None: if isinstance(result, str): await ctx.send(result[:2000]) else: await ctx.send(util.gen_codeblock(repr(result))) except (TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError): await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed("Timed out.")) except BaseException as e: await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(util.gen_codeblock(traceback.format_exc()))) @magic.command(rest_is_raw=True, help="Execute SQL code against the database.") async def sql(ctx, *, code): "Executes SQL (and commits). You may use a codeblock, similarly to with py." code = util.extract_codeblock(code) try: csr = bot.database.execute(code) out = "" async with csr as cursor: async for row in cursor: out += " ".join(map(repr, row)) + "\n" await ctx.send(util.gen_codeblock(out)) await bot.database.commit() except Exception as e: await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(util.gen_codeblock(traceback.format_exc()))) @magic.command(help="Reload configuration file.") async def reload_config(ctx): util.load_config() ctx.send("Done!") @magic.command(help="Reload extensions (all or the specified one).") async def reload_ext(ctx, ext="all"): if ext == "all": for ext in util.extensions: bot.reload_extension(ext) else: bot.reload_extension(ext) await ctx.send("Done!")