import aiohttp import discord import asyncio import logging import discord.ext.commands as commands import html.parser class Parser(html.parser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): self.links = [] super().__init__() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) if tag == "a" and attrs.get("class") == "result__a" and "" not in attrs["href"]: self.links.append(attrs["href"]) class DuckDuckGo(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() @commands.command() async def search(self, ctx, *, query): async with ctx.typing(): async with"", data={ "q": query, "d": "" }) as resp: if resp.history: await ctx.send(resp.url, reference=ctx.message) else: p = Parser() txt = await resp.text() p.feed(txt) p.close() try: return await ctx.send(p.links[0], reference=ctx.message) except IndexError: return await ctx.send("No results.", reference=ctx.message) def cog_unload(self): asyncio.create_task(self.session.close()) def setup(bot): cog = DuckDuckGo(bot) bot.add_cog(cog)