mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot synced 2025-02-07 12:40:00 +00:00

Logging message fixes, bridge overhaul, associated fixes

This commit is contained in:
osmarks 2021-03-25 17:56:29 +00:00
parent a90f7fc49f
commit 9936827f4d
9 changed files with 136 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ async def achieve(bot: commands.Bot, message: discord.Message, achievement):
await bot.database.execute("INSERT INTO achievements VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (uid, achievement, util.timestamp()))
await bot.database.commit()
logging.info("awarded achievement %s to %s", message.author.name, achievement)
logging.info("Awarded achievement %s to %s", message.author.name, achievement)
def setup(bot):
@bot.group(name="achievements", aliases=["ach", "achieve", "achievement"], brief="Achieve a wide variety of fun achievements!", help=f"""

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def setup(bot):
@magic.command(help="Reload configuration file.")
async def reload_config(ctx):
await ctx.send("Done!")
@magic.command(help="Reload extensions (all or the specified one).")
async def reload_ext(ctx, ext="all"):

src/discord_link.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import eventbus
import discord
import asyncio
import logging
import re
import discord.ext.commands as commands
def parse_formatting(bot, text):
def parse_match(m):
target = int(m.group(2))
except ValueError: return m.string
if m.group(1) == "@": # user ping
user = bot.get_user(target)
if user: return { "type": "user_mention", "name": user.name, "id": target }
return f"@{target}"
else: # channel "ping"
channel = bot.get_channel(target)
if channel: return { "type": "channel_mention", "name": channel.name, "id": target }
return f"#{target}"
remaining = text
out = []
while match := re.search(r"<([@#])!?([0-9]+)>", remaining):
start, end = match.span()
remaining = remaining[end:]
return list(filter(lambda x: x != "", out))
def render_formatting(dest_channel, message):
out = ""
for seg in message:
if isinstance(seg, str):
out += seg
kind = seg["type"]
# TODO: use python 3.10 pattern matching
if kind == "user_mention":
member = dest_channel.guild.get_member(seg["id"])
if member: out += f"<@{member.id}>"
else: out += f"@{seg['name']}"
elif kind == "channel_mention": # these appear to be clickable across servers/guilds
out += f"<#{seg['id']}>"
else: logging.warn("Unrecognized message seg %s", kind)
return out
class DiscordLink(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.webhooks = {}
self.bot = bot
self.unlisten = eventbus.add_listener("discord", self.on_bridge_message)
async def initial_load_webhooks(self):
rows = await self.bot.database.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM discord_webhooks")
for row in rows:
self.webhooks[row["channel_id"]] = row["webhook"]
logging.info("Loaded %d webhooks", len(rows))
async def on_bridge_message(self, channel_id, msg):
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel:
webhook = self.webhooks.get(channel_id)
if webhook:
wh_obj = discord.Webhook.from_url(webhook, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter(self.bot.http._HTTPClient__session))
await wh_obj.send(
content=render_formatting(channel, msg.message)[:2000], username=msg.author.name, avatar_url=msg.author.avatar_url,
allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=False))
text = f"<{msg.author.name}> {render_formatting(channel, msg.message)}"
await channel.send(text[:2000], allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=False))
logging.warning("Channel %d not found", channel_id)
async def send_to_bridge(self, msg):
# discard webhooks and bridge messages (hackily, admittedly, not sure how else to do this)
if msg.content == "": return
if (msg.author == self.bot.user and msg.content[0] == "<") or msg.author.discriminator == "0000": return
channel_id = msg.channel.id
msg = eventbus.Message(eventbus.AuthorInfo(msg.author.name, msg.author.id, str(msg.author.avatar_url), msg.author.bot), parse_formatting(self.bot, msg.content), ("discord", channel_id), msg.id)
await eventbus.push(msg)
def cog_unload(self):
def setup(bot):
cog = DiscordLink(bot)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def unpack_dataclass_without(d, without):
class Message:
author: AuthorInfo
message: str
message: list[typing.Union[str, dict]]
source: (str, any)
id: int
@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ async def push(msg: Message):
for listener in listeners[dest_type]:
asyncio.ensure_future(listener(dest_channel, msg))
def add_listener(s, l): listeners[s].add(l)
def add_listener(s, l):
return lambda: listeners[s].remove(l)
async def add_bridge_link(db, c1, c2):
logging.info("Bridging %s and %s", repr(c1), repr(c2))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import random
import util
import logging
import hashlib
import discord.ext.commands as commands
def scramble(text):
n = list(text)
@ -15,7 +16,23 @@ def color_code(x):
return f"\x03{x}"
def random_color(id): return color_code(hashlib.blake2b(str(id).encode("utf-8")).digest()[0] % 13 + 2)
def render_formatting(message):
out = ""
for seg in message:
if isinstance(seg, str):
out += seg.replace("\n", " ")
kind = seg["type"]
# TODO: check if user exists on both ends, and possibly drop if so
if kind == "user_mention":
out += f"@{random_color(seg['id'])}{seg['name']}{color_code('')}"
elif kind == "channel_mention": # these appear to be clickable across servers/guilds
out += f"#{seg['name']}"
else: logging.warn("Unrecognized message seg %s", kind)
return out.strip()
global_conn = None
unlisten = None
async def initialize():
logging.info("Initializing IRC link")
@ -32,15 +49,14 @@ async def initialize():
def pubmsg(conn, event):
msg = eventbus.Message(eventbus.AuthorInfo(event.source.nick, str(event.source), None), " ".join(event.arguments), (util.config["irc"]["name"], event.target), util.random_id())
msg = eventbus.Message(eventbus.AuthorInfo(event.source.nick, str(event.source), None), [" ".join(event.arguments)], (util.config["irc"]["name"], event.target), util.random_id())
async def on_bridge_message(channel_name, msg):
if channel_name in util.config["irc"]["channels"]:
if channel_name not in joined: conn.join(channel_name)
line = msg.message.replace("\n", " ")
# ping fix - zero width space embedded in messages
line = f"<{random_color(msg.author.id)}{msg.author.name[0]}\u200B{msg.author.name[1:]}{color_code('')}> " + line.strip()[:400]
line = f"<{random_color(msg.author.id)}{msg.author.name[0]}\u200B{msg.author.name[1:]}{color_code('')}> " + render_formatting(msg.message)[:400]
conn.privmsg(channel_name, line)
logging.warning("IRC channel %s not allowed", channel_name)
@ -48,19 +64,21 @@ async def initialize():
def connect(conn, event):
for channel in util.config["irc"]["channels"]:
logging.info("connected to %s", channel)
logging.info("Connected to %s on IRC", channel)
# TODO: do better thing
conn.add_global_handler("welcome", connect)
conn.add_global_handler("disconnect", lambda conn, event: logging.warn("disconnected from IRC, oh no"))
conn.add_global_handler("disconnect", lambda conn, event: logging.warn("Disconnected from IRC"))
conn.add_global_handler("nicknameinuse", inuse)
conn.add_global_handler("pubmsg", pubmsg)
eventbus.add_listener(util.config["irc"]["name"], on_bridge_message)
global unlisten
unlisten = eventbus.add_listener(util.config["irc"]["name"], on_bridge_message)
def setup(bot):
def teardown(bot):
if global_conn: global_conn.disconnect()
if global_conn: global_conn.disconnect()
if unlisten: unlisten()

View File

@ -51,14 +51,16 @@ command_errors = prometheus_client.Counter("abr_errors", "Count of errors encoun
async def on_command_error(ctx, err):
if isinstance(err, (commands.CommandNotFound, commands.CheckFailure)): return
if isinstance(err, commands.CommandInvokeError) and isinstance(err.original, ValueError): return await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(str(err.original)))
if isinstance(err, commands.CommandInvokeError) and isinstance(err.original, ValueError):
return await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(str(err.original), title=f"Error in {ctx.invoked_with}"))
# TODO: really should find a way to detect ALL user errors here?
if isinstance(err, (commands.UserInputError)): return await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(str(err)))
if isinstance(err, (commands.UserInputError)):
return await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(str(err), title=f"Error in {ctx.invoked_with}"))
trace = re.sub("\n\n+", "\n", "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(err, err, err.__traceback__)))
logging.error("command error occured (in %s)", ctx.invoked_with, exc_info=err)
await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(util.gen_codeblock(trace), title="Internal error"))
logging.error("Command error occured (in %s)", ctx.invoked_with, exc_info=err)
await ctx.send(embed=util.error_embed(util.gen_codeblock(trace), title=f"Internal error in {ctx.invoked_with}"))
await achievement.achieve(ctx.bot, ctx.message, "error")
except Exception as e: print("meta-error:", e)
@ -72,38 +74,6 @@ async def on_ready():
await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online,
activity=discord.Activity(name=f"{bot.command_prefix}help", type=discord.ActivityType.listening))
webhooks = {}
async def initial_load_webhooks(db):
for row in await db.execute_fetchall("SELECT * FROM discord_webhooks"):
webhooks[row["channel_id"]] = row["webhook"]
async def send_to_bridge(msg):
# discard webhooks and bridge messages (hackily, admittedly, not sure how else to do this)
if (msg.author == bot.user and msg.content[0] == "<") or msg.author.discriminator == "0000": return
if msg.content == "": return
channel_id = msg.channel.id
msg = eventbus.Message(eventbus.AuthorInfo(msg.author.name, msg.author.id, str(msg.author.avatar_url), msg.author.bot), msg.content, ("discord", channel_id), msg.id)
await eventbus.push(msg)
async def on_bridge_message(channel_id, msg):
channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel:
webhook = webhooks.get(channel_id)
if webhook:
wh_obj = discord.Webhook.from_url(webhook, adapter=discord.AsyncWebhookAdapter(bot.http._HTTPClient__session))
await wh_obj.send(
content=msg.message, username=msg.author.name, avatar_url=msg.author.avatar_url,
allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=False))
text = f"<{msg.author.name}> {msg.message}"
await channel.send(text[:2000], allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=False))
logging.warning("channel %d not found", channel_id)
eventbus.add_listener("discord", on_bridge_message)
visible_users = prometheus_client.Gauge("abr_visible_users", "Users the bot can see")
def get_visible_users():
return len(bot.users)
@ -128,9 +98,8 @@ guild_count.set_function(get_guild_count)
async def run_bot():
bot.database = await db.init(config["database"])
await eventbus.initial_load(bot.database)
await initial_load_webhooks(bot.database)
for ext in util.extensions:
logging.info("loaded %s", ext)
logging.info("Loaded %s", ext)
await bot.start(config["token"])

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def setup(bot):
to_expire.append((1, rid)) # 1 = expired normally
except Exception as e: logging.warning("failed to send %d to %s", rid, method_name, exc_info=e)
except Exception as e: logging.warning("Failed to send %d to %s", rid, method_name, exc_info=e)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Could not send reminder %d", rid, exc_info=e)
to_expire.append((2, rid)) # 2 = errored

View File

@ -38,20 +38,22 @@ def setup(bot):
async def link(ctx, target_type, target_id):
target_id = util.extract_codeblock(target_id)
target_id = int(target_id)
except ValueError: pass
await eventbus.add_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord", ctx.channel.id), (target_type, util.extract_codeblock(target_id)))
await eventbus.add_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord", ctx.channel.id), (target_type, target_id))
await ctx.send(f"Link established.")
@telephone.command(brief="Undo link commands.")
async def unlink(ctx, target_type, target_id):
target_id = util.extract_codeblock(target_id)
target_id = int(target_id)
except ValueError: pass
await eventbus.remove_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord", ctx.channel.id), (target_type, util.extract_codeblock(target_id)))
await eventbus.remove_bridge_link(bot.database, ("discord", ctx.channel.id), (target_type, target_id))
await ctx.send(f"Successfully deleted.")
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ def setup(bot):
await bot.database.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO discord_webhooks VALUES (?, ?)", (ctx.channel.id, webhook))
await ctx.send("Created webhook.")
except discord.Forbidden as f:
logging.warn("could not create webhook in #%s %s", ctx.channel.name, ctx.guild.name, exc_info=f)
logging.warn("Could not create webhook in #%s %s", ctx.channel.name, ctx.guild.name, exc_info=f)
await ctx.send("Webhook creation failed - please ensure permissions are available. This is not necessary but is recommended.")
await bot.database.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO telephone_config VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (num, ctx.guild.id, ctx.channel.id, webhook))
await bot.database.commit()

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@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ extensions = (
# https://github.com/SawdustSoftware/simpleflake/blob/master/simpleflake/simpleflake.py