/* myMPD (c) 2018 Juergen Mang This project's homepage is: https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd myMPD ist fork of: ympd (c) 2013-2014 Andrew Karpow This project's homepage is: http://www.ympd.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "list.h" #include "tiny_queue.h" #include "global.h" #include "mpd_client.h" #include "../dist/src/mongoose/mongoose.h" #include "web_server.h" #include "mympd_api.h" #include "../dist/src/inih/ini.h" static void signal_handler(int sig_num) { signal(sig_num, signal_handler); // Reinstantiate signal handler s_signal_received = sig_num; } static int inihandler(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char* value) { t_config* p_config = (t_config*)user; char *crap; #define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0 if (MATCH("mpd", "mpdhost")) p_config->mpdhost = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mpd", "mpdport")) p_config->mpdport = strtol(value, &crap, 10); else if (MATCH("mpd", "mpdpass")) p_config->mpdpass = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mpd", "streamport")) p_config->streamport = strtol(value, &crap, 10); else if (MATCH("webserver", "webport")) p_config->webport = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("webserver", "ssl")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->ssl = true; else p_config->ssl = false; else if (MATCH("webserver", "sslport")) p_config->sslport = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("webserver", "sslcert")) p_config->sslcert = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("webserver", "sslkey")) p_config->sslkey = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "user")) p_config->user = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "coverimage")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->coverimage = true; else p_config->coverimage = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "coverimagename")) p_config->coverimagename = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "coverimagesize")) p_config->coverimagesize = strtol(value, &crap, 10); else if (MATCH("mympd", "varlibdir")) p_config->varlibdir = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "stickers")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->stickers = true; else p_config->stickers = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "smartpls")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->smartpls = true; else p_config->smartpls = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "mixramp")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->mixramp = true; else p_config->mixramp = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "taglist")) p_config->taglist = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "searchtaglist")) p_config->searchtaglist = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "browsetaglist")) p_config->browsetaglist = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "max_elements_per_page")) { p_config->max_elements_per_page = strtol(value, &crap, 10); if (p_config->max_elements_per_page > MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE) { printf("Setting max_elements_per_page to maximal value %d", MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE); p_config->max_elements_per_page = MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE; } } else if (MATCH("mympd", "syscmds")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->syscmds = true; else p_config->syscmds = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "localplayer")) if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) p_config->localplayer = true; else p_config->localplayer = false; else if (MATCH("mympd", "streamurl")) p_config->streamurl = strdup(value); else if (MATCH("mympd", "last_played_count")) p_config->last_played_count = strtol(value, &crap, 10); else if (MATCH("mympd", "loglevel")) p_config->loglevel = strtol(value, &crap, 10); else if (MATCH("theme", "backgroundcolor")) p_config->backgroundcolor = strdup(value); else { printf("Unkown config option: %s - %s\n", section, name); return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */ } return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { s_signal_received = 0; char testdirname[400]; mpd_client_queue = tiny_queue_create(); mympd_api_queue = tiny_queue_create(); web_server_queue = tiny_queue_create(); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); //mympd config defaults t_config config; config.mpdhost = ""; config.mpdport = 6600; config.mpdpass = NULL; config.webport = "80"; config.ssl = true; config.sslport = "443"; config.sslcert = "/etc/mympd/ssl/server.pem"; config.sslkey = "/etc/mympd/ssl/server.key"; config.user = "mympd"; config.streamport = 8000; config.streamurl = ""; config.coverimage = true; config.coverimagename = "folder.jpg"; config.coverimagesize = 240; config.varlibdir = "/var/lib/mympd"; config.stickers = true; config.mixramp = true; config.taglist = "Artist,Album,AlbumArtist,Title,Track,Genre,Date,Composer,Performer"; config.searchtaglist = "Artist,Album,AlbumArtist,Title,Genre,Composer,Performer"; config.browsetaglist = "Artist,Album,AlbumArtist,Genre,Composer,Performer"; config.smartpls = true; config.max_elements_per_page = 100; config.last_played_count = 20; char *etcdir = strdup(argv[1]); config.etcdir = strdup(dirname(etcdir)); free(etcdir); config.syscmds = false; config.localplayer = true; config.loglevel = 1; config.backgroundcolor = "#888"; if (argc == 2) { printf("Starting myMPD %s\n", MYMPD_VERSION); printf("Libmpdclient %i.%i.%i\n", LIBMPDCLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_MINOR_VERSION, LIBMPDCLIENT_PATCH_VERSION); printf("Parsing config file: %s\n", argv[1]); if (ini_parse(argv[1], inihandler, &config) < 0) { printf("Can't load config file \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { printf("myMPD %s\n" "Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Juergen Mang \n" "https://github.com/jcorporation/myMPD\n" "Built " __DATE__ " "__TIME__"\n\n" "Usage: %s /path/to/mympd.conf\n", MYMPD_VERSION, argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Debug flag enabled, setting loglevel to debug\n"); config.loglevel = 3; #endif printf("Setting loglevel to %ld\n", config.loglevel); loglevel = config.loglevel; signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); //init webserver struct mg_mgr mgr; if (!web_server_init(&mgr, &config)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } //drop privileges if (config.user != NULL) { printf("Droping privileges to %s\n", config.user); struct passwd *pw; if ((pw = getpwnam(config.user)) == NULL) { printf("getpwnam() failed, unknown user\n"); web_server_free(&mgr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (setgroups(0, NULL) != 0) { printf("setgroups() failed\n"); web_server_free(&mgr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (setgid(pw->pw_gid) != 0) { printf("setgid() failed\n"); web_server_free(&mgr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (setuid(pw->pw_uid) != 0) { printf("setuid() failed\n"); web_server_free(&mgr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (getuid() == 0) { printf("myMPD should not be run with root privileges\n"); web_server_free(&mgr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //check needed directories if (!testdir("Document root", DOC_ROOT)) return EXIT_FAILURE; snprintf(testdirname, 400, "%s/library", DOC_ROOT); if (!testdir("Link to mpd music_directory", testdirname)) { printf("Disabling coverimage support\n"); config.coverimage = false; } snprintf(testdirname, 400, "%s/tmp", config.varlibdir); if (!testdir("Temp dir", testdirname)) return EXIT_FAILURE; snprintf(testdirname, 400, "%s/smartpls", config.varlibdir); if (!testdir("Smartpls dir", testdirname)) return EXIT_FAILURE; snprintf(testdirname, 400, "%s/state", config.varlibdir); if (!testdir("State dir", testdirname)) return EXIT_FAILURE; //Create working threads pthread_t mpd_client_thread, web_server_thread, mympd_api_thread; //mpd connection pthread_create(&mpd_client_thread, NULL, mpd_client_loop, &config); //webserver pthread_create(&web_server_thread, NULL, web_server_loop, &mgr); //mympd api pthread_create(&mympd_api_thread, NULL, mympd_api_loop, &config); //Outsourced all work to separate threads, do nothing... //cleanup pthread_join(mpd_client_thread, NULL); pthread_join(web_server_thread, NULL); tiny_queue_free(web_server_queue); tiny_queue_free(mpd_client_queue); tiny_queue_free(mympd_api_queue); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }