/* ympd (c) 2013-2014 Andrew Karpow This project's homepage is: https://www.ympd.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ var TOKEN = ''; var socket; var last_state; var last_outputs; var current_app; var pagination = 0; var browsepath = ''; var lastSongTitle = ''; var current_song = new Object(); var MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE = 512; var isTouch = Modernizr.touch ? 1 : 0; var filter = ''; var app = $.sammy(function () { function runBrowse() { current_app = 'queue'; $('#breadcrump').addClass('hide'); $('#filter').addClass('hide'); $('#salamisandwich').removeClass('hide').find('tr:gt(0)').remove(); socket.send('MPD_API_GET_QUEUE,' + pagination); $('#panel-heading').text('Queue'); $('#panel-heading-info').empty(); $('#queue').addClass('active'); } function prepare() { $('#nav_links > li').removeClass('active'); $('.page-btn').addClass('hide'); $('#add-all-songs').hide(); pagination = 0; browsepath = ''; } this.get(/\#\/(\d+)/, function () { prepare(); pagination = parseInt(this.params['splat'][0]); runBrowse(); }); this.get(/\#\/browse\/(\d+)\/(.*)/, function () { prepare(); browsepath = this.params['splat'][1]; pagination = parseInt(this.params['splat'][0]); current_app = 'browse'; $('#breadcrump') .removeClass('hide') .empty() .append('
  • root
  • '); add_filter(); $('#salamisandwich').removeClass('hide').find('tr:gt(0)').remove(); socket.send( 'MPD_API_GET_BROWSE,' + pagination + ',' + (browsepath ? browsepath : '/') ); // Don't add all songs from root if (browsepath) { $('#filter').append( '' ); var add_all_songs = $('#add-all-songs'); add_all_songs.on('click', function () { socket.send('MPD_API_ADD_TRACK,' + browsepath); }); } $('#panel-heading').text('Browse database: ' + browsepath); var path_array = browsepath.split('/'); var full_path = ''; $.each(path_array, function (index, chunk) { if (path_array.length - 1 == index) { $('#breadcrump').append( '
  • ' + chunk + '
  • ' ); return; } full_path = full_path + chunk; $('#breadcrump').append( '
  • ' + chunk + '
  • ' ); full_path += '/'; }); $('#browse').addClass('active'); }); this.get(/\#\/search\/(.*)/, function () { current_app = 'search'; $('#salamisandwich').find('tr:gt(0)').remove(); var searchstr = this.params['splat'][0]; $('#search > div > input').val(searchstr); socket.send('MPD_API_SEARCH,' + searchstr); $('#panel-heading').text('Search: ' + searchstr); }); this.get('/', function (context) { context.redirect('#/0'); }); }); $(document).ready(function () { webSocketConnect(); $('#volumeslider').slider(0); $('#volumeslider').on('slider.newValue', function (evt, data) { socket.send('MPD_API_SET_VOLUME,' + data.val); }); $('#progressbar').slider(0); $('#progressbar').on('slider.newValue', function (evt, data) { if (current_song && current_song.currentSongId >= 0) { var seekVal = Math.ceil(current_song.totalTime * (data.val / 100)); socket.send( 'MPD_API_SET_SEEK,' + current_song.currentSongId + ',' + seekVal ); } }); $('#addstream').on('shown.bs.modal', function () { $('#streamurl').focus(); }); $('#addstream form').on('submit', function (e) { addStream(); }); if (!notificationsSupported()) $('#btnnotify').addClass('disabled'); else if ($.cookie('notification') === 'true') $('#btnnotify').addClass('active'); if ($.cookie('autoplay') === 'true') $('#btnautoplay').addClass('active'); document.getElementById('player').addEventListener('stalled', function () { if (!document.getElementById('player').paused) { this.pause(); clickLocalPlay(); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'music stream stalled - trying to recover...', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); } }); document.getElementById('player').addEventListener('pause', function () { this.src = ''; this.removeAttribute('src'); $('#localplay-icon') .removeClass('glyphicon-pause') .addClass('glyphicon-play'); }); document.getElementById('player').addEventListener( 'error', function failed(e) { this.pause(); switch (e.target.error.code) { case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED: $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Audio playback aborted by user.', }, type: 'info', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK: $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Network error while playing audio.', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE: $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Audio playback aborted. Did you unplug your headphones?', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED: $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Error while loading audio (server, network or format error).', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; default: $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Unknown error while playing audio.', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; } }, true ); }); function webSocketConnect() { if (typeof MozWebSocket != 'undefined') { socket = new MozWebSocket(get_appropriate_ws_url()); } else { socket = new WebSocket(get_appropriate_ws_url()); } try { socket.onopen = function () { console.log('connected'); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Connected to ympd' }, fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 500 }, }) .show(); app.run(); /* emit initial request for output names */ socket.send('MPD_API_GET_OUTPUTS'); }; socket.onmessage = function got_packet(msg) { if (msg.data === last_state || msg.data.length == 0) return; var obj = JSON.parse(msg.data); switch (obj.type) { case 'queue': if (current_app !== 'queue') break; if (obj.totalTime > 0) { var hours = Math.floor(obj.totalTime / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor(obj.totalTime / 60) - hours * 60; var seconds = obj.totalTime - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60; $('#panel-heading-info').text( 'Total: ' + (hours > 0 ? hours + '\u2009h ' + (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') : '') + minutes + '\u2009m ' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + '\u2009s' ); } else { $('#panel-heading-info').empty(); } $('#salamisandwich > tbody').empty(); for (var song in obj.data) { var minutes = Math.floor(obj.data[song].duration / 60); var seconds = obj.data[song].duration - minutes * 60; $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( '' + (obj.data[song].pos + 1) + '' + '' + obj.data[song].artist + '' + '' + obj.data[song].album + '' + '' + obj.data[song].title + '' + '' + minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + '' ); } if ( obj.data.length && obj.data[obj.data.length - 1].pos + 1 >= pagination + MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE ) $('#next').removeClass('hide'); if (pagination > 0) $('#prev').removeClass('hide'); if (isTouch) { $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr > td:last-child' ).append( '' + '' ); } else { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ mouseover: function () { var doomed = $(this); if ($('#btntrashmodeup').hasClass('active')) doomed = $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr:lt(' + ($(this).index() + 1) + ')' ); if ($('#btntrashmodedown').hasClass('active')) doomed = $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr:gt(' + ($(this).index() - 1) + ')' ); $.each(doomed, function () { if ( $(this).children().last().has('a') .length == 0 ) $(this) .children() .last() .append( '' + '' ) .find('a') .fadeTo('fast', 1); }); }, mouseleave: function () { var doomed = $(this); if ($('#btntrashmodeup').hasClass('active')) doomed = $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr:lt(' + ($(this).index() + 1) + ')' ); if ($('#btntrashmodedown').hasClass('active')) doomed = $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr:gt(' + ($(this).index() - 1) + ')' ); $.each(doomed, function () { $(this) .children() .last() .find('a') .stop() .remove(); }); }, }); } $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ click: function () { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').removeClass( 'active' ); socket.send( 'MPD_API_PLAY_TRACK,' + $(this).attr('trackid') ); $(this).addClass('active'); }, }); //Helper function to keep table row from collapsing when being sorted var fixHelperModified = function (e, tr) { var $originals = tr.children(); var $helper = tr.clone(); $helper.children().each(function (index) { $(this).width($originals.eq(index).width()); }); return $helper; }; //Make queue table sortable $('#salamisandwich > tbody') .sortable({ helper: fixHelperModified, stop: function (event, ui) { renumber_table('#salamisandwich', ui.item); }, }) .disableSelection(); break; case 'search': $('#wait').modal('hide'); case 'browse': if (current_app !== 'browse' && current_app !== 'search') break; /* The use of encodeURI() below might seem useless, but it's not. It prevents * some browsers, such as Safari, from changing the normalization form of the * URI from NFD to NFC, breaking our link with MPD. */ if ($('#salamisandwich > tbody').is(':ui-sortable')) { $('#salamisandwich > tbody').sortable('destroy'); } for (var item in obj.data) { switch (obj.data[item].type) { case 'directory': var clazz = 'dir'; if (filter !== '') { var first = basename(obj.data[item].dir)[0]; if (filter === 'num' && isNaN(first)) { clazz += ' hide'; } else if ( filter >= 'A' && filter <= 'Z' && first.toUpperCase() !== filter ) { clazz += ' hide'; } else if (filter === 'plist') { clazz += ' hide'; } } $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( '' + '' + '' + basename(obj.data[item].dir) + '' + '' ); break; case 'playlist': var clazz = 'plist'; if (filter !== '' && filter !== 'plist') { clazz += ' hide'; } $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( '' + '' + '' + basename(obj.data[item].plist) + '' + '' ); break; case 'song': var minutes = Math.floor( obj.data[item].duration / 60 ); var seconds = obj.data[item].duration - minutes * 60; if (obj.data[item].artist == null) { var artist = ''; } else { var artist = '' + obj.data[item].artist + '' + obj.data[item].album + ''; } $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( '' + '' + '' + obj.data[item].artist + '' + '' + obj.data[item].album + '' + '' + obj.data[item].title + '' + '' + minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + '' ); break; case 'wrap': if (current_app == 'browse') { $('#next').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('#salamisandwich > tbody').append( '' + 'Too many results, please refine your search!' + '' ); } break; } if (pagination > 0) $('#prev').removeClass('hide'); } function appendClickableIcon( appendTo, onClickAction, glyphicon ) { $(appendTo) .append( '' + '' ) .find('a') .click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); socket.send( onClickAction + ',' + decodeURI( $(this).parents('tr').attr('uri') ) ); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: '"' + $( 'td:nth-last-child(3)', $(this).parents('tr') ).text() + '" added', }, }) .show(); }) .fadeTo('fast', 1); } if (isTouch) { appendClickableIcon( $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr.dir > td:last-child' ), 'MPD_API_ADD_TRACK', 'plus' ); appendClickableIcon( $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr.song > td:last-child' ), 'MPD_API_ADD_TRACK', 'play' ); } else { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ mouseenter: function () { if ($(this).is('.dir')) appendClickableIcon( $(this).children().last(), 'MPD_API_ADD_TRACK', 'plus' ); else if ($(this).is('.song')) appendClickableIcon( $(this).children().last(), 'MPD_API_ADD_PLAY_TRACK', 'play' ); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this) .children() .last() .find('a') .stop() .remove(); }, }); } $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').on({ click: function () { switch ($(this).attr('class')) { case 'dir': pagination = 0; browsepath = $(this).attr('uri'); $('#browse > a').attr( 'href', '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); $('#filter > a').attr( 'href', '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); app.setLocation( '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); set_filter(''); break; case 'song': socket.send( 'MPD_API_ADD_TRACK,' + decodeURI($(this).attr('uri')) ); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: '"' + $( 'td:nth-last-child(3)', this ).text() + '" added', }, }) .show(); break; case 'plist': socket.send( 'MPD_API_ADD_PLAYLIST,' + decodeURI($(this).attr('uri')) ); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: '"' + $( 'td:nth-last-child(3)', this ).text() + '" added', }, }) .show(); break; } }, }); $('#breadcrump > li > a').on({ click: function () { pagination = 0; browsepath = $(this).attr('uri'); $('#browse > a').attr( 'href', '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); $('#filter > a').attr( 'href', '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); app.setLocation( '#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath ); set_filter(''); }, }); break; case 'state': updatePlayIcon(obj.data.state); updateVolumeIcon(obj.data.volume); if (JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(last_state)) break; current_song.totalTime = obj.data.totalTime; current_song.currentSongId = obj.data.currentsongid; var total_minutes = Math.floor(obj.data.totalTime / 60); var total_seconds = obj.data.totalTime - total_minutes * 60; var elapsed_minutes = Math.floor(obj.data.elapsedTime / 60); var elapsed_seconds = obj.data.elapsedTime - elapsed_minutes * 60; $('#volumeslider').slider(obj.data.volume); var progress = Math.floor( (100 * obj.data.elapsedTime) / obj.data.totalTime ); $('#progressbar').slider(progress); $('#counter').text( elapsed_minutes + ':' + (elapsed_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + elapsed_seconds + ' / ' + total_minutes + ':' + (total_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + total_seconds ); $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr') .removeClass('active') .css('font-weight', ''); $( '#salamisandwich > tbody > tr[trackid=' + obj.data.currentsongid + ']' ) .addClass('active') .css('font-weight', 'bold'); if (obj.data.random) $('#btnrandom').addClass('active'); else $('#btnrandom').removeClass('active'); if (obj.data.consume) $('#btnconsume').addClass('active'); else $('#btnconsume').removeClass('active'); if (obj.data.single) $('#btnsingle').addClass('active'); else $('#btnsingle').removeClass('active'); if (obj.data.crossfade) $('#btncrossfade').addClass('active'); else $('#btncrossfade').removeClass('active'); if (obj.data.repeat) $('#btnrepeat').addClass('active'); else $('#btnrepeat').removeClass('active'); last_state = obj; break; case 'outputnames': $('#btn-outputs-block button').remove(); if (Object.keys(obj.data).length) { $.each(obj.data, function (id, name) { var btn = $( '' ); btn.appendTo($('#btn-outputs-block')); }); } else { $('#btn-outputs-block').addClass('hide'); } /* remove cache, since the buttons have been recreated */ last_outputs = ''; break; case 'outputs': if (JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(last_outputs)) break; $.each(obj.data, function (id, enabled) { if (enabled) $('#btnoutput' + id).addClass('active'); else $('#btnoutput' + id).removeClass('active'); }); last_outputs = obj; break; case 'disconnected': if ($('.top-right').has('div').length == 0) $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'ympd lost connection to MPD ', }, type: 'danger', fadeOut: { enabled: true, delay: 1000 }, }) .show(); break; case 'update_queue': if (current_app === 'queue') socket.send('MPD_API_GET_QUEUE,' + pagination); break; case 'song_change': updatePageTitle(obj.data); $('#album').text(''); $('#artist').text(''); $('#btnlove').removeClass('active'); $('#currenttrack').text(' ' + obj.data.title); var notification = '

    ' + obj.data.title + '

    '; if (obj.data.artist) { $('#artist').text(obj.data.artist); notification += obj.data.artist + '
    '; } if (obj.data.album) { $('#album').text(obj.data.album); notification += obj.data.album + '
    '; } if ($.cookie('notification') === 'true') songNotify( obj.data.title, obj.data.artist, obj.data.album ); else $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { html: notification }, type: 'info', }) .show(); break; case 'mpdhost': $('#mpdhost').val(obj.data.host); setLocalStream(obj.data.host); $('#mpdport').val(obj.data.port); if (obj.data.passwort_set) $('#mpd_password_set').removeClass('hide'); break; case 'error': $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: obj.data }, type: 'danger', }) .show(); default: break; } }; socket.onclose = function () { console.log('disconnected'); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Connection to ympd lost, retrying in 3 seconds ', }, type: 'danger', onClose: function () { webSocketConnect(); }, }) .show(); }; } catch (exception) { alert('

    Error' + exception); } } function get_appropriate_ws_url() { var pcol; var u = document.URL; var separator; /* /* We open the websocket encrypted if this page came on an /* https:// url itself, otherwise unencrypted /*/ if (u.substring(0, 5) == 'https') { pcol = 'wss://'; u = u.substr(8); } else { pcol = 'ws://'; if (u.substring(0, 4) == 'http') u = u.substr(7); } u = u.split('#'); if (/\/$/.test(u[0])) { separator = ''; } else { separator = '/'; } return pcol + u[0] + separator + 'ws'; } var updateVolumeIcon = function (volume) { $('#volume-icon').removeClass('glyphicon-volume-off'); $('#volume-icon').removeClass('glyphicon-volume-up'); $('#volume-icon').removeClass('glyphicon-volume-down'); if (volume == 0) { $('#volume-icon').addClass('glyphicon-volume-off'); } else if (volume < 50) { $('#volume-icon').addClass('glyphicon-volume-down'); } else { $('#volume-icon').addClass('glyphicon-volume-up'); } }; var updatePlayIcon = function (state) { $('#play-icon') .removeClass('glyphicon-play') .removeClass('glyphicon-pause'); $('#track-icon') .removeClass('glyphicon-play') .removeClass('glyphicon-pause') .removeClass('glyphicon-stop'); if (state == 1) { // stop $('#play-icon').addClass('glyphicon-play'); $('#track-icon').addClass('glyphicon-stop'); document.getElementById('player').pause(); } else if (state == 2) { // play $('#play-icon').addClass('glyphicon-pause'); $('#track-icon').addClass('glyphicon-play'); if ($.cookie('autoplay') === 'true' && player.paused) { clickLocalPlay(); } } else { // pause $('#play-icon').addClass('glyphicon-play'); $('#track-icon').addClass('glyphicon-pause'); document.getElementById('player').pause(); } }; var updatePageTitle = function (songInfo) { if (!songInfo || (!songInfo.artist && !songInfo.title)) { document.title = 'ympd'; return; } if (songInfo.artist) { if (songInfo.title) { document.title = songInfo.artist + ' - ' + songInfo.title; } } else { document.title = songInfo.title; } }; function updateDB() { socket.send('MPD_API_UPDATE_DB'); $('.top-right') .notify({ message: { text: 'Updating MPD Database... ' }, }) .show(); } function clickPlay() { if ($('#track-icon').hasClass('glyphicon-stop')) socket.send('MPD_API_SET_PLAY'); else socket.send('MPD_API_SET_PAUSE'); } function clickLocalPlay() { var player = document.getElementById('player'); $('#localplay-icon') .removeClass('glyphicon-play') .removeClass('glyphicon-pause'); if (!$('#track-icon').hasClass('glyphicon-play')) { clickPlay(); } if (player.paused) { var mpdstream = $.cookie('mpdstream'); if (mpdstream) { player.src = mpdstream; console.log('playing mpd stream: ' + player.src); player.load(); player.play(); $('#localplay-icon').addClass('glyphicon-pause'); } else { $('#mpdstream').change(function () { clickLocalPlay(); $(this).unbind('change'); }); $('#localplay-icon').addClass('glyphicon-play'); getHost(); } } else { player.pause(); } } function setLocalStream(mpdhost) { var mpdstream = $.cookie('mpdstream'); if (!mpdstream) { mpdstream = 'http://'; if (mpdhost == '') mpdstream += window.location.hostname; else mpdstream += mpdhost; mpdstream += ':8000/'; $.cookie('mpdstream', mpdstream, { expires: 424242 }); } $('#mpdstream').val(mpdstream); $('#mpdstream').change(); } function trash(tr) { if ($('#btntrashmodeup').hasClass('active')) { socket.send('MPD_API_RM_RANGE,0,' + (tr.index() + 1)); tr.remove(); } else if ($('#btntrashmodesingle').hasClass('active')) { socket.send('MPD_API_RM_TRACK,' + tr.attr('trackid')); tr.remove(); } else if ($('#btntrashmodedown').hasClass('active')) { socket.send('MPD_API_RM_RANGE,' + tr.index() + ',-1'); tr.remove(); } } function renumber_table(tableID, item) { was = item.children('td').first().text(); //Check if first item exists! is = item.index() + 1; //maybe add pagination if (was != is) { socket.send('MPD_API_MOVE_TRACK,' + was + ',' + is); socket.send('MPD_API_GET_QUEUE,' + pagination); } } function basename(path) { return path.split('/').reverse()[0]; } function clickLove() { socket.send( 'MPD_API_SEND_MESSAGE,mpdas,' + ($('#btnlove').hasClass('active') ? 'unlove' : 'love') ); if ($('#btnlove').hasClass('active')) $('#btnlove').removeClass('active'); else $('#btnlove').addClass('active'); } $('#btnrandom').on('click', function (e) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_RANDOM,' + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); }); $('#btnconsume').on('click', function (e) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_CONSUME,' + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); }); $('#btnsingle').on('click', function (e) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_SINGLE,' + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); }); $('#btncrossfade').on('click', function (e) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_CROSSFADE,' + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); }); $('#btnrepeat').on('click', function (e) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_REPEAT,' + ($(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); }); function toggleoutput(button, id) { socket.send( 'MPD_API_TOGGLE_OUTPUT,' + id + ',' + ($(button).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1) ); } $('#trashmode') .children('button') .on('click', function (e) { $('#trashmode').children('button').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }); $('#btnnotify').on('click', function (e) { if ($.cookie('notification') === 'true') { $.cookie('notification', false); } else { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { if (!('permission' in Notification)) { Notification.permission = permission; } if (permission === 'granted') { $.cookie('notification', true, { expires: 424242 }); $('btnnotify').addClass('active'); } }); } }); $('#btnautoplay').on('click', function (e) { if ($.cookie('autoplay') === 'true') { $.cookie('autoplay', false); } else { $.cookie('autoplay', true, { expires: 424242 }); $('#btnautoplay').addClass('active'); } }); function getHost() { socket.send('MPD_API_GET_MPDHOST'); function onEnter(event) { if (event.which == 13) { confirmSettings(); } } $('#mpdhost').keypress(onEnter); $('#mpdport').keypress(onEnter); $('#mpdstream').keypress(onEnter); $('#mpd_pw').keypress(onEnter); $('#mpd_pw_con').keypress(onEnter); } $('#search').submit(function () { app.setLocation('#/search/' + $('#search > div > input').val()); $('#wait').modal('show'); setTimeout(function () { $('#wait').modal('hide'); }, 10000); return false; }); $('.page-btn').on('click', function (e) { switch ($(this).text()) { case 'Next': pagination += MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE; break; case 'Previous': pagination -= MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE; if (pagination <= 0) pagination = 0; break; } switch (current_app) { case 'queue': app.setLocation('#/' + pagination); break; case 'browse': app.setLocation('#/browse/' + pagination + '/' + browsepath); break; } e.preventDefault(); }); function addStream() { if ($('#streamurl').val().length > 0) { socket.send('MPD_API_ADD_TRACK,' + $('#streamurl').val()); } $('#streamurl').val(''); $('#addstream').modal('hide'); } function saveQueue() { if ($('#playlistname').val().length > 0) { socket.send('MPD_API_SAVE_QUEUE,' + $('#playlistname').val()); } $('#savequeue').modal('hide'); } function confirmSettings() { if ($('#mpd_pw').val().length + $('#mpd_pw_con').val().length > 0) { if ($('#mpd_pw').val() !== $('#mpd_pw_con').val()) { $('#mpd_pw_con').popover('show'); setTimeout(function () { $('#mpd_pw_con').popover('hide'); }, 2000); return; } else socket.send('MPD_API_SET_MPDPASS,' + $('#mpd_pw').val()); } socket.send( 'MPD_API_SET_MPDHOST,' + $('#mpdport').val() + ',' + $('#mpdhost').val() ); $.cookie('mpdstream', $('#mpdstream').val(), { expires: 424242 }); $('#settings').modal('hide'); } $('#mpd_password_set > button').on('click', function (e) { socket.send('MPD_API_SET_MPDPASS,'); $('#mpd_pw').val(''); $('#mpd_pw_con').val(''); $('#mpd_password_set').addClass('hide'); }); function notificationsSupported() { return 'Notification' in window; } function songNotify(title, artist, album) { /*var opt = { type: "list", title: title, message: title, items: [] } if(artist.length > 0) opt.items.push({title: "Artist", message: artist}); if(album.length > 0) opt.items.push({title: "Album", message: album}); */ //chrome.notifications.create(id, options, creationCallback); var textNotification = ''; if (typeof artist != 'undefined' && artist.length > 0) textNotification += ' ' + artist; if (typeof album != 'undefined' && album.length > 0) textNotification += '\n ' + album; var notification = new Notification(title, { icon: 'assets/favicon.ico', body: textNotification, }); setTimeout( function (notification) { notification.close(); }, 3000, notification ); } $(document).keydown(function (e) { if (e.target.tagName == 'INPUT') { return; } switch (e.which) { case 37: //left socket.send('MPD_API_SET_PREV'); break; case 39: //right socket.send('MPD_API_SET_NEXT'); break; case 32: //space clickPlay(); break; default: return; } e.preventDefault(); }); function set_filter(c) { filter = c; $('#filter > a').removeClass('active'); $('#f' + c).addClass('active'); if (filter === '') { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr').removeClass('hide'); } else if (filter === 'plist') { $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr.dir').addClass('hide'); $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr.song').addClass('hide'); $('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr.plist').removeClass('hide'); } else { $.each($('#salamisandwich > tbody > tr'), function (i, line) { var first = basename($(line).attr('uri'))[0]; if ($(line).hasClass('song')) { first = $(line).children().eq(3).text()[0]; } if (filter === 'num') { if (!isNaN(first)) { $(line).removeClass('hide'); } else { $(line).addClass('hide'); } } else if (filter >= 'A' && filter <= 'Z') { if (first.toUpperCase() === filter) { $(line).removeClass('hide'); } else { $(line).addClass('hide'); } } }); } } function add_filter() { $('#filter').empty(); $('#filter').append( ' All' ); $('#filter').append( ' #' ); for (i = 65; i <= 90; i++) { var c = String.fromCharCode(i); $('#filter').append( ' ' + c + '' ); } $('#filter').append( ' ' ); $('#f' + filter).addClass('active'); $('#filter').removeClass('hide'); }