/* myMPD (c) 2018-2019 Juergen Mang This project's homepage is: https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd myMPD ist fork of: ympd (c) 2013-2014 Andrew Karpow This project's homepage is: http://www.ympd.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpd_client.h" #include "../dist/src/frozen/frozen.h" const char * mpd_cmd_strs[] = { MPD_CMDS(GEN_STR) }; static inline enum mpd_cmd_ids get_cmd_id(const char *cmd) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(mpd_cmd_strs) / sizeof(mpd_cmd_strs[0]); i++) if (!strncmp(cmd, mpd_cmd_strs[i], strlen(mpd_cmd_strs[i]))) return i; return 0; } void mpd_client_api(struct work_request_t *request) { size_t n = 0; char *cmd; unsigned int uint_buf1, uint_buf2, uint_rc; int je, int_buf1, int_rc; float float_buf; bool bool_buf; char *p_charbuf1, *p_charbuf2, *p_charbuf3, *p_charbuf4; char p_char[4]; enum mpd_cmd_ids cmd_id; #ifdef DEBUG struct timespec start, end; #endif LOG_VERBOSE() printf("API request: %.*s\n", request->length, request->data); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{cmd: %Q}", &cmd); if (je == 1) { cmd_id = get_cmd_id(cmd); } else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Invalid API request.\"}"); printf("Error: Invalid API request.\n"); struct work_result_t *response = (struct work_result_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct work_result_t)); response->conn_id = request->conn_id; response->length = copy_string(response->data, mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, n); tiny_queue_push(web_server_queue, response); return; } #ifdef DEBUG clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &start); #endif switch(cmd_id) { case MPD_API_UNKNOWN: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Unknown request\"}"); printf("Unknown API request: %.*s\n", request->length, request->data); break; case MPD_API_LIKE: if (config.stickers) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri: %Q, like: %d}}", &p_charbuf1, &uint_buf1); if (je == 2) { if (!mpd_client_like_song_uri(p_charbuf1, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set like.\"}"); else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); free(p_charbuf1); } } else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"MPD stickers are disabled\"}"); printf("MPD_API_LIKE: MPD stickers are disabled\n"); } break; case MPD_API_COLS_SAVE: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {table: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { char column_list[800]; snprintf(column_list, 800, "%.*s", request->length, request->data); char *cols = strchr(column_list, '['); int len = strlen(cols); if (len > 1) cols[len - 2] = '\0'; if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsQueueCurrent") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsQueueCurrent); mympd_state.colsQueueCurrent = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsSearch") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsSearch); mympd_state.colsSearch = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsBrowseDatabase") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsBrowseDatabase); mympd_state.colsBrowseDatabase = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsBrowsePlaylistsDetail") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsBrowsePlaylistsDetail); mympd_state.colsBrowsePlaylistsDetail = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsBrowseFilesystem") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsBrowseFilesystem); mympd_state.colsBrowseFilesystem = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsPlayback") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsPlayback); mympd_state.colsPlayback = strdup(cols); } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "colsQueueLastPlayed") == 0) { free(mympd_state.colsQueueLastPlayed); mympd_state.colsQueueLastPlayed = strdup(cols); } else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Unknown table %s\"}", p_charbuf1); printf("MPD_API_COLS_SAVE: Unknown table %s\n", p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); break; } if (n == 0) { if (mpd_client_state_set(p_charbuf1, cols)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_SYSCMD: if (config.syscmds == true) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {cmd: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { int_buf1 = list_get_value(&syscmds, p_charbuf1); if (int_buf1 > -1) n = mpd_client_syscmd(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, int_buf1); else { printf("MPD_API_SYSCMD: Syscmd not defined: %s\n", p_charbuf1); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"System command not defined\"}"); } free(p_charbuf1); } } else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"System commands are disabled.\"}"); break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_STATE: n = mpd_client_put_state(mpd.buf, &mpd.song_id, &mpd.next_song_id, &mpd.last_song_id, &mpd.queue_version, &mpd.queue_length); break; case MPD_API_SETTINGS_SET: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {notificationWeb: %B}}", &mympd_state.notificationWeb); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_client_state_set("notificationWeb", (mympd_state.notificationWeb == true ? "true" : "false"))) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set state notificationWeb.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {notificationPage: %B}}", &mympd_state.notificationPage); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_client_state_set("notificationPage", (mympd_state.notificationPage == true ? "true" : "false"))) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set state notificationPage.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {jukeboxMode: %d}}", &mympd_state.jukeboxMode); if (je == 1) { snprintf(p_char, 4, "%d", mympd_state.jukeboxMode); if (!mpd_client_state_set("jukeboxMode", p_char)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set state jukeboxMode.\"}"); } je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {jukeboxPlaylist: %Q}}", &mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_client_state_set("jukeboxPlaylist", mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set state jukeboxPlaylist.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {jukeboxQueueLength: %d}}", &mympd_state.jukeboxQueueLength); if (je == 1) { snprintf(p_char, 4, "%d", mympd_state.jukeboxQueueLength); if (!mpd_client_state_set("jukeboxQueueLength", p_char)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set state jukeboxQueueLength.\"}"); } je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {random: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_random(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state random.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {repeat: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_repeat(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state repeat.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {consume: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_consume(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state consume.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {single: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_single(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state single.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {crossfade: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_crossfade(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state crossfade.\"}"); if (config.mixramp) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {mixrampdb: %f}}", &float_buf); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_mixrampdb(mpd.conn, float_buf)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state mixrampdb.\"}"); je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {mixrampdelay: %f}}", &float_buf); if (je == 1) if (!mpd_run_mixrampdelay(mpd.conn, float_buf)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state mixrampdelay.\"}"); } je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {replaygain: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (!mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "replay_gain_mode", p_charbuf1, NULL)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't set mpd state replaygain.\"}"); mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); free(p_charbuf1); } if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode > 0) mpd_client_jukebox(); if (n == 0) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_UPDATE: uint_rc = mpd_run_update(mpd.conn, NULL); if (uint_rc > 0) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_RESCAN: uint_rc = mpd_run_rescan(mpd.conn, NULL); if (uint_rc > 0) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); break; case MPD_API_SMARTPLS_UPDATE_ALL: uint_rc = mpd_client_smartpls_update_all(); if (uint_rc == 0) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"Smart Playlists updated\"}"); else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Smart Playlists update failed\"}"); break; case MPD_API_SMARTPLS_SAVE: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {type: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); n = 1; if (je == 1) { if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "sticker") == 0) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {playlist: %Q, sticker: %Q, maxentries: %d}}", &p_charbuf2, &p_charbuf3, &int_buf1); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_smartpls_save(p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, p_charbuf3, NULL, int_buf1, 0); free(p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf3); } } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "newest") == 0) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {playlist: %Q, timerange: %d}}", &p_charbuf2, &int_buf1); if (je == 2) { n = mpd_client_smartpls_save(p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, NULL, NULL, 0, int_buf1); free(p_charbuf2); } } else if (strcmp(p_charbuf1, "search") == 0) { je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {playlist: %Q, tag: %Q, searchstr: %Q}}", &p_charbuf2, &p_charbuf3, &p_charbuf4); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_smartpls_save(p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, p_charbuf3, p_charbuf4, 0, 0); free(p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf3); free(p_charbuf4); } } free(p_charbuf1); } if (n == 0) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Saving playlist failed\"}"); break; case MPD_API_SMARTPLS_GET: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {playlist: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { n = mpd_client_smartpls_put(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_PAUSE: if (mpd_run_toggle_pause(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Toggling player pause failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_PAUSE: Error mpd_run_toggle_pause()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_PREV: if (mpd_run_previous(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Goto previous song failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_PREV: Error mpd_run_previous()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_NEXT: if (config.stickers) mpd_client_count_song_id(mpd.song_id, "skipCount", 1); if (mpd_run_next(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Skip to next song failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_NEXT: Error mpd_run_next()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_PLAY: if (mpd_run_play(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Begin to play failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_PLAY: Error mpd_run_play()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_STOP: if (mpd_run_stop(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Stopping player failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_STOP: Error mpd_run_stop()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_CLEAR: if (mpd_run_clear(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Clearing playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_CLEAR: Error mpd_run_clear()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_CROP: n = mpd_client_queue_crop(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_RM_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {track:%u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_delete_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Removing track from queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_RM_TRACK: Error mpd_run_delete_id()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_RM_RANGE: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {start: %u, end: %u}}", &uint_buf1, &uint_buf2); if (je == 2) { if (mpd_run_delete_range(mpd.conn, uint_buf1, uint_buf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Removing track range from queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_RM_RANGE: Error mpd_run_delete_range()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_MOVE_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {from: %u, to: %u}}", &uint_buf1, &uint_buf2); if (je == 2) { uint_buf1--; uint_buf2--; if (uint_buf1 < uint_buf2) uint_buf2--; if (mpd_run_move(mpd.conn, uint_buf1, uint_buf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Moving track in queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_MOVE_TRACK: Error mpd_run_move()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_MOVE_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {plist: %Q, from: %u, to: %u }}", &p_charbuf1, &uint_buf1, &uint_buf2); if (je == 3) { uint_buf1--; uint_buf2--; if (uint_buf1 < uint_buf2) uint_buf2--; if (mpd_send_playlist_move(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, uint_buf1, uint_buf2)) { mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); } else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Moving track in playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_MOVE_TRACK: Error mpd_send_playlist_move()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_PLAY_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: { track:%u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_play_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Set playing track failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_PLAY_TRACK: Error mpd_run_play_id()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_OUTPUT_LIST: n = mpd_client_put_outputs(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_TOGGLE_OUTPUT: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {output: %u, state: %u}}", &uint_buf1, &uint_buf2); if (je == 2) { if (uint_buf2) { if (mpd_run_enable_output(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Enabling output failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_TOGGLE_OUTPUT: Error mpd_run_enable_output()\n"); } } else { if (mpd_run_disable_output(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Disabling output failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_TOGGLE_OUTPUT: Error mpd_run_disable_output()\n"); } } } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_VOLUME_SET: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {volume:%u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_set_volume(mpd.conn, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Setting volume failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_PLAY_TRACK: Error mpd_run_set_volume()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_VOLUME_GET: n = mpd_client_put_volume(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_SEEK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {songid: %u, seek: %u}}", &uint_buf1, &uint_buf2); if (je == 2) { if (mpd_run_seek_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf1, uint_buf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Seeking song failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYER_SEEK: Error mpd_run_seek_id()\n"); } } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) { n = mpd_client_put_queue(mpd.buf, uint_buf1, &mpd.queue_version, &mpd.queue_length); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_LAST_PLAYED: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset: %u}}", &uint_buf1); if (je == 1) { n = mpd_client_put_last_played_songs(mpd.buf, uint_buf1); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYER_CURRENT_SONG: n = mpd_client_put_current_song(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_SONGDETAILS: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: { uri: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { n = mpd_client_put_songdetails(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_TAG_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset: %u, filter: %Q, tag: %Q}}", &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_put_db_tag(mpd.buf, uint_buf1, p_charbuf2, "", "", p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_TAG_ALBUM_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset: %u, filter: %Q, search: %Q, tag: %Q}}", &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2, &p_charbuf3); if (je == 4) { n = mpd_client_put_db_tag(mpd.buf, uint_buf1, "Album", p_charbuf3, p_charbuf2, p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf3); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_TAG_ALBUM_TITLE_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {album: %Q, search: %Q, tag: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2, &p_charbuf3); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_put_songs_in_album(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, p_charbuf3); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf3); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RENAME: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {from: %Q, to: %Q}}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 2) { //rename smart playlist char old_pl_file[400]; char new_pl_file[400]; sanitize_string(p_charbuf1); sanitize_string(p_charbuf2); snprintf(old_pl_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, p_charbuf1); snprintf(new_pl_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, p_charbuf2); if (access(old_pl_file, F_OK ) != -1) { if (access(new_pl_file, F_OK ) == -1) { if (rename(old_pl_file, new_pl_file) == -1) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Renaming playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RENAME: Rename failed()\n"); } //rename mpd playlist else if (mpd_run_rename(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"Renamed playlist %s to %s\"}", p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Renaming playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RENAME: Error mpd_run_rename()\n"); } } else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Destination playlist %s already exists\"}", p_charbuf2); } else { if (mpd_run_rename(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"Renamed playlist %s to %s\"}", p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Renaming playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RENAME: Error mpd_run_rename()\n"); } } free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset: %u, filter: %Q}}", &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf1); if (je == 2) { n = mpd_client_put_playlists(mpd.buf, uint_buf1, p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_CONTENT_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri: %Q, offset:%u, filter:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1, &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_put_playlist_list(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, uint_buf1, p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_ADD_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {plist:%Q, uri:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 2) { if (mpd_run_playlist_add(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"Added %s to playlist %s\"}", p_charbuf2, p_charbuf1); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding song to playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_ADD_TRACK: Error mpd_run_playlist_add()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_CLEAR: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_playlist_clear(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Clearing playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_CLEAR: Error mpd_run_playlist_clear()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RM_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q, track:%u}}", &p_charbuf1, &uint_buf1); if (je == 2) { if (mpd_run_playlist_delete(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, uint_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Removing track from playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RM_TRACK: Error mpd_run_playlist_delete()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_FILESYSTEM_LIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset:%u, filter:%Q, path:%Q}}", &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_put_browse(mpd.buf, p_charbuf2, uint_buf1, p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_TRACK_AFTER: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q, to:%d}}", &p_charbuf1, &int_buf1); if (je == 2) { int_rc = mpd_run_add_id_to(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1, int_buf1); if (int_rc > -1 ) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding track to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_TRACK_AFTER: Error mpd_run_add_id_to()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q }}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (!mpd_run_clear(mpd.conn)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Clearing queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_TRACK: Error mpd_run_add_id_to()\n"); } else if (!mpd_run_add(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding track to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_TRACK: Error mpd_run_add_id_to()\n"); } else if (!mpd_run_play(mpd.conn)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Playing failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_TRACK: Error mpd_run_play()\n"); } else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_add(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Append track to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_TRACK: Error mpd_run_add()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_PLAY_TRACK: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { int_buf1 = mpd_run_add_id(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1); if (int_buf1 != -1) { if (mpd_run_play_id(mpd.conn, int_buf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Setting playstate failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_PLAY_TRACK: Error mpd_run_play_id()\n"); } } else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding track to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_PLAY_TRACK: Error mpd_run_add_id()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {plist:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (!mpd_run_clear(mpd.conn)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Clearing queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST: Error mpd_run_clear()\n"); } else if (!mpd_run_load(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding playlist to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST: Error mpd_run_load()\n"); } else if (!mpd_run_play(mpd.conn)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Setting playstate failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST: Error mpd_run_play()\n"); } else n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_PLAYLIST: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {plist:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_load(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Adding playlist to queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_ADD_PLAYLIST: Error mpd_run_add_id()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_SAVE: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{ data: {plist:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { if (mpd_run_save(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Saving queue as playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_SAVE: Error mpd_run_save()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_SEARCH: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {offset:%u, filter:%Q, searchstr:%Q}}", &uint_buf1, &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 3) { n = mpd_client_search_queue(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, uint_buf1, p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_SEARCH: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {searchstr:%Q, filter:%Q, plist:%Q, offset:%u}}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2, &p_charbuf3, &uint_buf1); if (je == 4) { n = mpd_client_search(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, p_charbuf3, uint_buf1); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_SEARCH_ADV: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {expression:%Q, sort:%Q, sortdesc:%B, plist:%Q, offset:%u}}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2, &bool_buf, &p_charbuf3, &uint_buf1); if (je == 5) { n = mpd_client_search_adv(mpd.buf, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2, bool_buf, NULL, p_charbuf3, uint_buf1); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf3); } break; case MPD_API_QUEUE_SHUFFLE: if (mpd_run_shuffle(mpd.conn)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Shuffling queue failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_SHUFFLE: Error mpd_run_shuffle()\n"); } break; case MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RM: je = json_scanf(request->data, request->length, "{data: {uri:%Q}}", &p_charbuf1); if (je == 1) { //remove smart playlist char pl_file[400]; sanitize_string(p_charbuf1); snprintf(pl_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, p_charbuf1); if (access(pl_file, F_OK ) != -1 ) { if (unlink(pl_file) == -1) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Deleting smart playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RM: Error unlinking smart playlist file()\n"); free(p_charbuf1); break; } } //remove mpd playlist if (mpd_run_rm(mpd.conn, p_charbuf1)) n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"ok\"}"); else { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Deleting playlist failed.\"}"); printf("MPD_API_QUEUE_SHUFFLE: Error mpd_run_rm()\n"); } free(p_charbuf1); } break; case MPD_API_SETTINGS_GET: n = mpd_client_put_settings(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_API_DATABASE_STATS: n = mpd_client_put_stats(mpd.buf); break; } if (mpd.conn_state == MPD_CONNECTED && mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"error\", \"data\": \"%s\"}", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); /* Try to recover error */ if (!mpd_connection_clear_error(mpd.conn)) mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; } #ifdef DEBUG clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &end); uint64_t delta_us = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000; #ifdef PKGARCH44 fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Time used: %lu\n", delta_us); #else fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Time used: %llu\n", delta_us); #endif #endif if (n == 0) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"No response for cmd %s.\"}", cmd); } LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Send http response to connection %lu (first 800 chars):\n%*.*s\n", request->conn_id, 0, 800, mpd.buf); struct work_result_t *response = (struct work_result_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct work_result_t)); response->conn_id = request->conn_id; response->length = copy_string(response->data, mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, n); tiny_queue_push(web_server_queue, response); free(cmd); free(request); } void mpd_client_notify(size_t len) { LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Websocket notify: %s.\n", mpd.buf); struct work_result_t *response = (struct work_result_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct work_result_t)); response->conn_id = 0; response->length = copy_string(response->data, mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, len); tiny_queue_push(web_server_queue, response); } void mpd_client_parse_idle(int idle_bitmask) { size_t n = 0; for (unsigned j = 0;; j++) { enum mpd_idle idle_event = 1 << j; const char *idle_name = mpd_idle_name(idle_event); if (idle_name == NULL) break; if (idle_bitmask & idle_event) { LOG_VERBOSE() printf("MPD idle event: %s\n", idle_name); switch(idle_event) { case MPD_IDLE_DATABASE: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_database\"}"); mpd_client_smartpls_update_all(); break; case MPD_IDLE_STORED_PLAYLIST: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_stored_playlist\"}"); break; case MPD_IDLE_QUEUE: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_queue\"}"); if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode > 0) mpd_client_jukebox(); break; case MPD_IDLE_PLAYER: n = mpd_client_put_state(mpd.buf, &mpd.song_id, &mpd.next_song_id, &mpd.last_song_id, &mpd.queue_version, &mpd.queue_length); if (mpd.song_id != mpd.last_song_id) { if (mpd.last_last_played_id != mpd.song_id) mpd_client_last_played_list(mpd.song_id); if (config.stickers && mpd.last_update_sticker_song_id != mpd.song_id) { mpd_client_count_song_id(mpd.song_id, "playCount", 1); mpd_client_last_played_song_id(mpd.song_id); mpd.last_update_sticker_song_id = mpd.song_id; } } break; case MPD_IDLE_MIXER: n = mpd_client_put_volume(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_IDLE_OUTPUT: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_outputs\"}"); break; case MPD_IDLE_OPTIONS: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_options\"}"); break; case MPD_IDLE_UPDATE: n = mpd_client_get_updatedb_state(mpd.buf); break; case MPD_IDLE_STICKER: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_sticker\"}"); break; case MPD_IDLE_SUBSCRIPTION: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_subscription\"}"); break; case MPD_IDLE_MESSAGE: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"update_message\"}"); break; default: n = 0; } if (n > 0) { mpd_client_notify(n); } } } } void mpd_client_mpd_features() { struct mpd_pair *pair; char s[2] = ","; char *taglist = strdup(config.taglist); char *searchtaglist = strdup(config.searchtaglist); char *browsetaglist = strdup(config.browsetaglist); char *token, *rest; mpd.protocol = mpd_connection_get_server_version(mpd.conn); LOG_INFO() printf("MPD protocoll version: %u.%u.%u\n", mpd.protocol[0], mpd.protocol[1], mpd.protocol[2]); // Defaults mpd.feat_sticker = false; mpd.feat_playlists = false; mpd.feat_tags = false; mpd.feat_advsearch = false; if (mpd_send_allowed_commands(mpd.conn)) { while ((pair = mpd_recv_command_pair(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pair->value, "sticker") == 0) mpd.feat_sticker = true; if (strcmp(pair->value, "listplaylists") == 0) mpd.feat_playlists = true; mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_allowed_commands"); } if (mpd.feat_sticker == false && config.stickers == true) { LOG_INFO() printf("MPD don't support stickers, disabling myMPD feature\n"); config.stickers = false; } if (config.stickers == false && config.smartpls == true) { LOG_INFO() printf("Stickers are disabled, disabling smartplaylists\n"); config.smartpls = false; } if (mpd.feat_playlists == false && config.smartpls == true) { LOG_INFO() printf("Playlists are disabled, disabling smartplaylists\n"); config.smartpls = false; } LOG_INFO() printf("MPD supported tags: "); list_free(&mpd_tags); if (mpd_send_list_tag_types(mpd.conn)) { while ((pair = mpd_recv_tag_type_pair(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { LOG_INFO() printf("%s ", pair->value); list_push(&mpd_tags, pair->value, 1); mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_tag_types"); } list_free(&mympd_tags); if (mpd_tags.length == 0) { LOG_INFO() printf("none\nTags are disabled\n"); mpd.feat_tags = false; } else { mpd.feat_tags = true; LOG_INFO() printf("\nmyMPD enabled tags: "); enum mpd_tag_type types[64]; unsigned n = 0; token = strtok_r(taglist, s, &rest); while (token != NULL) { if (list_get_value(&mpd_tags, token) == 1) { list_push(&mympd_tags, token, 1); types[n++] = mpd_tag_name_parse(token); LOG_INFO() printf("%s ", token); } token = strtok_r(NULL, s, &rest); } LOG_INFO() printf("\n"); #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2,12,0) if (mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(mpd.conn, 0, 21, 0) >= 0) { LOG_VERBOSE() printf("Enabling mpd tag types\n"); if (mpd_command_list_begin(mpd.conn, false)) { mpd_send_clear_tag_types(mpd.conn); mpd_send_enable_tag_types(mpd.conn, types, n); if (!mpd_command_list_end(mpd.conn)) LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_command_list_end"); } else LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_command_list_begin"); mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } #endif LOG_INFO() printf("myMPD enabled searchtags: "); token = strtok_r(searchtaglist, s, &rest); while (token != NULL) { if (list_get_value(&mympd_tags, token) == 1) { list_push(&mympd_searchtags, token, 1); LOG_INFO() printf("%s ", token); } token = strtok_r(NULL, s, &rest); } LOG_INFO() printf("\nmyMPD enabled browsetags: "); token = strtok_r(browsetaglist, s, &rest); while (token != NULL) { if (list_get_value(&mympd_tags, token) == 1) { list_push(&mympd_browsetags, token, 1); LOG_INFO() printf("%s ", token); } token = strtok_r(NULL, s, &rest); } LOG_INFO() printf("\n"); } free(taglist); free(searchtaglist); free(browsetaglist); if (LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 17, 0) && mpd_connection_cmp_server_version(mpd.conn, 0, 21, 0) >= 0) { mpd.feat_advsearch = true; LOG_INFO() printf("Enabling advanced search.\n"); } else LOG_INFO() printf("Disabling advanced search, depends on mpd >= 0.21.0 and libmpdclient >= 2.17.0.\n"); } void mpd_client_idle(int timeout) { struct pollfd fds[1]; int pollrc; size_t n = 0; switch (mpd.conn_state) { case MPD_DISCONNECTED: /* Try to connect */ LOG_INFO() printf("MPD Connecting to %s:%ld\n", config.mpdhost, config.mpdport); mpd.conn = mpd_connection_new(config.mpdhost, config.mpdport, mpd.timeout); if (mpd.conn == NULL) { printf("MPD connection failed."); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"disconnected\"}"); mpd_client_notify(n); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } if (mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"%s\"}", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd_client_notify(n); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } if (config.mpdpass && !mpd_run_password(mpd.conn, config.mpdpass)) { printf("MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"%s\"}", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd_client_notify(n); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } LOG_INFO() printf("MPD connected.\n"); mpd_connection_set_timeout(mpd.conn, mpd.timeout); mpd.conn_state = MPD_CONNECTED; mpd_client_mpd_features(); mpd_client_smartpls_update_all(); if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode > 0) mpd_client_jukebox(); mpd_send_idle(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_FAILURE: printf("MPD connection failed.\n"); n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"disconnected\"}"); mpd_client_notify(n); case MPD_DISCONNECT: case MPD_RECONNECT: if (mpd.conn != NULL) mpd_connection_free(mpd.conn); mpd.conn = NULL; mpd.conn_state = MPD_DISCONNECTED; break; case MPD_CONNECTED: fds[0].fd = mpd_connection_get_fd(mpd.conn); fds[0].events = POLLIN; pollrc = poll(fds, 1, timeout); unsigned mpd_client_queue_length = tiny_queue_length(mpd_client_queue); if (pollrc > 0 || mpd_client_queue_length > 0) { LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Leaving mpd idle mode.\n"); mpd_send_noidle(mpd.conn); if (pollrc > 0) { //Handle idle events LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Checking for idle events.\n"); enum mpd_idle idle_bitmask = mpd_recv_idle(mpd.conn, false); mpd_client_parse_idle(idle_bitmask); } else { mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } if (mpd_client_queue_length > 0) { //Handle request LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Handle request.\n"); struct work_request_t *req = tiny_queue_shift(mpd_client_queue); mpd_client_api(req); } LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Entering mpd idle mode.\n"); mpd_send_idle(mpd.conn); } break; } } int mpd_client_get_updatedb_state(char *buffer) { struct mpd_status *status; int len, update_id; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_status"); update_id = mpd_status_get_update_id(status); LOG_INFO() printf("Update database ID: %d\n", update_id); if ( update_id > 0) len = json_printf(&out, "{type: update_started, data: {jobid: %d}}", update_id); else len = json_printf(&out, "{type: update_finished}"); mpd_status_free(status); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } bool mpd_client_get_sticker(const char *uri, t_sticker *sticker) { struct mpd_pair *pair; char *crap; sticker->playCount = 0; sticker->skipCount = 0; sticker->lastPlayed = 0; sticker->like = 1; if (uri == NULL || strncasecmp("http:", uri, 5) == 0 || strncasecmp("https:", uri, 6) == 0) return false; if (mpd_send_sticker_list(mpd.conn, "song", uri)) { while ((pair = mpd_recv_sticker(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pair->name, "playCount") == 0) sticker->playCount = strtol(pair->value, &crap, 10); else if (strcmp(pair->name, "skipCount") == 0) sticker->skipCount = strtol(pair->value, &crap, 10); else if (strcmp(pair->name, "lastPlayed") == 0) sticker->lastPlayed = strtol(pair->value, &crap, 10); else if (strcmp(pair->name, "like") == 0) sticker->like = strtol(pair->value, &crap, 10); mpd_return_sticker(mpd.conn, pair); } } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_list"); return false; } return true; } bool mpd_client_count_song_id(int song_id, char *name, int value) { struct mpd_song *song; if (song_id > -1) { song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_id(mpd.conn, song_id); if (song) { if (!mpd_client_count_song_uri(mpd_song_get_uri(song), name, value)) { mpd_song_free(song); return false; } else { mpd_song_free(song); return true; } } } else { //song_id <= 0, do nothing } return true; } bool mpd_client_count_song_uri(const char *uri, char *name, int value) { if (uri == NULL || strncasecmp("http:", uri, 5) == 0 || strncasecmp("https:", uri, 6) == 0) return false; struct mpd_pair *pair; char *crap; int old_value = 0; char v[4]; if (mpd_send_sticker_list(mpd.conn, "song", uri)) { while ((pair = mpd_recv_sticker(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pair->name, name) == 0) old_value = strtol(pair->value, &crap, 10); mpd_return_sticker(mpd.conn, pair); } } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_list"); return false; } old_value += value; if (old_value > 999) old_value = 999; else if (old_value < 0) old_value = 0; snprintf(v, 4, "%d", old_value); LOG_VERBOSE() printf("Setting sticker: \"%s\" -> %s: %s\n", uri, name, v); if (!mpd_run_sticker_set(mpd.conn, "song", uri, name, v)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_set"); return false; } return true; } bool mpd_client_like_song_uri(const char *uri, int value) { if (uri == NULL || strncasecmp("http:", uri, 5) == 0 || strncasecmp("https:", uri, 6) == 0) return false; char v[2]; if (value > 2) value = 2; else if (value < 0) value = 0; snprintf(v, 2, "%d", value); LOG_VERBOSE() printf("Setting sticker: \"%s\" -> like: %s\n", uri, v); if (!mpd_run_sticker_set(mpd.conn, "song", uri, "like", v)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_set"); return false; } return true; } bool mpd_client_last_played_list(int song_id) { struct mpd_song *song; char tmp_file[400]; char cfg_file[400]; snprintf(cfg_file, 400, "%s/state/last_played", config.varlibdir); snprintf(tmp_file, 400, "%s/tmp/last_played", config.varlibdir); if (song_id > -1) { song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_id(mpd.conn, song_id); if (song) { list_insert(&last_played, mpd_song_get_uri(song), time(NULL)); mpd.last_last_played_id = song_id; mpd_song_free(song); if (last_played.length > config.last_played_count) { list_shift(&last_played, last_played.length -1); } FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_file, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s\n", tmp_file); return false; } struct node *current = last_played.list; while (current != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%ld::%s\n", current->value, current->data); current = current->next; } fclose(fp); if (rename(tmp_file, cfg_file) == -1) { printf("Error renaming file from %s to %s\n", tmp_file, cfg_file); return false; } } else { printf("Can't get song from id %d\n", song_id); return false; } } return true; } bool mpd_client_last_played_song_id(int song_id) { struct mpd_song *song; if (song_id > -1) { song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_id(mpd.conn, song_id); if (song) { if (!mpd_client_last_played_song_uri(mpd_song_get_uri(song))) { mpd_song_free(song); return false; } else { mpd_song_free(song); return true; } } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_get_queue_song_id"); return false; } } else { //song_id <= 0, do nothing } return true; } bool mpd_client_last_played_song_uri(const char *uri) { if (uri == NULL || strncasecmp("http:", uri, 5) == 0 || strncasecmp("https:", uri, 6) == 0) return false; char v[20]; snprintf(v, 20, "%lu", time(NULL)); LOG_VERBOSE() printf("Setting sticker: \"%s\" -> lastPlayed: %s\n", uri, v); if (!mpd_run_sticker_set(mpd.conn, "song", uri, "lastPlayed", v)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_set"); return false; } return true; } char *mpd_client_get_tag(struct mpd_song const *song, enum mpd_tag_type tag) { char *str; str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, tag, 0); if (str == NULL) { if (tag == MPD_TAG_TITLE) str = basename((char *)mpd_song_get_uri(song)); else if (tag == MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST) str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); else str = "-"; } return str; } bool mpd_client_jukebox() { struct mpd_status *status; status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); int queue_length, addSongs, i; struct mpd_entity *entity; const struct mpd_song *song; struct mpd_pair *pair; int lineno = 1; int nkeep = 0; if (!status) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_status"); return false; } queue_length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status); mpd_status_free(status); if (queue_length > mympd_state.jukeboxQueueLength) return true; if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode == 1) addSongs = mympd_state.jukeboxQueueLength - queue_length; else addSongs = 1; if (addSongs < 1) return true; if (mpd.feat_playlists == false && strcmp(mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist, "Database") != 0) { LOG_INFO() printf("Jukebox: Playlists are disabled\n"); return true; } //srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); struct list add_list; list_init(&add_list); if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode == 1) { //add songs if (strcmp(mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist, "Database") == 0) { if (!mpd_send_list_all(mpd.conn, "/")) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_all"); list_free(&add_list); return false; } } else { if (!mpd_send_list_playlist(mpd.conn, mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_playlist"); list_free(&add_list); return false; } } while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (mpd_entity_get_type(entity) == MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { if (randrange(lineno) < addSongs) { if (nkeep < addSongs) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); list_push(&add_list, mpd_song_get_uri(song), lineno); nkeep++; } else { i = 0; if (addSongs > 1) i = randrange(addSongs); if (addSongs == 1) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); list_replace(&add_list, 0, mpd_song_get_uri(song), lineno); } else { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); list_replace(&add_list, i, mpd_song_get_uri(song), lineno); } } } lineno++; } mpd_entity_free(entity); } } else if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode == 2) { //add album if (!mpd_search_db_tags(mpd.conn, MPD_TAG_ALBUM)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_db_tags"); list_free(&add_list); return false; } if (!mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); list_free(&add_list); return false; } while ((pair = mpd_recv_pair_tag(mpd.conn, MPD_TAG_ALBUM )) != NULL) { if (randrange(lineno) < addSongs) { if (nkeep < addSongs) { list_push(&add_list, strdup(pair->value), lineno); nkeep++; } else { i = 0; if (addSongs > 1) i = randrange(addSongs); if (addSongs == 1) { list_replace(&add_list, 0, strdup(pair->value), lineno); } else { list_replace(&add_list, i, strdup(pair->value), lineno); } } } lineno++; mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } } if (nkeep < addSongs) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: input didn't contain %d entries\n", addSongs); list_shuffle(&add_list); nkeep = 0; struct node *current = add_list.list; while (current != NULL) { if (mympd_state.jukeboxMode == 1) { LOG_INFO() printf("Jukebox adding song: %s\n", current->data); if (!mpd_run_add(mpd.conn, current->data)) LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_add"); else nkeep++; } else { LOG_INFO() printf("Jukebox adding album: %s\n", current->data); if (!mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "searchadd", "Album", current->data, NULL)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_command"); return false; } else nkeep++; mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } current = current->next; } list_free(&add_list); if (nkeep > 0) mpd_run_play(mpd.conn); else { printf("Error adding song(s), trying again...\n"); mpd_client_jukebox(); } return true; } int mpd_client_put_state(char *buffer, int *current_song_id, int *next_song_id, int *last_song_id, unsigned *queue_version, unsigned *queue_length) { struct mpd_status *status; const struct mpd_audio_format *audioformat; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) { printf("MPD mpd_run_status: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } audioformat = mpd_status_get_audio_format(status); int song_id = mpd_status_get_song_id(status); if (*current_song_id != song_id) *last_song_id = *current_song_id; len = json_printf(&out, "{type: update_state, data: {state: %d, volume: %d, songPos: %d, elapsedTime: %d, " "totalTime: %d, currentSongId: %d, kbitrate: %d, audioFormat: { sampleRate: %d, bits: %d, channels: %d}, " "queueLength: %d, nextSongPos: %d, nextSongId: %d, lastSongId: %d, queueVersion: %d", mpd_status_get_state(status), mpd_status_get_volume(status), mpd_status_get_song_pos(status), mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status), mpd_status_get_total_time(status), song_id, mpd_status_get_kbit_rate(status), audioformat ? audioformat->sample_rate : 0, audioformat ? audioformat->bits : 0, audioformat ? audioformat->channels : 0, mpd_status_get_queue_length(status), mpd_status_get_next_song_pos(status), mpd_status_get_next_song_id(status), *last_song_id ? *last_song_id : -1, mpd_status_get_queue_version(status) ); len += json_printf(&out, "}}"); *current_song_id = song_id; *next_song_id = mpd_status_get_next_song_id(status); *queue_version = mpd_status_get_queue_version(status); *queue_length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status); mpd_status_free(status); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_volume(char *buffer) { struct mpd_status *status; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) { printf("MPD mpd_run_status: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } len = json_printf(&out, "{type: update_volume, data: {volume: %d}}", mpd_status_get_volume(status) ); mpd_status_free(status); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_welcome(char *buffer) { int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); const unsigned *version = mpd_connection_get_server_version(mpd.conn); char mpd_version[20]; char libmpdclient_version[20]; snprintf(mpd_version, 20, "%u.%u.%u", version[0], version[1], version[2]); snprintf(libmpdclient_version, 20, "%i.%i.%i", LIBMPDCLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_MINOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_PATCH_VERSION); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: welcome, data: {mympdVersion: %Q, mpdVersion: %Q, libmpdclientVersion: %Q}}", MYMPD_VERSION, mpd_version, libmpdclient_version ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } bool mpd_client_state_get(char *name, char *value) { char cfg_file[400]; char *line; size_t n = 0; ssize_t read; sanitize_string(name); snprintf(cfg_file, 400, "%s/state/%s", config.varlibdir, name); FILE *fp = fopen(cfg_file, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s\n", cfg_file); return false; } read = getline(&line, &n, fp); snprintf(value, 400, "%s", line); LOG_DEBUG() fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: State %s: %s\n", name, value); fclose(fp); if (read > 0) return true; else return false; } bool mpd_client_state_set(const char *name, const char *value) { char tmp_file[400]; char cfg_file[400]; sanitize_string(name); snprintf(cfg_file, 400, "%s/state/%s", config.varlibdir, name); snprintf(tmp_file, 400, "%s/tmp/%s", config.varlibdir, name); FILE *fp = fopen(tmp_file, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s\n", tmp_file); return false; } fprintf(fp, "%s", value); fclose(fp); if (rename(tmp_file, cfg_file) == -1) { printf("Error renaming file from %s to %s\n", tmp_file, cfg_file); return false; } return true; } int mpd_client_syscmd(char *buffer, char *cmd, int order) { int len; char filename[400]; char *line; char *crap; size_t n = 0; ssize_t read; sanitize_string(cmd); snprintf(filename, 400, "%s/syscmds/%d%s", config.etcdir, order, cmd); FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { len = snprintf(buffer, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't execute cmd %s.\"}", cmd); printf("Can't execute syscmd \"%s\"\n", cmd); return len; } read = getline(&line, &n, fp); fclose(fp); if (read > 0) { strtok_r(line, "\n", &crap); if (system(line) == 0) { len = snprintf(buffer, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"result\", \"data\": \"Executed cmd %s.\"}", cmd); LOG_VERBOSE() printf("Executed syscmd: \"%s\"\n", line); } else { len = snprintf(buffer, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Executing cmd %s failed.\"}", cmd); printf("Executing syscmd \"%s\" failed.\n", cmd); } } else { len = snprintf(buffer, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\": \"error\", \"data\": \"Can't execute cmd %s.\"}", cmd); printf("Can't execute syscmd \"%s\"\n", cmd); } CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_settings(char *buffer) { struct mpd_status *status; char *replaygain = strdup(""); int len; int nr = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) { printf("MPD mpd_run_status: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } if (!mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "replay_gain_status", NULL)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("replay_gain_status"); struct mpd_pair *pair; while ((pair = mpd_recv_pair(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { replaygain = strdup(pair->value); mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } len = json_printf(&out, "{type: settings, data: {" "repeat: %d, single: %d, crossfade: %d, consume: %d, random: %d, " "mixrampdb: %f, mixrampdelay: %f, mpdhost: %Q, mpdport: %d, passwort_set: %B, featSyscmds: %B, featPlaylists: %B, featTags: %B, featLibrary: %B, " "featAdvsearch: %B, featLocalplayer: %B, streamport: %d, streamurl: %Q, featCoverimage: %B, coverimagename: %Q, featStickers: %B, mixramp: %B, " "featSmartpls: %B, maxElementsPerPage: %d, replaygain: %Q, notificationWeb: %B, notificationPage: %B, jukeboxMode: %d, jukeboxPlaylist: %Q, " "jukeboxQueueLength: %d, coverimagesize: %d, tags: [", mpd_status_get_repeat(status), mpd_status_get_single(status), mpd_status_get_crossfade(status), mpd_status_get_consume(status), mpd_status_get_random(status), mpd_status_get_mixrampdb(status), mpd_status_get_mixrampdelay(status), config.mpdhost, config.mpdport, config.mpdpass ? "true" : "false", config.syscmds, mpd.feat_playlists, mpd.feat_tags, mpd.feat_library, mpd.feat_advsearch, config.localplayer, config.streamport, config.streamurl, config.coverimage, config.coverimagename, config.stickers, config.mixramp, config.smartpls, config.max_elements_per_page, replaygain, mympd_state.notificationWeb, mympd_state.notificationPage, mympd_state.jukeboxMode, mympd_state.jukeboxPlaylist, mympd_state.jukeboxQueueLength, config.coverimagesize ); mpd_status_free(status); free(replaygain); nr = 0; struct node *current = mympd_tags.list; while (current != NULL) { if (nr++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "%Q", current->data); current = current->next; } len += json_printf(&out, "], searchtags: ["); nr = 0; current = mympd_searchtags.list; while (current != NULL) { if (nr++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "%Q", current->data); current = current->next; } len += json_printf(&out, "], browsetags: ["); nr = 0; current = mympd_browsetags.list; while (current != NULL) { if (nr++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "%Q", current->data); current = current->next; } len += json_printf(&out, "]"); if (config.syscmds == true) { len += json_printf(&out, ", syscmds: ["); nr = 0; current = syscmds.list; while (current != NULL) { if (nr++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "%Q", current->data); current = current->next; } len += json_printf(&out, "]"); } len += json_printf(&out, ", colsQueueCurrent: %s, colsSearch: %s, colsBrowseDatabase: %s, colsBrowsePlaylistsDetail: %s, " "colsBrowseFilesystem: %s, colsPlayback: %s, colsQueueLastPlayed: %s}}", mympd_state.colsQueueCurrent, mympd_state.colsSearch, mympd_state.colsBrowseDatabase, mympd_state.colsBrowsePlaylistsDetail, mympd_state.colsBrowseFilesystem, mympd_state.colsPlayback, mympd_state.colsQueueLastPlayed ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_outputs(char *buffer) { struct mpd_output *output; int len; int nr; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (!mpd_send_outputs(mpd.conn)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("outputs"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: outputs, data: {outputs: ["); nr = 0; while ((output = mpd_recv_output(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (nr++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out,"{id: %d, name: %Q, state: %d}", mpd_output_get_id(output), mpd_output_get_name(output), mpd_output_get_enabled(output) ); mpd_output_free(output); } if (!mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn)) LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("outputs"); len += json_printf(&out,"]}}"); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int replacechar(char *str, char orig, char rep) { char *ix = str; int n = 0; while ((ix = strchr(ix, orig)) != NULL) { *ix++ = rep; n++; } return n; } int mpd_client_get_cover(const char *uri, char *cover, int cover_len) { char *orgpath = strdup(uri); char *path = orgpath; int len; if (!config.coverimage) { len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/assets/coverimage-notavailable.png"); } else if (strncasecmp("http:", path, 5) == 0 || strncasecmp("https:", path, 6) == 0) { if(strlen(path) > 8) { if (strncasecmp("http:", path, 5) == 0) path += 7; else if (strncasecmp("https:", path, 6) == 0) path += 8; replacechar(path, '/', '_'); replacechar(path, '.', '_'); snprintf(cover, cover_len, "%s/pics/%s.png", DOC_ROOT, path); if (access(cover, F_OK ) == -1 ) len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/assets/coverimage-httpstream.png"); else len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/pics/%s.png", path); } else len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/assets/coverimage-httpstream.png"); } else { if (mpd.feat_library) { dirname(path); snprintf(cover, cover_len, "%s/library/%s/%s", DOC_ROOT, path, config.coverimagename); if (access(cover, F_OK ) == -1 ) len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/assets/coverimage-notavailable.png"); else len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/library/%s/%s", path, config.coverimagename); } else len = snprintf(cover, cover_len, "/assets/coverimage-notavailable.png"); } free(orgpath); return len; } int mpd_client_put_current_song(char *buffer) { struct mpd_song *song; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); char cover[500] = ""; song = mpd_run_current_song(mpd.conn); if (song == NULL) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: result, data: ok}"); return len; } mpd_client_get_cover(mpd_song_get_uri(song), cover, 500); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: song_change, data: {pos: %d, currentSongId: %d, cover: %Q, ", mpd_song_get_pos(song), mpd.song_id, cover ); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); if (config.stickers) { t_sticker *sticker = (t_sticker *) malloc(sizeof(t_sticker)); mpd_client_get_sticker(mpd_song_get_uri(song), sticker); len += json_printf(&out, ", playCount: %d, skipCount: %d, like: %d, lastPlayed: %d", sticker->playCount, sticker->skipCount, sticker->like, sticker->lastPlayed ); free(sticker); } len += json_printf(&out, "}}"); mpd_song_free(song); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_songdetails(char *buffer, char *uri) { struct mpd_entity *entity; const struct mpd_song *song; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); char cover[500] = ""; len = json_printf(&out, "{type: song_details, data: {"); if (!mpd_send_list_all_meta(mpd.conn, uri)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_all_meta"); if ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); mpd_client_get_cover(uri, cover, 500); len += json_printf(&out, "cover: %Q, ", cover); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); mpd_entity_free(entity); } mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); if (config.stickers) { t_sticker *sticker = (t_sticker *) malloc(sizeof(t_sticker)); mpd_client_get_sticker(uri, sticker); len += json_printf(&out, ", playCount: %d, skipCount: %d, like: %d, lastPlayed: %d", sticker->playCount, sticker->skipCount, sticker->like, sticker->lastPlayed ); free(sticker); } len += json_printf(&out, "}}"); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_last_played_songs(char *buffer, unsigned int offset) { const struct mpd_song *song; struct mpd_entity *entity; int len; unsigned int entity_count = 0; unsigned int entities_returned = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: last_played_songs, data: ["); struct node *current = last_played.list; while (current != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "{Pos: %d, LastPlayed: %ld, ", entity_count, current->value); if (!mpd_send_list_all_meta(mpd.conn, current->data)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_all_meta"); if ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); mpd_entity_free(entity); mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); } len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } current = current->next; } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_queue(char *buffer, unsigned int offset, unsigned *queue_version, unsigned *queue_length) { struct mpd_entity *entity; unsigned long totalTime = 0; unsigned long entity_count = 0; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); struct mpd_status *status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_status"); if (!mpd_send_list_queue_range_meta(mpd.conn, offset, offset + config.max_elements_per_page)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_queue_meta"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: queue, data: ["); while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { const struct mpd_song *song; unsigned int drtn; if (mpd_entity_get_type(entity) == MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); drtn = mpd_song_get_duration(song); totalTime += drtn; entity_count++; if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "{id: %d, Pos: %d, ", mpd_song_get_id(song), mpd_song_get_pos(song) ); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } mpd_entity_free(entity); } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalTime: %d, totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, queue_version: %d}", totalTime, mpd_status_get_queue_length(status), offset, entities_returned, mpd_status_get_queue_version(status) ); *queue_version = mpd_status_get_queue_version(status); *queue_length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status); mpd_status_free(status); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_browse(char *buffer, char *path, unsigned int offset, char *filter) { struct mpd_entity *entity; const struct mpd_playlist *pl; unsigned int entity_count = 0; unsigned int entities_returned = 0; const char *entityName; char smartpls_file[400]; bool smartpls; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (!mpd_send_list_meta(mpd.conn, path)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_meta"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: browse, data: ["); while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { const struct mpd_song *song; const struct mpd_directory *dir; entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { switch (mpd_entity_get_type(entity)) { case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_UNKNOWN: entity_count--; break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG: song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); entityName = mpd_client_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_TITLE); if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, entityName, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*entityName) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: song, "); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } else { entity_count--; } break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: dir = mpd_entity_get_directory(entity); entityName = mpd_directory_get_path(dir); char *dirName = strrchr(entityName, '/'); if (dirName != NULL) dirName++; else dirName = strdup(entityName); if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, dirName, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*dirName) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: dir, uri: %Q, name: %Q}", entityName, dirName ); } else { entity_count--; } break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLIST: pl = mpd_entity_get_playlist(entity); entityName = mpd_playlist_get_path(pl); char *plName = strrchr(entityName, '/'); if (plName != NULL) { plName++; } else { plName = strdup(entityName); } if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, plName, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*plName) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); sanitize_string(plName); snprintf(smartpls_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, plName); if (access(smartpls_file, F_OK ) != -1) smartpls = true; else smartpls = false; len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: %Q, uri: %Q, name: %Q}", (smartpls == true ? "smartpls" : "plist"), entityName, plName ); } else { entity_count--; } break; } } mpd_entity_free(entity); } if (mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS || !mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn)) { printf("MPD mpd_send_list_meta: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, filter: %Q}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, filter ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_db_tag(char *buffer, unsigned int offset, char *mpdtagtype, char *mpdsearchtagtype, char *searchstr, char *filter) { struct mpd_pair *pair; unsigned long entity_count = 0; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (mpd_search_db_tags(mpd.conn, mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdtagtype)) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_db_tags"); if (mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdsearchtagtype) != MPD_TAG_UNKNOWN) { if (mpd_search_add_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdsearchtagtype), searchstr) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_tag_constraint"); } if (mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: listDBtags, data: ["); while ((pair = mpd_recv_pair_tag(mpd.conn, mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdtagtype))) != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { if (strcmp(pair->value, "") == 0) { entity_count--; } else if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, pair->value, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*pair->value) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); len += json_printf(&out, "{type: %Q, value: %Q}", mpdtagtype, pair->value ); } else { entity_count--; } } mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, " "tagtype: %Q, searchtagtype: %Q, searchstr: %Q, filter: %Q}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, mpdtagtype, mpdsearchtagtype, searchstr, filter ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_songs_in_album(char *buffer, char *album, char *search, char *tag) { struct mpd_song *song; unsigned long entity_count = 0; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; int len; char cover[500] = ""; char *albumartist = NULL; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (mpd_search_db_songs(mpd.conn, true) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_db_songs"); if (mpd_search_add_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, mpd_tag_name_parse(tag), search) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_tag_constraint"); if (mpd_search_add_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, MPD_TAG_ALBUM, album) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_tag_constraint"); if (mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: listTitles, data: ["); while ((song = mpd_recv_song(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count <= config.max_elements_per_page) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); else { mpd_client_get_cover(mpd_song_get_uri(song), cover, 500); albumartist = strdup(mpd_client_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST)); } len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: song, "); PUT_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } mpd_song_free(song); } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, returnedEntities: %d, Album: %Q, search: %Q, tag: %Q, cover: %Q, AlbumArtist: %Q}", entity_count, entities_returned, album, search, tag, cover, (albumartist != NULL ? albumartist : "") ); } if (albumartist != NULL) free(albumartist); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_playlists(char *buffer, unsigned int offset, char *filter) { struct mpd_playlist *pl; unsigned int entity_count = 0; unsigned int entities_returned = 0; const char *plpath; int len; bool smartpls; char smartpls_file[400]; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (!mpd_send_list_playlists(mpd.conn)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_lists_playlists"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: playlists, data: ["); while ((pl = mpd_recv_playlist(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { plpath = mpd_playlist_get_path(pl); if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, plpath, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*plpath) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); snprintf(smartpls_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, plpath); sanitize_string(plpath); if (access(smartpls_file, F_OK ) != -1) smartpls = true; else smartpls = false; len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: %Q, uri: %Q, name: %Q, last_modified: %d}", (smartpls == true ? "smartpls" : "plist"), plpath, plpath, mpd_playlist_get_last_modified(pl) ); } else { entity_count--; } } mpd_playlist_free(pl); } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_playlist_list(char *buffer, char *uri, unsigned int offset, char *filter) { struct mpd_entity *entity; unsigned int entity_count = 0; unsigned int entities_returned = 0; const char *entityName; char smartpls_file[400]; bool smartpls; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (!mpd_send_list_playlist_meta(mpd.conn, uri)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_meta"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: playlist_detail, data: ["); while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { const struct mpd_song *song; entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); entityName = mpd_client_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_TITLE); if (strncmp(filter, "-", 1) == 0 || strncasecmp(filter, entityName, 1) == 0 || (strncmp(filter, "0", 1) == 0 && isalpha(*entityName) == 0 ) ) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ","); len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: song, "); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, ", Pos: %d", entity_count); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } else { entity_count--; } } mpd_entity_free(entity); } sanitize_string(uri); snprintf(smartpls_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, uri); if (access(smartpls_file, F_OK ) != -1) smartpls = true; else smartpls = false; len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, filter: %Q, uri: %Q, smartpls: %B}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, filter, uri, smartpls ); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_search(char *buffer, char *searchstr, char *filter, char *plist, unsigned int offset) { struct mpd_song *song; unsigned long entity_count = 0; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; int len = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { if (mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "search", filter, searchstr, NULL) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: search, data: ["); } else if (strcmp(plist, "queue") == 0) { if (mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "searchadd", filter, searchstr, NULL) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_searchadd"); } else { if (mpd_send_command(mpd.conn, "searchaddpl", plist, filter, searchstr, NULL) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_searchaddpl"); } if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { while ((song = mpd_recv_song(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: song, "); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); } mpd_song_free(song); } } else mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, searchstr: %Q}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, searchstr ); } else len = json_printf(&out, "{type: result, data: ok}"); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_search_adv(char *buffer, char *expression, char *sort, bool sortdesc, char *grouptag, char *plist, unsigned int offset) { int len = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); #if LIBMPDCLIENT_CHECK_VERSION(2, 17, 0) struct mpd_song *song; unsigned long entity_count = -1; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { if (mpd_search_db_songs(mpd.conn, false) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_db_songs"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: search, data: ["); } else if (strcmp(plist, "queue") == 0) { if (mpd_search_add_db_songs(mpd.conn, false) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_db_songs"); } else { if (mpd_search_add_db_songs_to_playlist(mpd.conn, plist) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_db_songs_to_playlist"); } if (mpd_search_add_expression(mpd.conn, expression) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_expression"); if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { if (sort != NULL && strcmp(sort, "") != 0 && mpd.feat_tags == true) { if (mpd_search_add_sort_name(mpd.conn, sort, sortdesc) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_sort_name"); } if (grouptag != NULL && strcmp(grouptag, "") != 0 && mpd.feat_tags == true) { if (mpd_search_add_group_tag(mpd.conn, mpd_tag_name_parse(grouptag)) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_group_tag"); } if (mpd_search_add_window(mpd.conn, offset, offset + config.max_elements_per_page) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_window"); } if (mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { while ((song = mpd_recv_song(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); len += json_printf(&out, "{Type: song, "); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); mpd_song_free(song); } } else mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); if (strcmp(plist, "") == 0) { len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, expression: %Q, " "sort: %Q, sortdesc: %B, grouptag: %Q}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, expression, sort, sortdesc, grouptag ); } else len = json_printf(&out, "{type: result, data: ok}"); #else len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}", "Advanced search is disabled."); #endif CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_queue_crop(char *buffer) { int len = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); struct mpd_status *status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); int length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status) - 1; int playing_song_pos = mpd_status_get_song_pos(status); if (length < 0) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}", "A playlist longer than 1 song in length is required to crop."); printf("A playlist longer than 1 song in length is required to crop.\n"); } else if (mpd_status_get_state(status) == MPD_STATE_PLAY || mpd_status_get_state(status) == MPD_STATE_PAUSE) { playing_song_pos++; if (playing_song_pos < length) mpd_run_delete_range(mpd.conn, playing_song_pos, -1); playing_song_pos--; if (playing_song_pos > 0 ) mpd_run_delete_range(mpd.conn, 0, playing_song_pos--); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: result, data: ok}"); } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}", "You need to be playing to crop the playlist"); printf("You need to be playing to crop the playlist\n"); } mpd_status_free(status); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_search_queue(char *buffer, char *mpdtagtype, unsigned int offset, char *searchstr) { struct mpd_song *song; unsigned long entity_count = 0; unsigned long entities_returned = 0; int len; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); if (mpd_search_queue_songs(mpd.conn, false) == false) { RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_queue_songs"); } if (mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdtagtype) != MPD_TAG_UNKNOWN) { if (mpd_search_add_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, mpd_tag_name_parse(mpdtagtype), searchstr) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_tag_constraint"); } else { if (mpd_search_add_any_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, searchstr) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_any_tag_constraint"); } if (mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: queuesearch, data: ["); while ((song = mpd_recv_song(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { entity_count++; if (entity_count > offset && entity_count <= offset + config.max_elements_per_page) { if (entities_returned++) len += json_printf(&out, ", "); len += json_printf(&out, "{type: song, id: %d, Pos: %d, ", mpd_song_get_id(song), mpd_song_get_pos(song) ); if (mpd.feat_tags == true) PUT_SONG_TAGS(); else PUT_MIN_SONG_TAGS(); len += json_printf(&out, "}"); mpd_song_free(song); } } len += json_printf(&out, "], totalEntities: %d, offset: %d, returnedEntities: %d, mpdtagtype: %Q}", entity_count, offset, entities_returned, mpdtagtype ); } CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } int mpd_client_put_stats(char *buffer) { struct mpd_stats *stats = mpd_run_stats(mpd.conn); const unsigned *version = mpd_connection_get_server_version(mpd.conn); int len; char mpd_version[20]; char libmpdclient_version[20]; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); snprintf(mpd_version, 20, "%u.%u.%u", version[0], version[1], version[2]); snprintf(libmpdclient_version, 20, "%i.%i.%i", LIBMPDCLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_MINOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_PATCH_VERSION); if (stats == NULL) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_stats"); len = json_printf(&out, "{type: mpdstats, data: {artists: %d, albums: %d, songs: %d, " "playtime: %d, uptime: %d, dbUpdated: %d, dbPlaytime: %d, mympdVersion: %Q, mpdVersion: %Q, " "libmpdclientVersion: %Q}}", mpd_stats_get_number_of_artists(stats), mpd_stats_get_number_of_albums(stats), mpd_stats_get_number_of_songs(stats), mpd_stats_get_play_time(stats), mpd_stats_get_uptime(stats), mpd_stats_get_db_update_time(stats), mpd_stats_get_db_play_time(stats), MYMPD_VERSION, mpd_version, libmpdclient_version ); mpd_stats_free(stats); CHECK_RETURN_LEN(); } void mpd_client_disconnect() { mpd.conn_state = MPD_DISCONNECT; mpd_client_idle(100); } int mpd_client_smartpls_put(char *buffer, char *playlist) { char pl_file[400]; char *smartpltype; char *p_charbuf1, *p_charbuf2; int je, int_buf1; int len = 0; struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(buffer, MAX_SIZE); sanitize_string(playlist); snprintf(pl_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, playlist); char *content = json_fread(pl_file); if (content == NULL) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}}", "Can't read smart playlist file"); printf("Can't read smart playlist file: %s\n", pl_file); return len; } je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{type: %Q }", &smartpltype); if (je == 1) { if (strcmp(smartpltype, "sticker") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{sticker: %Q, maxentries: %d}", &p_charbuf1, &int_buf1); if (je == 2) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: smartpls, data: {playlist: %Q, type: %Q, sticker: %Q, maxentries: %d}}", playlist, smartpltype, p_charbuf1, int_buf1); free(p_charbuf1); } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q]", "Can't parse smart playlist file"); printf("Can't parse smart playlist file: %s\n", pl_file); } } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "newest") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{timerange: %d}", &int_buf1); if (je == 1) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: smartpls, data: {playlist: %Q, type: %Q, timerange: %d}}", playlist, smartpltype, int_buf1); } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q]", "Can't parse smart playlist file"); printf("Can't parse smart playlist file: %s\n", pl_file); } } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "search") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{tag: %Q, searchstr: %Q}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 2) { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: smartpls, data: {playlist: %Q, type: %Q, tag: %Q, searchstr: %Q}}", playlist, smartpltype, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q]", "Can't parse smart playlist file"); printf("Can't parse smart playlist file: %s\n", pl_file); } } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}}", "Unknown smart playlist type"); printf("Unknown smart playlist type: %s\n", pl_file); } free(smartpltype); } else { len = json_printf(&out, "{type: error, data: %Q}}", "Unknown smart playlist type"); printf("Unknown smart playlist type: %s\n", pl_file); } return len; } int mpd_client_smartpls_save(char *smartpltype, char *playlist, char *tag, char *searchstr, int maxentries, int timerange) { char tmp_file[400]; char pl_file[400]; sanitize_string(playlist); snprintf(tmp_file, 400, "%s/tmp/%s", config.varlibdir, playlist); snprintf(pl_file, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, playlist); if (strcmp(smartpltype, "sticker") == 0) { if (json_fprintf(tmp_file, "{type: %Q, sticker: %Q, maxentries: %d}", smartpltype, tag, maxentries) == -1) { printf("Error creating file %s\n", tmp_file); return 1; } else if (rename(tmp_file, pl_file) == -1) { printf("Error renaming file from %s to %s\n", tmp_file, pl_file); return 1; } else if (mpd_client_smartpls_update_sticker(playlist, tag, maxentries) == 1) { printf("Update of smart playlist %s failed.\n", playlist); return 1; } } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "newest") == 0) { if (json_fprintf(tmp_file, "{type: %Q, timerange: %d}", smartpltype, timerange) == -1) { printf("Error creating file %s\n", tmp_file); return 1; } else if (rename(tmp_file, pl_file) == -1) { printf("Error renaming file from %s to %s\n", tmp_file, pl_file); return 1; } else if (mpd_client_smartpls_update_newest(playlist, timerange) == 1) { printf("Update of smart playlist %s failed.\n", playlist); return 1; } } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "search") == 0) { if (json_fprintf(tmp_file, "{type: %Q, tag: %Q, searchstr: %Q}", smartpltype, tag, searchstr) == -1) { printf("Error creating file %s\n", tmp_file); return 1; } else if (rename(tmp_file, pl_file) == -1) { printf("Error renaming file from %s to %s\n", tmp_file, pl_file); return 1; } else if (mpd_client_smartpls_update_search(playlist, tag, searchstr) == 1) { printf("Update of smart playlist %s failed.\n", playlist); return 1; } } return 0; } int mpd_client_smartpls_update_all() { DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; char *smartpltype; char filename[400]; char dirname[400]; int je; char *p_charbuf1, *p_charbuf2; int int_buf1; if (!config.smartpls) return 0; snprintf(dirname, 400, "%s/smartpls", config.varlibdir); if ((dir = opendir (dirname)) != NULL) { while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(ent->d_name, ".", 1) == 0) continue; snprintf(filename, 400, "%s/smartpls/%s", config.varlibdir, ent->d_name); char *content = json_fread(filename); if (content == NULL) { printf("Cant read smart playlist file %s\n", filename); continue; } je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{type: %Q }", &smartpltype); if (je != 1) continue; if (strcmp(smartpltype, "sticker") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{sticker: %Q, maxentries: %d}", &p_charbuf1, &int_buf1); if (je == 2) { mpd_client_smartpls_update_sticker(ent->d_name, p_charbuf1, int_buf1); free(p_charbuf1); } else printf("Can't parse smart playlist file %s\n", filename); } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "newest") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{timerange: %d}", &int_buf1); if (je == 1) { mpd_client_smartpls_update_newest(ent->d_name, int_buf1); } else printf("Can't parse smart playlist file %s\n", filename); } else if (strcmp(smartpltype, "search") == 0) { je = json_scanf(content, strlen(content), "{tag: %Q, searchstr: %Q}", &p_charbuf1, &p_charbuf2); if (je == 2) { mpd_client_smartpls_update_search(ent->d_name, p_charbuf1, p_charbuf2); free(p_charbuf1); free(p_charbuf2); } else printf("Can't parse smart playlist file %s\n", filename); } free(smartpltype); free(content); } closedir (dir); } else { printf("Can't open smart playlist directory %s\n", dirname); return 1; } return 0; } int mpd_client_smartpls_clear(char *playlist) { struct mpd_playlist *pl; const char *plpath; bool exists = false; if (!mpd_send_list_playlists(mpd.conn)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_playlists"); return 1; } while ((pl = mpd_recv_playlist(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { plpath = mpd_playlist_get_path(pl); if (strcmp(playlist, plpath) == 0) exists = true; mpd_playlist_free(pl); if (exists) break; } mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); if (exists) { if (!mpd_run_rm(mpd.conn, playlist)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_rm"); return 1; } } return 0; } int mpd_client_smartpls_update_search(char *playlist, char *tag, char *searchstr) { mpd_client_smartpls_clear(playlist); if (mpd.feat_advsearch == true && strcmp(tag, "expression") == 0) mpd_client_search_adv(mpd.buf, searchstr, NULL, true, NULL, playlist, 0); else mpd_client_search(mpd.buf, searchstr, tag, playlist, 0); LOG_INFO() printf("Updated %s\n", playlist); return 0; } int mpd_client_smartpls_update_sticker(char *playlist, char *sticker, int maxentries) { struct mpd_pair *pair; char *uri = NULL; const char *p_value; char *crap; long value; long value_max = 0; long i = 0; size_t j; if (!mpd_send_sticker_find(mpd.conn, "song", "", sticker)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_sticker_find"); return 1; } struct list add_list; list_init(&add_list); while ((pair = mpd_recv_pair(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(pair->name, "file") == 0) { uri = strdup(pair->value); } else if (strcmp(pair->name, "sticker") == 0) { p_value = mpd_parse_sticker(pair->value, &j); if (p_value != NULL) { value = strtol(p_value, &crap, 10); if (value >= 1) list_push(&add_list, uri, value); if (value > value_max) value_max = value; } } mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, pair); } mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); free(uri); mpd_client_smartpls_clear(playlist); if (value_max > 2) value_max = value_max / 2; list_sort_by_value(&add_list, false); struct node *current = add_list.list; while (current != NULL) { if (current->value >= value_max) { if (!mpd_run_playlist_add(mpd.conn, playlist, current->data)) { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_playlist_add"); list_free(&add_list); return 1; } i++; if (i >= maxentries) break; } current = current->next; } list_free(&add_list); LOG_INFO() printf("Updated %s with %ld songs, minValue: %ld\n", playlist, i, value_max); return 0; } int mpd_client_smartpls_update_newest(char *playlist, int timerange) { unsigned long value_max = 0; char searchstr[50]; struct mpd_stats *stats = mpd_run_stats(mpd.conn); if (stats != NULL) { value_max = mpd_stats_get_db_update_time(stats); mpd_stats_free(stats); } else { LOG_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_run_stats"); return 1; } mpd_client_smartpls_clear(playlist); value_max -= timerange; if (value_max > 0) { if (mpd.feat_advsearch == true) { snprintf(searchstr, 50, "(modified-since '%lu')", value_max); mpd_client_search_adv(mpd.buf, searchstr, NULL, true, NULL, playlist, 0); } else { snprintf(searchstr, 20, "%lu", value_max); mpd_client_search(mpd.buf, searchstr, "modified-since", playlist, 0); } LOG_INFO() printf("Updated %s\n", playlist); } return 0; }