improve time parsing

- fix natural language style
- metric prefix capability
This commit is contained in:
osmarks 2020-10-30 12:26:35 +00:00
parent 7c5c62ff40
commit 1f77fb9c1f
1 changed files with 30 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -13,26 +13,44 @@ config = toml.load(open("config.toml", "r"))
def timestamp(): return int(
prefixes = {
# big SI prefixes
"Y": 24, "Z": 21, "E": 18, "P": 15, "T": 12, "G": 9, "M": 6, "k": 3, "h": 2, "da": 1,
# small SI prefixes
"d": -1, "c": -2, "m": -3, "µ": -6, "μ": -6, "u": -6, "n": -9, "p": -12, "f": -15, "a": -18, "z": -21, "y": -24,
# highly dubiously useful unofficial prefixes
"R": 27, "r": -27, "Q": 30, "q": -30, "X": 27, "x": -27, "W": 30, "w": -30
number = "(-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(" + "|".join(prefixes.keys()) + ")?"
# from here:
short_timedelta_regex = re.compile("""
(?:(?P<years>[0-9]{1,12})(?:years?|y))? # e.g. 2y
(?:(?P<months>[0-9]{1,12})(?:months?|mo))? # e.g. 2months
(?:(?P<weeks>[0-9]{1,12})(?:weeks?|w))? # e.g. 10w
(?:(?P<days>[0-9]{1,12})(?:days?|d))? # e.g. 14d
(?:(?P<hours>[0-9]{1,12})(?:hours?|h))? # e.g. 12h
(?:(?P<minutes>[0-9]{1,12})(?:minutes?|m))? # e.g. 10m
(?:(?P<seconds>[0-9]{1,12})(?:seconds?|s))? # e.g. 15s """, re.VERBOSE)
short_timedelta_regex = re.compile(f"""
(?:(?P<years>{number})(?:years?|y))? # e.g. 2y
(?:(?P<months>{number})(?:months?|mo))? # e.g. 2months
(?:(?P<weeks>{number})(?:weeks?|w))? # e.g. 10w
(?:(?P<days>{number})(?:days?|d))? # e.g. 14d
(?:(?P<hours>{number})(?:hours?|h))? # e.g. 12h
(?:(?P<minutes>{number})(?:minutes?|m))? # e.g. 10m
(?:(?P<seconds>{number})(?:seconds?|s))? # e.g. 15s """, re.VERBOSE)
def parse_prefixed(s):
match = re.match(number, s)
if not match: raise ValueError("does not match metric-prefixed integer format - ensure prefix is valid")
num = float(
prefix =
if prefix: num *= (10 ** prefixes[prefix])
return num
def parse_short_timedelta(text):
match = short_timedelta_regex.fullmatch(text)
if match is None or not raise ValueError("parse failed")
data = { k: int(v) for k, v in match.groupdict(default=0).items() }
data = { k: parse_prefixed(v) if v else 0 for k, v in match.groupdict().items() }
return + relativedelta(**data)
cal = parsedatetime.Calendar()
def parse_humantime(text):
time_struct, parse_status = cal.nlp(text)
if parse_status == 1: return datetime.datetime(*time_struct[:6])
dt_tuple = cal.nlp(text)
if dt_tuple: return dt_tuple[0][0]
else: raise ValueError("parse failed")
def parse_time(text):
@ -42,7 +60,7 @@ def parse_time(text):
except: pass
try: return parse_humantime(text)
except: pass
raise ValueError("could not parse time")
raise ValueError("time matches no available format")
def format_time(dt):
return dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y")