#!/bin/bash JAVABIN=$(which java 2> /dev/null) HASJAVA="$?" function minify { TYPE="$1" SRC="$2" DST="$3" ERROR="1" if [ "$DST" -nt "$SRC" ] then return fi if [ "$TYPE" = "html" ] then perl -pe 's/^\s*//gm; s/\s*$//gm' $SRC > $DST ERROR="$?" elif [ "$TYPE" = "js" ] && [ "$HASJAVA" = "0" ] then $JAVABIN -jar dist/buildtools/closure-compiler.jar $SRC > $DST ERROR="$?" elif [ "$TYPE" = "css" ] && [ "$HASJAVA" = "0" ] then $JAVABIN -jar dist/buildtools/closure-stylesheets.jar --allow-unrecognized-properties $SRC > $DST ERROR="$?" elif [ "$TYPE" = "cp" ] then cp $SRC $DST ERROR="$?" else ERROR="1" fi if [ "$ERROR" = "1" ] then echo "Error minifying $SRC, copy $SRC to $DST" cp $SRC $DST fi } echo "Minifying javascript" minify js htdocs/js/player.js dist/htdocs/js/player.min.js minify js htdocs/js/mympd.js dist/htdocs/js/mympd.min.js minify js htdocs/sw.js dist/htdocs/sw.min.js minify js htdocs/js/keymap.js dist/htdocs/js/keymap.min.js minify js htdocs/js/keymap.js dist/htdocs/js/keymap.min.js minify js dist/htdocs/js/bootstrap-native-v4.js dist/htdocs/js/bootstrap-native-v4.min.js echo "Minifying stylesheets" minify css htdocs/css/mympd.css dist/htdocs/css/mympd.min.css echo "Minifying html" minify html htdocs/index.html dist/htdocs/index.html minify html htdocs/player.html dist/htdocs/player.html echo "Compiling and installing mympd" install -d release cd release INSTALL_PREFIX="${MYMPD_INSTALL_PREFIX:-/usr}" cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$INSTALL_PREFIX -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE .. make if [ $INSTALL_PREFIX = "/usr" ] then sudo make install cd .. sudo debian/postinst else # Container build implied when $INSTALL_PREFIX != /usr make install cd .. fi if [ -x /usr/bin/cppcheck ] then echo "Running cppcheck" cppcheck --enable=warning --inconclusive --force --inline-suppr src/*.c src/*.h fi