myMPD ===== myMPD is a lightweight MPD web client that runs without a dedicated webserver or interpreter. It's tuned for minimal resource usage and requires only very little dependencies. myMPD is a fork of ympd ( This fork provides a reworked ui based on Bootstrap 4, a modernized backend and many new features while having the same small footprint as ympd. **Design principles:** - Keep it small and simple - Uses only mpd as source of truth - Mobile first UI - Keep security in mind **Featurelist:** - Control mpd functions (play, pause, etc.) - Set mpd settings (repeat, random, etc.) - Browse mpd database by tags - Browse filesystem and playlists - Queue management - Playlist management - Advanced search (requires mpd >= 0.21.x and libmpdclient >= 2.17) - Jukebox mode (add's random songs / albums from database or playlists to queue) - AutoPlay - add song to (empty) queue and mpd starts playing - Smart playlists and saved searches - Play statistics and song voting (requires mpd stickers) - Local coverart support (Albums and Streams) - HTTP stream support - Local playback of mpd http stream (html5 audio api) - Progressiv Web App enabled - Embedded Webserver (mongoose) - Docker support (experimental) myMPD is work in progress. Bugreportes and feature requests are very welcome. - Screenshots ----------- ![image]( UI Components ------------- - Bootstrap 4: - Material Design Icons: - Bootstrap Native: Backend ------- - Mongoose: - Frozen: - inih: Dependencies ------------ - libmpdclient 2: - OpenSSL: Build Dependencies ------------------ - cmake 2.6 - libasan3: for debug builds only - Java: optional for minifying .css and .js files Unix Build Instructions ----------------------- 1. Install dependencies: cmake, libmpdclient (dev), OpenSSL (dev) and Java are available from all major distributions. 2. Build and install: ```cd /path/to/src; ./``` (toplevel directory of myMPD tarball). 3. Link your mpd music directory to ```/usr/share/mympd/htdocs/library``` and put ```folder.jpg``` files in your album directories ( tries to do this for you). 4. Configure your mpd with http stream output to use the local player. Run --------- ``` Usage: ./mympd [/etc/mympd/mympd.conf] ``` The ```./``` script tries to install a systemd service file. If this failes you can copy the ```mympd.service``` file from ```/usr/share/mympd/``` to appropriate distribution specific location. SSL --- 1. Create ca and certificate ```/usr/share/mympd/``` ( does this for you). 2. Set ```ssl=true``` in /etc/mympd/mympd.conf (use default certificate under ```/etc/mympd/ssl/```). 3. Import ```/etc/mympd/ssl/ca/ca.pem``` in your browser to trust the certificate. 4. myMPD redirects http requests to https, ensure that myMPD hostname is resolvable. Copyright --------- myMPD: 2018-2019 ympd: 2013-2014