var socket; var last_state; var current_app; var current_song = new Object(); var app = $.sammy(function() { this.before('/', function(e, data) { $('#nav_links > li').removeClass('active'); }); this.get('#/', function() { current_app = 'playlist'; $('#breadcrump').addClass('hide'); $('#salamisandwich').find("tr:gt(0)").remove(); $.get( "/api/get_playlist", socket.onmessage); $('#panel-heading').text("Playlist"); $('#playlist').addClass('active'); }); this.get(/\#\/browse\/(.*)/, function() { current_app = 'browse'; $('#breadcrump').removeClass('hide').empty().append("
  • root
  • "); $('#salamisandwich').find("tr:gt(0)").remove(); var path = this.params['splat'][0]; $.get( "/api/get_browse/" + encodeURIComponent(path), socket.onmessage); $('#panel-heading').text("Browse database: "+path+""); var path_array = path.split('/'); var full_path = ""; $.each(path_array, function(index, chunk) { if(path_array.length - 1 == index) { $('#breadcrump').append("
  • "+ chunk + "
  • "); return; } full_path = full_path + chunk; $('#breadcrump').append("
  • "+chunk+"
  • "); full_path += "/"; }); $('#browse').addClass('active'); }); this.get("/", function(context) { context.redirect("#/"); }); }); $(document).ready(function(){ webSocketConnect(); $("#volumeslider").slider(0); $("#volumeslider").on('slider.newValue', function(evt,data){ socket.send("MPD_API_SET_VOLUME,"+data.val); }); $('#progressbar').slider(0); $("#progressbar").on('slider.newValue', function(evt,data){ if(current_song && current_song.currentSongId >= 0) { var seekVal = Math.ceil(current_song.totalTime*(data.val/100)); socket.send("MPD_API_SET_SEEK,"+current_song.currentSongId+","+seekVal); } }); }); function webSocketConnect() { if (typeof MozWebSocket != "undefined") { socket = new MozWebSocket(get_appropriate_ws_url(), "ympd-client"); } else { socket = new WebSocket(get_appropriate_ws_url(), "ympd-client"); } try { socket.onopen = function() { $('.top-right').notify({ message:{text:"Connected to ympd"}, fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 500 } }).show();; } socket.onmessage =function got_packet(msg) { if(msg instanceof MessageEvent) { if( === last_state) return; var obj = JSON.parse(; } else { var obj = msg; } switch (obj.type) { case "playlist": if(current_app !== 'playlist') break; $('#salamisandwich > tbody').empty(); for (var song in { var minutes = Math.floor([song].duration / 60); var seconds =[song].duration - minutes * 60; $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( "" + ([song].pos + 1) + "" + ""+[song].title +"" + ""+ minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + ""); } $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ mouseover: function(){ if($(this).children().last().has("a").length == 0) $(this).children().last().append( "" + "") .find('a').fadeTo('fast',1); }, click: function() { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').removeClass('active'); socket.send('MPD_API_PLAY_TRACK,'+$(this).attr('trackid')); $(this).addClass('active'); }, mouseleave: function(){ $(this).children().last().find("a").stop().remove(); } }); break; case "browse": if(current_app !== 'browse') break; for (var item in { switch([item].type) { case "directory": $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( "" + "" + "" + basename([item].dir) + "" + ""); break; case "song": var minutes = Math.floor([item].duration / 60); var seconds =[item].duration - minutes * 60; $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( "" + "" + "" +[item].title +"" + ""+ minutes + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds +""); break; case "playlist": break; } } function appendClickableIcon(appendTo, onClickAction, glyphicon) { $(appendTo).children().last().append( "" + "") .find('a').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); socket.send(onClickAction + "," + $(this).parents("tr").attr("uri")); $('.top-right').notify({ message:{ text: $('td:nth-child(2)', $(this).parents("tr")).text() + " added" } }).show(); }).fadeTo('fast',1); } $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ mouseenter: function() { if($(this).is(".dir")) appendClickableIcon($(this), 'MPD_API_ADD_TRACK', 'plus'); else if($(this).is(".song")) appendClickableIcon($(this), 'MPD_API_ADD_PLAY_TRACK', 'play'); }, click: function() { if($(this).is(".song")) { socket.send("MPD_API_ADD_TRACK," + $(this).attr("uri")); $('.top-right').notify({ message:{ text: $('td:nth-child(2)', this).text() + " added" } }).show(); } else app.setLocation("#/browse/"+$(this).attr("uri")); }, mouseleave: function(){ $(this).children().last().find("a").stop().remove(); } }); break; case "state": updatePlayIcon(; updateVolumeIcon(; if(JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(last_state)) break; current_song.totalTime =; current_song.currentSongId =; var total_minutes = Math.floor( / 60); var total_seconds = - total_minutes * 60; var elapsed_minutes = Math.floor( / 60); var elapsed_seconds = - elapsed_minutes * 60; $('#volumeslider').slider(; var progress = Math.floor(100*; $('#progressbar').slider(progress); $('#counter') .text(elapsed_minutes + ":" + (elapsed_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + elapsed_seconds + " / " + total_minutes + ":" + (total_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + total_seconds); $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').removeClass('active').css("font-weight", ""); $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr[trackid='']').addClass('active').css("font-weight", "bold"); if( $('#btnrandom').addClass("active") else $('#btnrandom').removeClass("active"); if( $('#btnconsume').addClass("active") else $('#btnconsume').removeClass("active"); if( $('#btnsingle').addClass("active") else $('#btnsingle').removeClass("active"); if( $('#btnrepeat').addClass("active") else $('#btnrepeat').removeClass("active"); last_state = obj; break; case "disconnected": if($('.top-right').has('div').length == 0) $('.top-right').notify({ message:{text:"ympd lost connection to MPD "}, type: "danger", fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }).show(); break; case "update_playlist": if(current_app === 'playlist') $.get( "/api/get_playlist", socket.onmessage); break; case "song_change": $('#currenttrack').text(" " +; var notification = "

    " + + "

    "; if( { $('#album').text(; notification += + "
    "; } if( { $('#artist').text(; notification += + "
    "; } $('.top-right').notify({ message:{html: notification}, type: "info", }).show(); break; case "error": $('.top-right').notify({ message:{text:}, type: "danger", }).show(); default: break; } } socket.onclose = function(){ console.log("Disconnected"); $('.top-right').notify({ message:{text:"Connection to ympd lost, retrying in 3 seconds "}, type: "danger", onClose: function () { webSocketConnect(); } }).show(); } } catch(exception) { alert('

    Error' + exception); } } function get_appropriate_ws_url() { var pcol; var u = document.URL; /* /* We open the websocket encrypted if this page came on an /* https:// url itself, otherwise unencrypted /*/ if (u.substring(0, 5) == "https") { pcol = "wss://"; u = u.substr(8); } else { pcol = "ws://"; if (u.substring(0, 4) == "http") u = u.substr(7); } u = u.split('/'); return pcol + u[0]; } var updateVolumeIcon = function(volume) { $("#volume-icon").removeClass("glyphicon-volume-off"); $("#volume-icon").removeClass("glyphicon-volume-up"); $("#volume-icon").removeClass("glyphicon-volume-down"); if(volume == 0) { $("#volume-icon").addClass("glyphicon-volume-off"); } else if (volume < 50) { $("#volume-icon").addClass("glyphicon-volume-down"); } else { $("#volume-icon").addClass("glyphicon-volume-up"); } } var updatePlayIcon = function(state) { $("#play-icon").removeClass("glyphicon-play") .removeClass("glyphicon-pause"); $('#track-icon').removeClass("glyphicon-play") .removeClass("glyphicon-pause") .removeClass("glyphicon-stop"); if(state == 1) { // stop $("#play-icon").addClass("glyphicon-play"); $('#track-icon').addClass("glyphicon-stop"); } else if(state == 2) { // pause $("#play-icon").addClass("glyphicon-pause"); $('#track-icon').addClass("glyphicon-play"); } else { // play $("#play-icon").addClass("glyphicon-play"); $('#track-icon').addClass("glyphicon-pause"); } } function updateDB() { socket.send('MPD_API_UPDATE_DB'); $('.top-right').notify({ message:{text:"Updating MPD Database... "} }).show(); } function clickPlay() { if($('#track-icon').hasClass('glyphicon-stop')) socket.send('MPD_API_SET_PLAY'); else socket.send('MPD_API_SET_PAUSE'); } function basename(path) { return path.split('/').reverse()[0]; } $('#btnrandom').on('click', function (e) { socket.send("MPD_API_TOGGLE_RANDOM," + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1)); }); $('#btnconsume').on('click', function (e) { socket.send("MPD_API_TOGGLE_CONSUME," + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1)); }); $('#btnsingle').on('click', function (e) { socket.send("MPD_API_TOGGLE_SINGLE," + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1)); }); $('#btnrepeat').on('click', function (e) { socket.send("MPD_API_TOGGLE_REPEAT," + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1)); }); function getVersion() { $.get( "/api/get_version", function(response) { $('#ympd_version').text(; $('#mpd_version').text(; }); }