mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot synced 2025-03-11 10:58:10 +00:00

Python rewrite

This commit is contained in:
osmarks 2019-10-21 21:07:17 +01:00
parent 10c27c216f
commit 55f8334326
7 changed files with 163 additions and 2303 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Cargo.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
name = "autobotrobot"
version = "0.1.0"
serenity = "0.5"
dotenv = "0.13"
calculate = "0.5"
ddg = "0.5"
regex = "1.0"
reqwest = "0.9"
lazy_static = "1.2"
openssl = { git = "https://github.com/ishitatsuyuki/rust-openssl", branch = "0.9.x" }

README.md Normal file → Executable file
View File

src/main.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import discord
import toml
import logging
import subprocess
import discord.ext.commands as commands
import re
import asyncio
import json
import tio
data = {}
data_file = "bot-data.json"
def save_data():
with open(data_file, "w") as f:
global data
json.dump(data, f)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error saving data file: {repr(e)}.")
def load_data():
with open(data_file, "r") as f:
global data
data = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning(f"Error loading data file: {repr(e)}. This is not a critical error.")
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")
config = toml.load(open("config.toml", "r"))
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='++', description="AutoBotRobot, the most useless bot in the known universe.", case_insensitive=True)
bot._skip_check = lambda x, y: False
cleaner = discord.ext.commands.clean_content()
def clean(ctx, text):
return cleaner.convert(ctx, text)
async def on_ready():
await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name="commands beginning with ++"))
async def on_message(message):
await bot.process_commands(message)
@bot.command(help="Gives you a random fortune as generated by `fortune`.")
async def fortune(ctx):
await ctx.send(subprocess.run(["fortune"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="UTF-8").stdout)
@bot.command(help="Says Pong.")
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.send("Pong.")
@bot.command(help="Deletes the specified target.", rest_is_raw=True)
async def delete(ctx, *, raw_target):
target = await clean(ctx, raw_target.strip())
async with ctx.typing():
await ctx.send(f"Deleting {target}...")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
deleted = data.get("deleted", [])
data["deleted"] = deleted + [target]
try: __builtins__.__delattr__(target)
except: pass
try: del globals()[target]
except: pass
try: del locals()[target]
except: pass
await ctx.send(f"Deleted {target} successfully.")
@bot.command(help="View recently deleted things, optionally matching a filter.")
async def list_deleted(ctx, search=None):
acc = "Recently deleted:\n"
for thing in reversed(data.get("deleted", [])):
to_add = "- " + thing + "\n"
if len(acc + to_add) > 2000:
if search == None or search in thing: acc += to_add
await ctx.send(acc)
EXEC_REGEX = "^(.*)\n```([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-+]+)\n(.*)```$"
def make_embed(*, fields=[], footer_text=None, **kwargs):
embed = discord.Embed(**kwargs)
for field in fields:
if len(field) > 2:
embed.add_field(name=field[0], value=field[1], inline=field[2])
embed.add_field(name=field[0], value=field[1], inline=False)
if footer_text:
return embed
def error_embed(msg, title="Error"):
return make_embed(color=config["colors"]["error"], description=msg, title=title)
@bot.command(rest_is_raw=True, help="Execute provided code (in a codeblock) using TIO.run.")
async def exec(ctx, *, arg):
match = re.match(EXEC_REGEX, arg, flags=re.DOTALL)
if match == None:
await ctx.send(embed=error_embed("Invalid format. Expected a codeblock with language."))
flags = match.group(1)
lang = match.group(2)
code = match.group(3)
async with ctx.typing():
ok, result, debug = await tio.run(lang, code)
if not ok:
await ctx.send(embed=error_embed(result, "Execution error"))
out = result
if "debug" in flags: out += debug
out = out[:2000]
await ctx.send(out)
@bot.command(help="List supported languages, optionally matching a filter.")
async def supported_langs(ctx, search=None):
langs = sorted(tio.languages())
acc = ""
for lang in langs:
if len(acc + lang) > 2000:
await ctx.send(acc)
acc = ""
if search == None or search in lang: acc += lang + " "
await ctx.send(acc)

View File

@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
#[macro_use] extern crate serenity;
extern crate dotenv;
extern crate calc;
extern crate ddg;
extern crate regex;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate reqwest;
use serenity::client::{Client, EventHandler};
use serenity::framework::standard::{StandardFramework, help_commands};
use serenity::model::{channel::Message, id::ChannelId};
use std::env;
use std::fmt::Display;
use regex::Regex;
struct Handler;
impl EventHandler for Handler {}
pub fn main() {
// Load bot token from environment,
let mut client = Client::new(&env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN").expect("token unavailable"), Handler)
.expect("Error creating client");
.prefixes(vec!["++", "$", ">"])
.command("ping", |c| c.cmd(ping).desc("Says Pong.").known_as("test"))
.command("search", |c| c.cmd(search).desc("Executes a search using DuckDuckGo.").known_as("ddg"))
.command("eval", |c| c.cmd(eval).desc("Evaluates an arithmetic expression.").known_as("calc"))
.command("exec", |c| c.cmd(exec).desc("Executes code passed in codeblock with language set via Coliru. Supported languages: `python`, `shell`, `haskell`, `lua`."))
.command("fortune", |c| c.cmd(fortune).desc("Displays a random `fortune`."))
.command("eval-polish", |c| c.cmd(eval_polish).desc("Evaluates a Polish-notation arithmetic expression.")));
if let Err(why) = client.start() {
eprintln!("An error occured: {:?}", why);
command!(ping(_context, message) {
fn send_error(channel: &ChannelId, text: &str) -> std::result::Result<(), serenity::Error> {
channel.send_message(|m| {
.embed(|e| e.title("Error").description(text).colour((255, 0, 0)))
}).map(|_| ())
fn send_text(channel: &ChannelId, text: &str) -> std::result::Result<(), serenity::Error> {
channel.send_message(|m| {
.embed(|e| e.title("Result").description(text).colour((0, 255, 0)))
}).map(|_| ())
fn send_result<T: Display, E: Display>(message: &Message, res: &Result<T, E>) -> std::result::Result<(), serenity::Error> {
match res {
Ok(x) => send_text(&message.channel_id, &x.to_string()),
Err(e) => send_error(&message.channel_id, &e.to_string())
// Evaluate an arithmetic expression
command!(eval(_context, message, args) {
let expr = args.multiple::<String>()?.join(" "); // yes, this is kind of undoing the work the command parser does...
send_result(message, &calc::eval(&expr))?;
// Evaluate an arithmetic expression in polish notation
command!(eval_polish(_context, message, args) {
let expr = args.multiple::<String>()?.join(" ");
send_result(message, &calc::eval_polish(&expr))?;
fn execute_coliru(command: &str, code: &str) -> Result<String, reqwest::Error> {
lazy_static! {
static ref CLIENT: reqwest::Client = reqwest::Client::new();
let mut data = std::collections::HashMap::new();
data.insert("src", code);
data.insert("cmd", command);
let mut res = CLIENT.post("http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/compile")
// Thanks StackOverflow!
fn truncate(s: &str, max_chars: usize) -> &str {
match s.char_indices().nth(max_chars) {
None => s,
Some((idx, _)) => &s[..idx],
fn to_code_block(s: &str) -> String {
format!("```\n{}\n```", truncate(s, 1990)) // Discord only allows 2000 Unicode codepoints per message
fn execute_and_respond(channel: &ChannelId, command: &str, code: &str) -> Result<(), serenity::Error> {
let coliru_result = execute_coliru(command, code);
match coliru_result {
Ok(stdout) => {
Err(e) => send_error(channel, &format!("{}", e))?
command!(exec(_context, message) {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new("(?s)^.*exec.*```([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-+]+)\n(.+)```").unwrap();
let captures = match RE.captures(&message.content) {
Some(x) => x,
// Presumably just returning the Result from send_error should work, but it doesn't.
None => {
send_error(&message.channel_id, r#"Invalid format; expected a codeblock with a language set."#)?;
return Ok(());
let code = &captures[2];
let lang = captures[1].to_lowercase();
let lang = lang.as_str();
let channel = &message.channel_id;
match lang {
"test" => execute_and_respond(channel, "echo Hello, World!", ""),
"py" | "python" => execute_and_respond(channel, "mv main.cpp main.py && python main.py", code),
"sh" | "shell" => execute_and_respond(channel, "mv main.cpp main.sh && sh main.sh", code),
"lua" => execute_and_respond(channel, "mv main.cpp main.lua && lua main.lua", code),
"haskell" | "hs" => execute_and_respond(channel, "mv main.cpp main.hs && runhaskell main.hs", code),
_ => send_error(channel, &format!("Unknown language `{}`.", lang))
command!(fortune(_context, message) {
let output = std::process::Command::new("fortune").output()?.stdout;
let output = String::from_utf8(output)?;
message.channel_id.send_message(|m| m.content(output))?;
struct SearchResult {
url: Option<String>,
image: Option<String>,
text: String,
title: String
fn send_search_result(channel: &ChannelId, res: SearchResult) -> std::result::Result<(), serenity::Error> {
channel.send_message(|m| {
.embed(|e| {
let e = e.title(res.title).description(res.text).colour((0, 255, 255));
let e = match res.url {
Some(u) => e.url(u),
None => e
let e = match res.image {
Some(u) => e.image(u),
None => e
}).map(|_| ())
fn none_if_empty(s: String) -> Option<String> {
if s.len() == 0 {
} else {
fn get_topics(t: ddg::RelatedTopic) -> Vec<ddg::response::TopicResult> {
match t {
ddg::RelatedTopic::TopicResult(t) => vec![t],
ddg::RelatedTopic::Topic(t) => {
let mut out = vec![];
for subtopic in t.topics {
out.append(&mut get_topics(subtopic))
command!(search(_context, message, args) {
let query = args.multiple::<String>()?.join(" ");
let result = ddg::Query::new(query.as_str(), "autobotrobot").no_html().execute()?;
let channel = &message.channel_id;
match result.response_type {
ddg::Type::Article | ddg::Type::Name => send_search_result(channel, SearchResult {
title: query,
image: none_if_empty(result.image),
text: result.abstract_text,
url: none_if_empty(result.abstract_url)
ddg::Type::Disambiguation => {
let mut results = vec![];
for related_topic in result.related_topics {
for topic in get_topics(related_topic) {
for topic in results.drain(..5) {
send_search_result(channel, SearchResult {
url: none_if_empty(topic.first_url),
image: none_if_empty(topic.icon.url),
title: query.clone(),
text: topic.text
ddg::Type::Exclusive => {
send_search_result(channel, SearchResult {
title: query,
text: result.redirect.clone(),
image: None,
url: Some(result.redirect)
ddg::Type::Nothing => send_error(channel, "No results.")?,
other => send_error(channel, &format!("{:?} - unrecognized result type", other))?

src/tio.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import pytio
import http3
import gzip
import io
tio = pytio.Tio()
def languages():
return tio.query_languages()
aliases = {
"python": "python3"
client = http3.AsyncClient()
async def run(lang, code):
req = pytio.TioRequest(aliases.get(lang, lang), code)
res = await client.post("https://tio.run/cgi-bin/run/api/", data=req.as_deflated_bytes(), timeout=65)
content = res.content.decode("UTF-8")
split = list(filter(lambda x: x != "\n" and x != "", content.split(content[:16])))
if len(split) == 1:
return False, split[0], None
return True, split[0], split[1]