"use strict"; /* myMPD (c) 2018 Juergen Mang This project's homepage is: https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd myMPD ist fork of: ympd (c) 2013-2014 Andrew Karpow This project's homepage is: https://www.ympd.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ var socket; var last_song = ''; var last_state; var current_song = new Object(); var playstate = ''; var settings = {}; var alertTimeout; let deferredPrompt; var dragEl; var app = {}; app.apps = { "Playback": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 }, "Queue": { "state": "0/Any Tag/", "scrollPos": 0 }, "Browse": { "active": "Database", "tabs": { "Filesystem": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 }, "Playlists": { "active": "All", "views": { "All": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 }, "Detail": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 } } }, "Database": { "active": "Artist", "views": { "Artist": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 }, "Album": { "state": "0/-/", "scrollPos": 0 } } } } }, "Search": { "state": "0/Any Tag/", "scrollPos": 0 } }; app.current = { "app": "Playback", "tab": undefined, "view": undefined, "page": 0, "filter": "", "search": "", "scrollPos": 0 }; app.last = { "app": undefined, "tab": undefined, "view": undefined, "filter": "", "search": "", "scrollPos": 0 }; var domCache = {}; domCache.navbarBottomBtns = document.getElementById('navbar-bottom').getElementsByTagName('div'); domCache.navbarBottomBtnsLen = domCache.navbarBottomBtns.length; domCache.panelHeadingBrowse = document.getElementById('panel-heading-browse').getElementsByTagName('a'); domCache.panelHeadingBrowseLen = domCache.panelHeadingBrowse.length; domCache.counter = document.getElementById('counter'); domCache.volumePrct = document.getElementById('volumePrct'); domCache.volumeControl = document.getElementById('volumeControl'); domCache.volumeIcon = document.getElementById('volumeIcon'); domCache.btnPlay = document.getElementById('btnPlay'); domCache.btnPrev = document.getElementById('btnPrev'); domCache.btnNext = document.getElementById('btnNext'); domCache.progressBar = document.getElementById('progressBar'); domCache.volumeBar = document.getElementById('volumeBar'); domCache.outputs = document.getElementById('outputs'); domCache.btnAdd = document.getElementById('btnAdd'); var modalConnectionError = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalConnectionError')); var modalSettings = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalSettings')); var modalAddstream = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalAddstream')); var modalSavequeue = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalSaveQueue')); var modalSongDetails = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalSongDetails')); var modalAddToPlaylist = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalAddToPlaylist')); var modalRenamePlaylist = new Modal(document.getElementById('modalRenamePlaylist')); var mainMenu = new Dropdown(document.getElementById('mainMenu')); function appPrepare(scrollPos) { if (app.current.app != app.last.app || app.current.tab != app.last.tab || app.current.view != app.last.view) { //Hide all cards + nav for (var i = 0; i < domCache.navbarBottomBtnsLen; i++) { domCache.navbarBottomBtns[i].classList.remove('active'); } document.getElementById('cardPlayback').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('cardQueue').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('cardBrowse').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('cardSearch').classList.add('hide'); for (var i = 0; i < domCache.panelHeadingBrowseLen; i++) { domCache.panelHeadingBrowse[i].classList.remove('active'); } document.getElementById('cardBrowsePlaylists').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('cardBrowseDatabase').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('cardBrowseFilesystem').classList.add('hide'); //show active card + nav document.getElementById('card' + app.current.app).classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('nav' + app.current.app).classList.add('active'); if (app.current.tab != undefined) { document.getElementById('card' + app.current.app + app.current.tab).classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('card' + app.current.app + 'Nav' + app.current.tab).classList.add('active'); } scrollTo(scrollPos); } var list = document.getElementById(app.current.app + (app.current.tab == undefined ? '' : app.current.tab) + (app.current.view == undefined ? '' : app.current.view) + 'List'); if (list) list.classList.add('opacity05'); } function appGoto(a,t,v,s) { var scrollPos = 0; if (document.body.scrollTop) scrollPos = document.body.scrollTop else scrollPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (app.apps[app.current.app].scrollPos != undefined) app.apps[app.current.app].scrollPos = scrollPos else if (app.apps[app.current.app].tabs[app.current.tab].scrollPos != undefined) app.apps[app.current.app].tabs[app.current.tab].scrollPos = scrollPos else if (app.apps[app.current.app].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view].scrollPos != undefined) app.apps[app.current.app].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view].scrollPos = scrollPos; var hash = ''; if (app.apps[a].tabs) { if (t == undefined) t = app.apps[a].active; if (app.apps[a].tabs[t].views) { if (v == undefined) v = app.apps[a].tabs[t].active; hash = '/' + a + '/' + t +'/'+v + '!' + (s == undefined ? app.apps[a].tabs[t].views[v].state : s); } else { hash = '/'+a+'/'+t+'!'+ (s == undefined ? app.apps[a].tabs[t].state : s); 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app.current.scrollPos = app.apps[app.current.app].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view].scrollPos; } app.current.page = parseInt(params[5]); app.current.filter = params[6]; app.current.search = params[7]; } else { appGoto('Playback'); return; } appPrepare(app.current.scrollPos); if (app.current.app == 'Playback') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_CURRENT_SONG"}, songChange); } else if (app.current.app == 'Queue' ) { var btns = document.getElementById('searchqueuetag').getElementsByTagName('button'); for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) { btns[i].classList.remove('active'); if (btns[i].innerText == app.current.filter) { btns[i].classList.add('active'); document.getElementById('searchqueuetagdesc').innerText = btns[i].innerText; } } getQueue(); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Playlists' && app.current.view == 'All') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_PLAYLISTS","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter}}, parsePlaylists); doSetFilterLetter('BrowsePlaylistsFilter'); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Playlists' && app.current.view == 'Detail') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_PLAYLIST_LIST","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter, "uri": app.current.search}}, parsePlaylists); doSetFilterLetter('BrowsePlaylistsFilter'); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Database' && app.current.view == 'Artist') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_ARTISTS","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter}}, parseListDBtags); doSetFilterLetter('BrowseDatabaseFilter'); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Database' && app.current.view == 'Album') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_ARTISTALBUMS","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter, "albumartist": app.current.search}}, parseListDBtags); doSetFilterLetter('BrowseDatabaseFilter'); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Filesystem') { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_FILESYSTEM","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "path": (app.current.search ? app.current.search : "/"), "filter": app.current.filter}}, parseFilesystem); // Don't add all songs from root if (app.current.search) document.getElementById('BrowseFilesystemAddAllSongs').removeAttribute('disabled'); else document.getElementById('BrowseFilesystemAddAllSongs').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') // Create breadcrumb var breadcrumbs=''; var pathArray = app.current.search.split('/'); var pathArrayLen = pathArray.length; var fullPath = ''; for (var i = 0; i < pathArrayLen; i++) { if (pathArrayLen -1 == i) { breadcrumbs += ''; break; } fullPath += pathArray[i]; breadcrumbs += ''; fullPath += '/'; } var elBrowseBreadcrumb=document.getElementById('BrowseBreadcrumb'); elBrowseBreadcrumb.innerHTML = breadcrumbs; var breadcrumbItems = elBrowseBreadcrumb.getElementsByTagName('a'); var breadcrumbItemsLen = breadcrumbItems.length; for (var i = 0; i < breadcrumbItemsLen; i++) { breadcrumbItems[i].addEventListener('click', function() { appGoto('Browse', 'Filesystem', undefined, '0/' + app.current.filter + '/' + this.getAttribute('data-uri')); }, false); } doSetFilterLetter('BrowseFilesystemFilter'); } else if (app.current.app == 'Search') { document.getElementById('searchstr').focus(); if (app.last.app != app.current.app) { if (app.current.search != '') document.getElementById('SearchList').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].innerHTML= 'search' + 'Searching...'; } if (app.current.search.length >= 2) { sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_SEARCH", "data": { "mpdtag": app.current.filter, "offset": app.current.page, "searchstr": app.current.search}}, parseSearch); } else { document.getElementById('SearchList').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('searchAddAllSongs').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.getElementById('panel-heading-search').innerText = ''; document.getElementById('SearchList').classList.remove('opacity05'); } var btns = document.getElementById('searchtags').getElementsByTagName('button'); var btnsLen = btns.length; for (var i = 0; i < btnsLen; i++) { btns[i].classList.remove('active'); if (btns[i].innerText == app.current.filter) { btns[i].classList.add('active'); document.getElementById('searchtagsdesc').innerText = btns[i].innerText; } } } else { appGoto("Playback"); } app.last.app = app.current.app; app.last.tab = app.current.tab; app.last.view = app.current.view; }; function appInit() { getSettings(); sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_OUTPUTNAMES"}, parseOutputnames); webSocketConnect(); domCache.volumeBar.value = 0; domCache.volumeBar.addEventListener('change', function(event) { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_VOLUME","data": {"volume": domCache.volumeBar.value}}); }, false); domCache.progressBar.value = 0; domCache.progressBar.addEventListener('change', function(event) { if (current_song && current_song.currentSongId >= 0) { var seekVal = Math.ceil(current_song.totalTime * (domCache.progressBar.value / 100)); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_SEEK", "data": {"songid":current_song.currentSongId,"seek": seekVal}}); } }, false); document.getElementById('modalAbout').addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', function () { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_STATS"}, parseStats); }); document.getElementById('modalSaveQueue').addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', function () { var plName = document.getElementById('saveQueueName'); plName.focus(); plName.value = ''; plName.classList.remove('is-invalid'); document.getElementById('saveQueueFrm').classList.remove('was-validated'); }); document.getElementById('modalSettings').addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', function () { getSettings(); document.getElementById('settingsFrm').classList.remove('was-validated'); document.getElementById('inputCrossfade').classList.remove('is-invalid'); document.getElementById('inputMixrampdb').classList.remove('is-invalid'); document.getElementById('inputMixrampdelay').classList.remove('is-invalid'); }); document.getElementById('modalAddstream').addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', function () { var streamUrl = document.getElementById('streamUrl') streamUrl.focus(); streamUrl.value = ''; streamUrl.classList.remove('is-invalid'); document.getElementById('addStreamFrm').classList.remove('was-validated'); }); addFilterLetter('BrowseFilesystemFilterLetters'); addFilterLetter('BrowseDatabaseFilterLetters'); addFilterLetter('BrowsePlaylistsFilterLetters'); var hrefs = document.querySelectorAll('button[data-href], a[data-href]'); var hrefsLen = hrefs.length; for (var i = 0; i < hrefsLen; i++) { hrefs[i].addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var cmd = JSON.parse(this.getAttribute('data-href').replace(/\'/g,'"')); if (typeof window[cmd.cmd] === 'function') { switch(cmd.cmd) { case 'sendAPI': sendAPI(... cmd.options); break; default: window[cmd.cmd](... cmd.options); } } }, false); } var pd = document.querySelectorAll('.pages'); var pdLen = pd.length; for (var i = 0; i < pdLen; i++) { pd[i].addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'BUTTON') { gotoPage(event.target.getAttribute('data-page')); } }, false); } document.getElementById('outputs').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'BUTTON') event.stopPropagation(); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_TOGGLE_OUTPUT", "data": {"output": event.target.getAttribute('data-output-id'), "state": (event.target.classList.contains('active') ? 0 : 1)}}); toggleBtn(event.target.id); }, false); var queueBody=document.getElementById('QueueList').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; queueBody.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TR') { //event.target.style.opacity = '0.4'; event.target.style.display = 'none'; event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', event.target.getAttribute('id')); dragEl = event.target.cloneNode(true); } }, false); queueBody.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { event.preventDefault(); event.target.parentNode.classList.remove('dragover'); } }, false); queueBody.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var tr = queueBody.querySelectorAll('.dragover'); var trLen = tr.length; for (var i = 0; i < trLen; i++) { tr[i].classList.remove('dragover'); } event.target.parentNode.classList.add('dragover'); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; }, false); queueBody.addEventListener('dragend', function(event) { var tr = queueBody.querySelectorAll('.dragover'); var trLen = tr.length; for (var i = 0; i < trLen; i++) { tr[i].classList.remove('dragover'); } document.getElementById(event.dataTransfer.getData('Text')).style.display = ''; }, false); queueBody.addEventListener('drop', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); var oldSongpos = document.getElementById(event.dataTransfer.getData('Text')).getAttribute('data-songpos'); var newSongpos = event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-songpos'); document.getElementById(event.dataTransfer.getData('Text')).remove(); dragEl.style.display = ''; queueBody.insertBefore(dragEl, event.target.parentNode); var tr = queueBody.querySelectorAll('.dragover'); var trLen = tr.length; for (var i = 0; i < trLen; i++) { tr[i].classList.remove('dragover'); } document.getElementById('QueueList').classList.add('opacity05'); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_MOVE_TRACK","data": {"from": oldSongpos, "to": newSongpos}}); }, false); document.getElementById('QueueList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_PLAY_TRACK","data": {"track": event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-trackid')}}); else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); document.getElementById('BrowseFilesystemList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { switch(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-type')) { case 'dir': appGoto('Browse', 'Filesystem', undefined, '0/' + app.current.filter +'/' + decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri"))); break; case 'song': appendQueue('song', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri")), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-name")); break; case 'plist': appendQueue('plist', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri")), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-name")); break; } } else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsAllList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { appendQueue('plist', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri")), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-name")); } else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { appendQueue('plist', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri")), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-name")); } else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseArtistList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { appGoto('Browse', 'Database', 'Album', '0/-/' + event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-uri')); } }, false); document.getElementById('SearchList').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { appendQueue('song', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-uri")), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute("data-name")); } else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); document.getElementById('searchtags').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'BUTTON') appGoto(app.current.app, app.current.tab, app.current.view, '0/' + event.target.innerText + '/' + app.current.search); }, false); document.getElementById('searchqueuestr').addEventListener('keyup', function(event) { appGoto(app.current.app, app.current.tab, app.current.view, '0/' + app.current.filter + '/' + this.value); }, false); document.getElementById('searchqueuetag').addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'BUTTON') appGoto(app.current.app, app.current.tab, app.current.view, app.current.page + '/' + event.target.innerText + '/' + app.current.search); }, false); document.getElementById('search').addEventListener('submit', function () { return false; }, false); document.getElementById('searchqueue').addEventListener('submit', function () { return false; }, false); document.getElementById('searchstr').addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { appGoto('Search', undefined, undefined, '0/' + app.current.filter + '/' + this.value); }, false); window.addEventListener('hashchange', appRoute, false); document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.target.tagName == 'INPUT') return; switch (event.which) { case 37: //left clickPrev(); break; case 39: //right clickNext(); break; case 32: //space clickPlay(); break; default: return; } event.preventDefault(); }, false); if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && document.URL.substring(0, 5) == 'https') { window.addEventListener('load', function() { navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js', {scope: '/'}).then(function(registration) { // Registration was successful console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ', registration.scope); }, function(err) { // registration failed :( console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err); }); }); } window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (e) => { // Prevent Chrome 67 and earlier from automatically showing the prompt e.preventDefault(); // Stash the event so it can be triggered later. deferredPrompt = e; }); window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); deferredPrompt = e; // Update UI notify the user they can add to home screen domCache.btnAdd.classList.remove('hide'); }); domCache.btnAdd.addEventListener('click', (e) => { // hide our user interface that shows our A2HS button domCache.btnAdd.classList.add('hide'); // Show the prompt deferredPrompt.prompt(); // Wait for the user to respond to the prompt deferredPrompt.userChoice.then((choiceResult) => { if (choiceResult.outcome === 'accepted') console.log('User accepted the A2HS prompt'); else console.log('User dismissed the A2HS prompt'); deferredPrompt = null; }); }); window.addEventListener('appinstalled', (evt) => { console.log('appinstalled'); }); } function webSocketConnect() { socket = new WebSocket(getWsUrl()); try { socket.onopen = function() { console.log('connected'); showNotification('Connected to myMPD', '', '', 'success'); modalConnectionError.hide(); appRoute(); } socket.onmessage = function got_packet(msg) { if(msg.data === last_state || msg.data.length == 0) return; try { var obj = JSON.parse(msg.data); } catch(e) { console.log('Invalid JSON data received: ' + msg.data); } switch (obj.type) { case 'state': parseState(obj); break; case 'disconnected': showNotification('myMPD lost connection to MPD', '', '', 'danger'); break; case 'update_queue': if(app.current.app === 'Queue') getQueue(); break; case 'song_change': songChange(obj); break; case 'error': showNotification(obj.data, '', '', 'danger'); default: break; } } socket.onclose = function(){ console.log('disconnected'); modalConnectionError.show(); setTimeout(function() { console.log('reconnect'); webSocketConnect(); }, 3000); } } catch(exception) { alert('Error: ' + exception); } } function getWsUrl() { var pcol; var u = document.URL; var separator; if (u.substring(0, 5) == 'https') { pcol = 'wss://'; u = u.substr(8); } else { pcol = 'ws://'; if (u.substring(0, 4) == 'http') u = u.substr(7); } u = u.split('#'); if (/\/$/.test(u[0])) separator = ''; else separator = '/'; return pcol + u[0] + separator + 'ws'; } function parseStats(obj) { document.getElementById('mpdstats_artists').innerText = obj.data.artists; document.getElementById('mpdstats_albums').innerText = obj.data.albums; document.getElementById('mpdstats_songs').innerText = obj.data.songs; document.getElementById('mpdstats_dbplaytime').innerText = beautifyDuration(obj.data.dbplaytime); document.getElementById('mpdstats_playtime').innerText = beautifyDuration(obj.data.playtime); document.getElementById('mpdstats_uptime').innerText = beautifyDuration(obj.data.uptime); var d = new Date(obj.data.dbupdated * 1000); document.getElementById('mpdstats_dbupdated').innerText = d.toUTCString(); document.getElementById('mympdVersion').innerText = obj.data.mympd_version; document.getElementById('mpdVersion').innerText = obj.data.mpd_version; } function toggleBtn(btn, state) { var b = document.getElementById(btn); if (!b) return; if (state == undefined) state = b.classList.contains('active') ? 0 : 1; if (state == 1) { b.classList.add('active'); b.setAttribute('aria-pressed','true'); } else { b.classList.remove('active'); b.setAttribute('aria-pressed','false'); } } function parseSettings(obj) { toggleBtn('btnRandom', obj.data.random); toggleBtn('btnConsume', obj.data.consume); toggleBtn('btnSingle', obj.data.single); toggleBtn('btnRepeat', obj.data.repeat); if (obj.data.crossfade != undefined) { document.getElementById('inputCrossfade').removeAttribute('disabled'); document.getElementById('inputCrossfade').value = obj.data.crossfade; } else { document.getElementById('inputCrossfade').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (obj.data.mixrampdb != undefined) { document.getElementById('inputMixrampdb').removeAttribute('disabled'); document.getElementById('inputMixrampdb').value = obj.data.mixrampdb; } else { document.getElementById('inputMixrampdb').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (obj.data.mixrampdelay != undefined) { document.getElementById('inputMixrampdelay').removeAttribute('disabled'); document.getElementById('inputMixrampdelay').value = obj.data.mixrampdelay; } else { document.getElementById('inputMixrampdelay').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } document.getElementById('selectReplaygain').value = obj.data.replaygain; var btnnotifyWeb = document.getElementById('btnnotifyWeb'); if (notificationsSupported()) { if (obj.data.notificationWeb) { toggleBtn('btnnotifyWeb', obj.data.notificationWeb); Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { if (!('permission' in Notification)) Notification.permission = permission; if (permission === 'granted') { toggleBtn('btnnotifyWeb', 1); } else { toggleBtn('btnnotifyWeb', 0); obj.data.notificationWeb = 0; } }); } else { toggleBtn('btnnotifyWeb', 0); } } else { btnnotifyWeb.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); toggleBtn('btnnotifyWeb', 0); } toggleBtn('btnnotifyPage', obj.data.notificationPage); settings=obj.data; settings.mpdstream = 'http://'; if (settings.mpdhost == '' || settings.mpdhost == 'localhost') settings.mpdstream += window.location.hostname; else settings.mpdstream += settings.mpdhost; settings.mpdstream += ':' + settings.streamport + '/'; } function getSettings() { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_SETTINGS"}, parseSettings); } function parseOutputnames(obj) { var btns = ''; var outputsLen = obj.data.outputs.length; for (var i = 0; i < outputsLen; i++) { btns += ''; } domCache.outputs.innerHTML = btns; } function parseState(obj) { if (JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(last_state)) return; //Set playstate if (obj.data.state == 1) { domCache.btnPlay.innerText = 'play_arrow'; playstate = 'stop'; } else if (obj.data.state == 2) { domCache.btnPlay.innerText = 'pause'; playstate = 'play'; } else { domCache.btnPlay.innerText = 'play_arrow'; playstate = 'pause'; } if (obj.data.nextsongpos == -1) domCache.btnNext.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else domCache.btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (obj.data.songpos <= 0) domCache.btnPrev.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else domCache.btnPrev.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (obj.data.queue_length == 0) domCache.btnPlay.setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else domCache.btnPlay.removeAttribute('disabled'); //Set volume if (obj.data.volume == -1) { domCache.volumePrct.innerText = 'Volumecontrol disabled'; domCache.volumeControl.classList.add('hide'); } else { domCache.volumeControl.classList.remove('hide'); domCache.volumePrct.innerText = obj.data.volume + ' %'; if(obj.data.volume == 0) domCache.volumeIcon.innerText = 'volume_off'; else if (obj.data.volume < 50) domCache.volumeIcon.innerText = 'volume_down'; else domCache.volumeIcon.innerText = 'volume_up'; } domCache.volumeBar.value = obj.data.volume; //Set play counters current_song.totalTime = obj.data.totalTime; current_song.currentSongId = obj.data.currentsongid; var total_minutes = Math.floor(obj.data.totalTime / 60); var total_seconds = obj.data.totalTime - total_minutes * 60; var elapsed_minutes = Math.floor(obj.data.elapsedTime / 60); var elapsed_seconds = obj.data.elapsedTime - elapsed_minutes * 60; domCache.progressBar.value = Math.floor(100 * obj.data.elapsedTime / obj.data.totalTime); var counterText = elapsed_minutes + ":" + (elapsed_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + elapsed_seconds + " / " + total_minutes + ":" + (total_seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + total_seconds; domCache.counter.innerText = counterText; //Set playing track in queue view if (last_state) { var tr = document.getElementById('queueTrackId' + last_state.data.currentsongid); if (tr) { var trtds = tr.getElementsByTagName('td'); trtds[4].innerText = tr.getAttribute('data-duration'); trtds[0].classList.remove('material-icons'); trtds[0].innerText = tr.getAttribute('data-songpos'); tr.classList.remove('font-weight-bold'); } } var tr = document.getElementById('queueTrackId' + obj.data.currentsongid); if (tr) { var trtds = tr.getElementsByTagName('td'); trtds[4].innerText = counterText; trtds[0].classList.add('material-icons'); trtds[0].innerText = 'play_arrow'; tr.classList.add('font-weight-bold'); } //Get current song on queue change for http streams if (last_state == undefined || obj.data.queue_version != last_state.data.queue_version) sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_CURRENT_SONG"}, songChange); // Set outputs state var outputsLen = obj.data.outputs.length; for (var i = 0; i < outputsLen; i++) { toggleBtn('btnoutput' + obj.data.outputs[i].id, obj.data.outputs[i].state); } last_state = obj; } function getQueue() { if (app.current.search.length >= 2) sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SEARCH_QUEUE", "data": {"mpdtag":app.current.filter, "offset":app.current.page, "searchstr": app.current.search}}, parseQueue); else { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_QUEUE", "data": {"offset": app.current.page}}, parseQueue); } } function parseQueue(obj) { if (app.current.app !== 'Queue') return; if (typeof(obj.totalTime) != undefined && obj.totalTime > 0 ) document.getElementById('panel-heading-queue').innerText = obj.totalEntities + ' Songs – ' + beautifyDuration(obj.totalTime); else if (obj.totalEntities > 0) document.getElementById('panel-heading-queue').innerText = obj.totalEntities + ' Songs'; else document.getElementById('panel-heading-queue').innerText = ''; var nrItems = obj.data.length; var table = document.getElementById(app.current.app + 'List'); table.setAttribute('data-version', obj.queue_version); var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var tr = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { if (tr[i]) if (tr[i].getAttribute('data-trackid') == obj.data[i].id && tr[i].getAttribute('data-songpos') == (obj.data[i].pos + 1)) continue; var minutes = Math.floor(obj.data[i].duration / 60); var seconds = obj.data[i].duration - minutes * 60; var duration = minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('draggable','true'); row.setAttribute('data-trackid', obj.data[i].id); row.setAttribute('id','queueTrackId' + obj.data[i].id); row.setAttribute('data-songpos', (obj.data[i].pos + 1)); row.setAttribute('data-duration', duration); row.setAttribute('data-uri', obj.data[i].uri); row.innerHTML = '' + (obj.data[i].pos + 1) + '' + '' + obj.data[i].title + '' + '' + obj.data[i].artist + '' + '' + obj.data[i].album + '' + '' + duration + '' + 'playlist_add'; if (i < tr.length) tr[i].replaceWith(row); else tbody.append(row); } var tr_length=tr.length - 1; for (var i = tr_length; i >= nrItems; i --) { tr[i].remove(); } if (obj.type == 'queuesearch' && nrItems == 0) tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'No results, please refine your search!'; else if (obj.type == 'queue' && nrItems == 0) tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'Empty queue'; setPagination(obj.totalEntities); document.getElementById('QueueList').classList.remove('opacity05'); } function parseSearch(obj) { if (app.current.app !== 'Search') return; document.getElementById('panel-heading-search').innerHTML = obj.totalEntities + ' Songs found'; if (obj.totalEntities > 0) document.getElementById('searchAddAllSongs').removeAttribute('disabled'); else document.getElementById('searchAddAllSongs').setAttribute('disabled','disabled'); parseFilesystem(obj); } function parseFilesystem(obj) { if (app.current.app !== 'Browse' && app.current.tab !== 'Filesystem' && app.current.app !== 'Search') return; var nrItems = obj.data.length; var tbody = document.getElementById(app.current.app + (app.current.tab==undefined ? '' : app.current.tab) + 'List').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var tr = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { var uri = encodeURI(obj.data[i].uri); if (tr[i]) if (tr[i].getAttribute('data-uri') == uri) continue; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('data-type', obj.data[i].type); row.setAttribute('data-uri', uri); row.setAttribute('data-name', obj.data[i].name); switch(obj.data[i].type) { case 'dir': row.innerHTML = 'folder_open' + '' + obj.data[i].name + '' + 'playlist_add'; break; case 'song': var minutes = Math.floor(obj.data[i].duration / 60); var seconds = obj.data[i].duration - minutes * 60; row.innerHTML = 'music_note' + '' + obj.data[i].title + '' + '' + obj.data[i].artist + '' + '' + obj.data[i].album + '' + '' + minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + 'playlist_add'; break; case 'plist': row.innerHTML = 'list' + '' + obj.data[i].name + '' + 'playlist_add'; break; } if (i < tr.length) tr[i].replaceWith(row); else tbody.append(row); } var tr_length=tr.length - 1; for (var i = tr_length; i >= nrItems; i --) { tr[i].remove(); } setPagination(obj.totalEntities); if (nrItems == 0) tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'No results'; document.getElementById(app.current.app + (app.current.tab==undefined ? '' : app.current.tab) + 'List').classList.remove('opacity05'); } function parsePlaylists(obj) { if (app.current.app !== 'Browse' && app.current.tab !== 'Playlists') return; if (app.current.view == 'All') { document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsAllList').classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('btnBrowsePlaylistsAll').parentNode.classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('btnPlaylistClear').parentNode.classList.add('hide'); } else { if (obj.uri.indexOf('.') > -1) { document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').setAttribute('data-ro', 'true') document.getElementById('btnPlaylistClear').parentNode.classList.add('hide'); } else { document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').setAttribute('data-ro', 'false'); document.getElementById('btnPlaylistClear').parentNode.classList.remove('hide'); } document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').setAttribute('data-uri', obj.uri); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').getElementsByTagName('caption')[0].innerText = 'Playlist: ' + obj.uri; document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsAllList').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('btnBrowsePlaylistsAll').parentNode.classList.remove('hide'); } var nrItems = obj.data.length; var tbody = document.getElementById(app.current.app + app.current.tab + app.current.view + 'List').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var tr = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); if (app.current.view == 'All') { for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { var uri = encodeURI(obj.data[i].uri); if (tr[i]) if (tr[i].getAttribute('data-uri') == uri) continue; var d = new Date(obj.data[i].last_modified * 1000); var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('data-uri', uri); row.setAttribute('data-type', 'plist'); row.setAttribute('data-name', obj.data[i].name); row.innerHTML = 'list' + '' + obj.data[i].name + '' + ''+ d.toUTCString() + '' + 'playlist_add'; if (i < tr.length) tr[i].replaceWith(row); else tbody.append(row); } } else if (app.current.view == 'Detail') { for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { var uri = encodeURI(obj.data[i].uri); if (tr[i]) if (tr[i].getAttribute('data-uri') == uri) continue; var songpos = obj.offset + i; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('data-type', obj.data[i].type); row.setAttribute('data-uri', uri); row.setAttribute('data-name', obj.data[i].name); row.setAttribute('data-songpos', songpos); var minutes = Math.floor(obj.data[i].duration / 60); var seconds = obj.data[i].duration - minutes * 60; row.innerHTML = '' + (songpos + 1) + '' + '' + obj.data[i].title + '' + '' + obj.data[i].artist + '' + '' + obj.data[i].album + '' + '' + minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + 'playlist_add'; if (i < tr.length) tr[i].replaceWith(row); else tbody.append(row); } } var tr_length=tr.length - 1; for (var i = tr_length; i >= nrItems; i --) { tr[i].remove(); } setPagination(obj.totalEntities); if (nrItems == 0) if (app.current.view == 'All') tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'No playlists found.'; else tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'Empty playlist.'; document.getElementById(app.current.app + app.current.tab + app.current.view + 'List').classList.remove('opacity05'); } function parseListDBtags(obj) { if(app.current.app !== 'Browse' && app.current.tab !== 'Database' && app.current.view !== 'Artist') return; if (obj.tagtype == 'AlbumArtist') { document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseAlbumCards').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseArtistList').classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('btnBrowseDatabaseArtist').parentNode.classList.add('hide'); var nrItems = obj.data.length; var tbody = document.getElementById(app.current.app + app.current.tab + app.current.view + 'List').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var tr = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { var uri = encodeURI(obj.data[i].value); if (tr[i]) if (tr[i].getAttribute('data-uri') == uri) continue; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.setAttribute('data-uri', uri); row.innerHTML='album' + '' + obj.data[i].value + ''; if (i < tr.length) tr[i].replaceWith(row); else tbody.append(row); } var tr_length=tr.length - 1; for (var i = tr_length; i >= nrItems; i --) { tr[i].remove(); } setPagination(obj.totalEntities); if (nrItems == 0) tbody.innerHTML = 'error_outline' + 'No entries found.'; document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseArtistList').classList.remove('opacity05'); } else if (obj.tagtype == 'Album') { document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseAlbumCards').classList.remove('hide'); document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseArtistList').classList.add('hide'); document.getElementById('btnBrowseDatabaseArtist').parentNode.classList.remove('hide'); var nrItems = obj.data.length; var cardContainer = document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseAlbumCards'); var cards = cardContainer.querySelectorAll('.col-md'); for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { var id=genId(obj.data[i].value); if (cards[i]) if (cards[i].getAttribute('id') == id) continue; var card=document.createElement('div'); card.classList.add('col-md'); card.classList.add('mr-0'); card.setAttribute('id', id); card.innerHTML = '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + obj.searchstr + '
' + '

' + obj.data[i].value + '

' + ' '+ ''; if (i < cards.length) cards[i].replaceWith(card); else cardContainer.append(card); sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_ARTISTALBUMTITLES", "data": { "albumartist": obj.searchstr, "album": obj.data[i].value}}, parseListTitles); } var cards_length=cards.length - 1; for (var i = cards_length; i >= nrItems; i --) { cards[i].remove(); } setPagination(obj.totalEntities); document.getElementById('BrowseDatabaseAlbumCards').classList.remove('opacity05'); } } function parseListTitles(obj) { if (app.current.app !== 'Browse' && app.current.tab !== 'Database' && app.current.view !== 'Album') return; var id = genId(obj.album); var card = document.getElementById('card' + id) var tbody = card.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var img = card.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; var imga = img.parentNode; img.setAttribute('src', obj.cover); imga.setAttribute('data-uri', encodeURI(obj.data[0].uri.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/,''))); imga.setAttribute('data-name', obj.album); imga.setAttribute('data-type', 'dir'); var titleList = ''; var nrItems = obj.data.length; for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { titleList += '' + '' + '' + ''; } tbody.innerHTML = titleList; imga.addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(this); }, false); tbody.parentNode.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == 'TD') { appendQueue('song', decodeURI(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-uri')), event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-name')); } else if (event.target.nodeName == 'A') { event.preventDefault(); showMenu(event.target); } }, false); } function setPagination(number) { var totalPages = Math.ceil(number / settings.max_elements_per_page); var cat = app.current.app + (app.current.tab == undefined ? '': app.current.tab); if (totalPages == 0) totalPages = 1; var p = ['PaginationTop', 'PaginationBottom']; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Page').innerText = (app.current.page / settings.max_elements_per_page + 1) + ' / ' + totalPages; if (totalPages > 1) { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Page').removeAttribute('disabled'); var pl = ''; for (var j = 0; j < totalPages; j++) { pl += ''; } document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Pages').innerHTML = pl; } else { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Page').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (number > app.current.page + settings.max_elements_per_page) { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Next').removeAttribute('disabled'); document.getElementById(cat + 'ButtonsBottom').classList.remove('hide'); } else { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Next').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); document.getElementById(cat + 'ButtonsBottom').classList.add('hide'); } if (app.current.page > 0) { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Prev').removeAttribute('disabled'); document.getElementById(cat + 'ButtonsBottom').classList.remove('hide'); } else { document.getElementById(cat + p[i] + 'Prev').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } function appendQueue(type, uri, name) { switch(type) { case 'song': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_ADD_TRACK", "data": {"uri": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" added', '', '', 'success'); break; case 'dir': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_ADD_TRACK", "data": {"uri": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" added', '', '', 'success'); break; case 'plist': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_ADD_PLAYLIST", "data": {"plist": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" added', '', '', 'success'); break; } } function appendAfterQueue(type, uri, to, name) { switch(type) { case 'song': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_ADD_TRACK_AFTER", "data": {"uri": uri, "to": to}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" added to pos ' + to, '', '', 'success'); break; } } function replaceQueue(type, uri, name) { switch(type) { case 'song': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_REPLACE_TRACK", "data": {"uri": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" replaced', '', '', 'success'); break; case 'dir': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_REPLACE_TRACK", "data": {"uri": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" replaced', '', '', 'success'); break; case 'plist': sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_REPLACE_PLAYLIST", "data": {"plist": uri}}); showNotification('"' + name + '" replaced', '', '', 'success'); break; } } function songDetails(uri) { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_SONGDETAILS", "data": {"uri": uri}}, parseSongDetails); modalSongDetails.show(); } function parseSongDetails(obj) { var modal = document.getElementById('modalSongDetails'); modal.querySelector('.album-cover').style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + obj.data.cover + '")'; modal.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = obj.data.title; var tr = modal.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var trLen = tr.length; for (var i = 0; i < trLen; i++) { var key = tr[i].getAttribute('data-name'); var value = obj.data[key]; if (key == 'duration') { var minutes = Math.floor(value / 60); var seconds = value - minutes * 60; value = minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds; } else if (key == 'uri') { value = '' + value + ''; } tr[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[1].innerHTML = value; } } function playlistDetails(uri) { appGoto('Browse', 'Playlists', 'Detail', '0/-/' + uri); } function removeFromPlaylist(uri, pos) { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_RM_PLAYLIST_TRACK", "data": {"uri": uri, "track": pos}}); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').classList.add('opacity05'); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_PLAYLIST_LIST", "data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter, "uri": app.current.search}}, parsePlaylists); } function playlistClear() { var uri = document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').getAttribute('data-uri'); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_PLAYLIST_CLEAR", "data": {"uri": uri}}); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').classList.add('opacity05'); sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_GET_PLAYLIST_LIST", "data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter, "uri": app.current.search}}, parsePlaylists); } function getAllPlaylists(obj) { var nrItems = obj.data.length; var playlists = ''; for (var i = 0; i < nrItems; i++) { playlists += ''; } document.getElementById('addToPlaylistPlaylist').innerHTML += playlists; if (obj.totalEntities > obj.returnedEntities) { obj.offset += settings.max_elements_per_page; sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_PLAYLISTS","data": {"offset": obj.offset, "filter": "-"}}, getAllPlaylists); } } function showAddToPlaylist(uri) { modalAddToPlaylist.show(); document.getElementById('addToPlaylistUri').value = uri; document.getElementById('addToPlaylistPlaylist').innerHTML = ''; sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_PLAYLISTS","data": {"offset": 0, "filter": "-"}}, getAllPlaylists); } function addToPlaylist() { var uri = document.getElementById('addToPlaylistUri').value; var plistEl = document.getElementById('addToPlaylistPlaylist'); var plist = plistEl.options[plistEl.selectedIndex].text; sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_ADD_TO_PLAYLIST", "data": {"uri": uri, "plist": plist}}); modalAddToPlaylist.hide(); } function showRenamePlaylist(from) { document.getElementById('renamePlaylistFrm').classList.remove('was-validated'); document.getElementById('renamePlaylistTo').classList.remove('is-invalid'); modalRenamePlaylist.show(); document.getElementById('renamePlaylistFrom').value = from; document.getElementById('renamePlaylistTo').value = ''; } function renamePlaylist() { var from = document.getElementById('renamePlaylistFrom').value; var to = document.getElementById('renamePlaylistTo').value; var valid = to.replace(/\w/g,''); if (to != '' && to != from && valid == '') { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_PLAYLIST_RENAME", "data": {"from": from, "to": to}}); modalRenamePlaylist.hide(); sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_GET_PLAYLISTS","data": {"offset": app.current.page, "filter": app.current.filter}}, parsePlaylists); } else { document.getElementById('renamePlaylistTo').classList.add('is-invalid'); document.getElementById('renamePlaylistFrm').classList.add('was-validated'); } } function showMenu(el) { var type = el.getAttribute('data-type'); var uri = decodeURI(el.getAttribute('data-uri')); var name = el.getAttribute('data-name'); var nextsongpos = 0; if (type == null || uri == null) { type = el.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-type'); uri = decodeURI(el.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-uri')); name = el.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-name'); } if (last_state) nextsongpos = last_state.data.nextsongpos; var menu = ''; if ((app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Filesystem') || app.current.app == 'Search' || (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Database' && app.current.view == 'Album')) { menu += 'Append to queue' + ( type == 'song' ? 'Add after current playing song' : '') + 'Replace queue' + ( type != 'plist' ? 'Add to playlist' : '') + ( type != 'dir' ? '' : '') + ( type == 'song' ? 'Songdetails' : '') + ( type == 'plist' ? 'Show playlist' : ''); } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Playlists' && app.current.view == 'All') { menu += 'Append to queue' + 'Replace queue' + '' + 'Edit playlist' + 'Rename playlist' + 'Delete playlist'; } else if (app.current.app == 'Browse' && app.current.tab == 'Playlists' && app.current.view == 'Detail') { menu += 'Append to queue' + 'Replace queue' + ( document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsDetailList').getAttribute('data-ro') == 'false' ? '' + 'Remove' : ''); } else if (app.current.app == 'Queue') { menu += 'Remove' + 'Remove all upwards' + 'Remove all downwards' + '' + ( uri.indexOf('http') == -1 ? 'Songdetails' : ''); } if (el.Popover == undefined) { new Popover(el, { trigger: 'click', template: ''}); var popoverInit = el.Popover; el.addEventListener('shown.bs.popover', function(event) { document.querySelector('.popover-content').addEventListener('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var cmd = JSON.parse(event.target.getAttribute('data-href').replace(/\'/g,'"')); if (typeof window[cmd.cmd] === 'function') { switch(cmd.cmd) { case 'sendAPI': sendAPI(... cmd.options); break; default: window[cmd.cmd](... cmd.options); } } }, false); }, false); popoverInit.show(); } } function sendAPI(request, callback) { var ajaxRequest=new XMLHttpRequest(); ajaxRequest.open('POST', '/api', true); ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (ajaxRequest.readyState == 4) { if (ajaxRequest.responseText != '') { var obj = JSON.parse(ajaxRequest.responseText); if (obj.type == 'error') { showNotification('Error', obj.data, obj.data, 'danger'); console.log('Error: ' + obj.data); } else if (obj.type == 'result' && obj.data != 'ok') showNotification(obj.data, '', '', 'success'); else if (callback != undefined && typeof(callback) == 'function') callback(obj); } else { console.log('Empty response for request: ' + JSON.stringify(request)); } } }; ajaxRequest.send(JSON.stringify(request)); } function openLocalPlayer() { window.open('/player.html#' + settings.mpdstream, 'LocalPlayer'); } function updateDB() { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_UPDATE_DB"}); showNotification('Updating MPD Database...', '', '', 'success'); } function clickPlay() { if( playstate != 'play') sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_PLAY"}); else sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_PAUSE"}); } function clickStop() { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_STOP"}); } function clickPrev() { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_PREV"}); } function clickNext() { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_NEXT"}); } function delQueueSong(mode, start, end) { if (mode == 'range') sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_RM_RANGE", "data": {"start": start, "end": end}}); else if (mode == 'single') sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_RM_TRACK", "data": { "track": start}}); } function delPlaylist(uri) { sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_RM_PLAYLIST", "data": {"uri": uri}}); document.getElementById('BrowsePlaylistsAllList').querySelector('tr[data-uri=' + encodeURI(uri) + ']').remove(); } function confirmSettings() { var formOK = true; var inputCrossfade = document.getElementById('inputCrossfade'); if (!inputCrossfade.getAttribute('disabled')) { var value = parseInt(inputCrossfade.value); if (!isNaN(value)) { inputCrossfade.value = value; } else { inputCrossfade.classList.add('is-invalid'); formOK = false; } } var inputMixrampdb = document.getElementById('inputMixrampdb'); if (!inputMixrampdb.getAttribute('disabled')) { var value = parseFloat(inputMixrampdb.value); if (!isNaN(value)) { inputMixrampdb.value = value; } else { inputMixrampdb.classList.add('is-invalid'); formOK = false; } } var inputMixrampdelay = document.getElementById('inputMixrampdelay'); if (!inputMixrampdelay.getAttribute('disabled')) { if (inputMixrampdelay.value == 'nan') inputMixrampdelay.value = '-1'; var value = parseFloat(inputMixrampdelay.value); if (!isNaN(value)) { inputMixrampdelay.value = value; } else { inputMixrampdelay.classList.add('is-invalid'); formOK = false; } } if (formOK == true) { var selectReplaygain = document.getElementById('selectReplaygain'); sendAPI({"cmd":"MPD_API_SET_SETTINGS", "data": { "consume": (document.getElementById('btnConsume').classList.contains('active') ? 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' + obj.data.album; document.getElementById('album').innerText = obj.data.album; } else { document.getElementById('album').innerText = ''; } if(typeof obj.data.title != 'undefined' && obj.data.title.length > 0) { pageTitle += obj.data.title; document.getElementById('currenttrack').innerText = obj.data.title; } else { document.getElementById('currenttrack').innerText = ''; } document.title = pageTitle; //Update Artist in queue view for http streams var playingTr = document.getElementById('queueTrackId' + obj.data.currentsongid); if (playingTr) playingTr.getElementsByTagName('td')[1].innerText = obj.data.title; showNotification(obj.data.title, textNotification, htmlNotification, 'success'); last_song = cur_song; } function doSetFilterLetter(x) { var af = document.getElementById(x + 'Letters').querySelector('.active'); if (af) af.classList.remove('active'); var filter = app.current.filter; if (filter == '0') filter = '#'; document.getElementById(x).innerText = 'Filter' + (filter != '-' ? ': '+filter : ''); if (filter != '-') { var btns = document.getElementById(x + 'Letters').getElementsByTagName('button'); var btnsLen = btns.length; for (var i = 0; i < btnsLen; i++) { if (btns[i].innerText == filter) { btns[i].classList.add('active'); break; } } } } function addFilterLetter(x) { var filter = '' + ''; for (var i = 65; i <= 90; i++) { filter += ''; } var letters = document.getElementById(x); letters.innerHTML = filter; letters.addEventListener('click', function(event) { switch (event.target.innerText) { case 'delete': filter = '-'; break; case '#': filter = '0'; break; default: filter = event.target.innerText; } appGoto(app.current.app, app.current.tab, app.current.view, '0/' + filter + '/' + app.current.search); }, false); } function chVolume(increment) { var newValue = parseInt(domCache.volumeBar.value) + increment; if (newValue < 0) newValue = 0; else if (newValue > 100) newValue=100; domCache.volumeBar.value = newValue; sendAPI({"cmd": "MPD_API_SET_VOLUME", "data": {"volume": newValue}}); } function beautifyDuration(x) { var days = Math.floor(x / 86400); var hours = Math.floor(x / 3600) - days * 24; var minutes = Math.floor(x / 60) - hours * 60 - days * 1440; var seconds = x - days * 86400 - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60; return (days > 0 ? days + '\u2009d ' : '') + (hours > 0 ? hours + '\u2009h ' + (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') : '') + minutes + '\u2009m ' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds + '\u2009s'; } function genId(x) { return 'id'+x.replace(/[^\w]/g,''); } //Init app appInit();
' + obj.data[i].track + '' + obj.data[i].title + 'playlist_add