import asyncio import prometheus_client import dataclasses import typing import collections import logging import util @dataclasses.dataclass class AuthorInfo: name: str id: any avatar_url: str = None deprioritize: bool = False def unpack_dataclass_without(d, without): dct = dict([(field, getattr(d, field)) for field in type(d).__dataclass_fields__]) del dct[without] return dct @dataclasses.dataclass class Message: author: AuthorInfo message: list[typing.Union[str, dict]] source: (str, any) id: int evbus_messages = prometheus_client.Counter("abr_evbus_messages", "Messages processed by event bus", ["source_type"]) evbus_messages_dropped = prometheus_client.Counter("abr_evbus_messages_dropped", "Messages received by event bus but dropped by rate limits", ["source_type"]) # maps each bridge destination type (discord/APIONET/etc) to the listeners for it listeners = collections.defaultdict(set) # maintains a list of all the unidirectional links between channels - key is source, values are targets links = collections.defaultdict(set) def find_all_destinations(source): visited = set() targets = set(links[source]) while len(targets) > 0: current = targets.pop() targets.update(adjacent for adjacent in links[current] if not adjacent in visited) visited.add(current) return visited # 5 messages per 5 seconds from each input channel RATE = 10.0 PER = 5000000.0 # µs RLData = collections.namedtuple("RLData", ["allowance", "last_check"]) rate_limiting = collections.defaultdict(lambda: RLData(RATE, util.timestamp())) async def push(msg: Message): destinations = find_all_destinations(msg.source) if len(destinations) > 0: # "token bucket" rate limiting algorithm - max 10 messages per 5 seconds (half that for bots) # TODO: maybe separate buckets for bot and unbot? current = util.timestamp_µs() time_passed = current - rate_limiting[msg.source].last_check allowance = rate_limiting[msg.source].allowance allowance += time_passed * (RATE / PER) if allowance > RATE: allowance = RATE rate_limiting[msg.source] = RLData(allowance, current) if allowance < 1: evbus_messages_dropped.labels(msg.source[0]).inc() return allowance -= 2.0 if else 1.0 rate_limiting[msg.source] = RLData(allowance, current) evbus_messages.labels(msg.source[0]).inc() for dest in destinations: if dest == msg.source: continue dest_type, dest_channel = dest for listener in listeners[dest_type]: asyncio.ensure_future(listener(dest_channel, msg)) def add_listener(s, l): listeners[s].add(l) return lambda: listeners[s].remove(l) async def add_bridge_link(db, c1, c2, cause=None, bidirectional=True):"Bridging %s and %s (bidirectional: %s)", repr(c1), repr(c2), bidirectional) links[c1].add(c2) if bidirectional: links[c2].add(c1) await db.execute("INSERT INTO links VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (c1[0], c1[1], c2[0], c2[1], util.timestamp(), cause)) if bidirectional: await db.execute("INSERT INTO links VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (c2[0], c2[1], c1[0], c1[1], util.timestamp(), cause)) await db.commit() async def remove_bridge_link(db, c1, c2, bidirectional=True):"Unbridging %s and %s (bidirectional: %s)", repr(c1), repr(c2), bidirectional) links[c1].remove(c2) if bidirectional: links[c2].remove(c1) await db.execute("DELETE FROM links WHERE (to_type = ? AND to_id = ?) AND (from_type = ? AND from_id = ?)", (c1[0], c1[1], c2[0], c2[1])) if bidirectional: await db.execute("DELETE FROM links WHERE (to_type = ? AND to_id = ?) AND (from_type = ? AND from_id = ?)", (c2[0], c2[1], c1[0], c1[1])) await db.commit() async def initial_load(db): rows = await db.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM links") for row in rows: links[(row["from_type"], row["from_id"])].add((row["to_type"], row["to_id"]))"Loaded %d links", len(rows))