import util def setup(bot):"userdata", aliases=["data"], brief="Store guild/user-localized data AND retrieve it later!") async def userdata(ctx): pass async def get_userdata(db, user, guild, key): return (await db.execute_fetchone("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE user_id = ? AND guild_id = ? AND key = ?", (user, guild, key)) or await db.execute_fetchone("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE user_id = ? AND guild_id IS NULL AND key = ?", (user, key))) async def set_userdata(db, user, guild, key, value): await db.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_data VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (user, guild, key, value)) await bot.database.commit() @userdata.command(help="Get a userdata key. Checks guild first, then global.") async def get(ctx, *, key): no_header = False if key.startswith("noheader "): key = key[9:] no_header = True row = await get_userdata(bot.database,,, key) if not row: raise ValueError("No such key") if no_header: await ctx.send(row["value"]) else: await ctx.send(f"**{key}**: {row['value']}") @userdata.command(name="list", help="List userdata keys in a given scope matching a query. Can also show associated values.") async def list_cmd(ctx, query="%", scope="guild", show_values: bool = False): if scope == "global": rows = await bot.database.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE user_id = ? AND guild_id IS NULL AND key LIKE ?", (, query)) else: rows = await bot.database.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE user_id = ? AND guild_id = ? AND key LIKE ?", (,, query)) out = [] for row in rows: if show_values: out.append(f"**{row['key']}**: {row['value']}") else: out.append(row["key"]) if len(out) == 0: return await ctx.send("No data") await ctx.send(("\n" if show_values else " ").join(out)[:2000]) # TODO: split better def check_key(key): if len(key) > 128: raise ValueError("Key too long") def preprocess_value(value): value = value.replace("\n", "").strip() if len(value) > 256: raise ValueError("Value too long") return value @userdata.command(name="set", help="Set a userdata key in the guild scope.") async def set_cmd(ctx, key, *, value): check_key(key) value = preprocess_value(value) await set_userdata(bot.database,,, key, value) await ctx.send(f"**{key}** set (scope guild)") @userdata.command(help="Set a userdata key in the global scope.") async def set_global(ctx, key, *, value): check_key(key) value = preprocess_value(value) await set_userdata(bot.database,, None, key, value) await ctx.send(f"**{key}** set (scope global)") @userdata.command() async def inc(ctx, key, by: int = 1): check_key(key) row = await get_userdata(bot.database,,, key) if not row: value = 0 guild = else: value = int(row["value"]) guild = row["guild_id"] new_value = value + by await set_userdata(bot.database,, guild, key, str(new_value)) await ctx.send(f"**{key}** set to {new_value}") @userdata.command() async def delete(ctx, *keys): for key in keys: row = await get_userdata(bot.database,,, key) if not row: return await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(f"No such key {key}")) await bot.database.execute("DELETE FROM user_data WHERE user_id = ? AND guild_id = ? AND key = ?", (, row["guild_id"], key)) await bot.database.commit() await ctx.send(f"**{key}** deleted")