/* ympd (c) 2013-2014 Andrew Karpow This project's homepage is: http://www.ympd.org This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mpd_client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "json_encode.h" /* forward declaration */ static int mpd_notify_callback(struct mg_connection *c, enum mg_event ev); struct t_mpd mpd; const char *mpd_cmd_strs[] = {MPD_CMDS(GEN_STR)}; char *get_arg1(char *p) { return strchr(p, ',') + 1; } char *get_arg2(char *p) { return get_arg1(get_arg1(p)); } static inline enum mpd_cmd_ids get_cmd_id(char *cmd) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(mpd_cmd_strs) / sizeof(mpd_cmd_strs[0]); i++) if (!strncmp(cmd, mpd_cmd_strs[i], strlen(mpd_cmd_strs[i]))) return i; return -1; } int callback_mpd(struct mg_connection *c) { enum mpd_cmd_ids cmd_id = get_cmd_id(c->content); size_t n = 0; unsigned int uint_buf, uint_buf_2; int int_buf; char *p_charbuf = NULL, *token; if (!c->connection_param) c->connection_param = calloc(1, sizeof(struct t_mpd_client_session)); struct t_mpd_client_session *s = (struct t_mpd_client_session *)c->connection_param; if (!s->authorized && (cmd_id != MPD_API_AUTHORIZE)) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"not authorized\"}"); mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); return MG_TRUE; } if (cmd_id == -1) return MG_TRUE; if (mpd.conn_state != MPD_CONNECTED && cmd_id != MPD_API_SET_MPDHOST && cmd_id != MPD_API_GET_MPDHOST && cmd_id != MPD_API_SET_MPDPASS) return MG_TRUE; switch (cmd_id) { case MPD_API_AUTHORIZE: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_AUTHORIZE")) goto out_authorize; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_authorize; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); s->auth_token = strdup(get_arg1(p_charbuf)); if (!strcmp(mpd.wss_auth_token, s->auth_token)) s->authorized = 1; n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"authorized\", \"data\":\"%s\"}", s->authorized ? "true" : "false"); out_authorize: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_UPDATE_DB: mpd_run_update(mpd.conn, NULL); break; case MPD_API_SET_PAUSE: mpd_run_toggle_pause(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_SET_PREV: mpd_run_previous(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_SET_NEXT: mpd_run_next(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_SET_PLAY: mpd_run_play(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_SET_STOP: mpd_run_stop(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_RM_ALL: mpd_run_clear(mpd.conn); break; case MPD_API_RM_TRACK: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_RM_TRACK,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_delete_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_RM_RANGE: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_RM_RANGE,%u,%u", &uint_buf, &uint_buf_2)) mpd_run_delete_range(mpd.conn, uint_buf, uint_buf_2); break; case MPD_API_MOVE_TRACK: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_MOVE_TRACK,%u,%u", &uint_buf, &uint_buf_2) == 2) { uint_buf -= 1; uint_buf_2 -= 1; mpd_run_move(mpd.conn, uint_buf, uint_buf_2); } break; case MPD_API_PLAY_TRACK: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_PLAY_TRACK,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_play_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_RANDOM: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_RANDOM,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_random(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_REPEAT: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_REPEAT,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_repeat(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_CONSUME: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_CONSUME,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_consume(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_SINGLE: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_SINGLE,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_single(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_CROSSFADE: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_CROSSFADE,%u", &uint_buf)) mpd_run_crossfade(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_GET_OUTPUTS: mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_outputs(mpd.buf, 1); c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); break; case MPD_API_TOGGLE_OUTPUT: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_TOGGLE_OUTPUT,%u,%u", &uint_buf, &uint_buf_2)) { if (uint_buf_2) mpd_run_enable_output(mpd.conn, uint_buf); else mpd_run_disable_output(mpd.conn, uint_buf); } break; case MPD_API_SET_VOLUME: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_SET_VOLUME,%ud", &uint_buf) && uint_buf <= 100) mpd_run_set_volume(mpd.conn, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_SET_SEEK: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_SET_SEEK,%u,%u", &uint_buf, &uint_buf_2)) mpd_run_seek_id(mpd.conn, uint_buf, uint_buf_2); break; case MPD_API_GET_QUEUE: if (sscanf(c->content, "MPD_API_GET_QUEUE,%u", &uint_buf)) n = mpd_put_queue(mpd.buf, uint_buf); break; case MPD_API_GET_BROWSE: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_GET_BROWSE")) goto out_browse; uint_buf = strtoul(strtok(NULL, ","), NULL, 10); if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_browse; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); n = mpd_put_browse(mpd.buf, get_arg2(p_charbuf), uint_buf); out_browse: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_ADD_TRACK: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_ADD_TRACK")) goto out_add_track; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_add_track; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); mpd_run_add(mpd.conn, get_arg1(p_charbuf)); out_add_track: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_ADD_PLAY_TRACK: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_ADD_PLAY_TRACK")) goto out_play_track; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_play_track; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); int_buf = mpd_run_add_id(mpd.conn, get_arg1(p_charbuf)); if (int_buf != -1) mpd_run_play_id(mpd.conn, int_buf); out_play_track: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_ADD_PLAYLIST: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_ADD_PLAYLIST")) goto out_playlist; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_playlist; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); mpd_run_load(mpd.conn, get_arg1(p_charbuf)); out_playlist: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_SAVE_QUEUE: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_SAVE_QUEUE")) goto out_save_queue; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_save_queue; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); mpd_run_save(mpd.conn, get_arg1(p_charbuf)); out_save_queue: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_SEARCH: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_SEARCH")) goto out_search; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_search; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); n = mpd_search(mpd.buf, get_arg1(p_charbuf)); out_search: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_SEND_MESSAGE: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_SEND_MESSAGE")) goto out_send_message; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_send_message; free(p_charbuf); p_charbuf = strdup(get_arg1(c->content)); if (strtok(p_charbuf, ",") == NULL) goto out_send_message; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_send_message; mpd_run_send_message(mpd.conn, p_charbuf, token); out_send_message: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_GET_CHANNELS: mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_channels(mpd.buf); c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); break; #ifdef WITH_MPD_HOST_CHANGE /* Commands allowed when disconnected from MPD server */ case MPD_API_SET_MPDHOST: int_buf = 0; p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_SET_MPDHOST")) goto out_host_change; if ((int_buf = strtol(strtok(NULL, ","), NULL, 10)) <= 0) goto out_host_change; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_host_change; strncpy(mpd.host, token, sizeof(mpd.host)); mpd.port = int_buf; mpd.conn_state = MPD_RECONNECT; free(p_charbuf); return MG_TRUE; out_host_change: free(p_charbuf); break; case MPD_API_GET_MPDHOST: n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"mpdhost\", \"data\": " "{\"host\" : \"%s\", \"port\": \"%d\", \"passwort_set\": %s}" "}", mpd.host, mpd.port, mpd.password ? "true" : "false"); break; case MPD_API_SET_MPDPASS: p_charbuf = strdup(c->content); if (strcmp(strtok(p_charbuf, ","), "MPD_API_SET_MPDPASS")) goto out_set_pass; if ((token = strtok(NULL, ",")) == NULL) goto out_set_pass; if (mpd.password) free(mpd.password); mpd.password = strdup(token); mpd.conn_state = MPD_RECONNECT; free(p_charbuf); return MG_TRUE; out_set_pass: free(p_charbuf); break; #endif } if (mpd.conn_state == MPD_CONNECTED && mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"error\", \"data\": \"%s\"}", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); /* Try to recover error */ if (!mpd_connection_clear_error(mpd.conn)) mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; } if (n > 0) mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); return MG_TRUE; } int mpd_close_handler(struct mg_connection *c) { /* Cleanup session data */ if (c->connection_param) { struct t_mpd_client_session *s = (struct t_mpd_client_session *)c->connection_param; if (s->auth_token) free(s->auth_token); free(c->connection_param); } return 0; } static int mpd_notify_callback(struct mg_connection *c, enum mg_event ev) { size_t n; if (!c->is_websocket) return MG_TRUE; if (!c->connection_param) return MG_TRUE; struct t_mpd_client_session *s = (struct t_mpd_client_session *)c->connection_param; if (!s->authorized) return MG_TRUE; if (c->callback_param) { /* error message? */ n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"%s\"}", (const char *)c->callback_param); mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); return MG_TRUE; } if (mpd.conn_state != MPD_CONNECTED) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"disconnected\"}"); mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); } else { mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, mpd.buf_size); if (s->song_id != mpd.song_id) { n = mpd_put_current_song(mpd.buf); mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); s->song_id = mpd.song_id; } if (s->queue_version != mpd.queue_version) { n = snprintf(mpd.buf, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"update_queue\"}"); mg_websocket_write(c, 1, mpd.buf, n); s->queue_version = mpd.queue_version; } } return MG_TRUE; } void mpd_poll(struct mg_server *s) { switch (mpd.conn_state) { case MPD_DISCONNECTED: /* Try to connect */ fprintf(stdout, "MPD Connecting to %s:%d\n", mpd.host, mpd.port); mpd.conn = mpd_connection_new(mpd.host, mpd.port, 3000); if (mpd.conn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory."); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } if (mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = (void *)mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn); mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } if (mpd.password && !mpd_run_password(mpd.conn, mpd.password)) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = (void *)mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn); mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return; } fprintf(stderr, "MPD connected.\n"); mpd_connection_set_timeout(mpd.conn, 10000); mpd.conn_state = MPD_CONNECTED; /* write outputs */ mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_outputs(mpd.buf, 1); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } break; case MPD_FAILURE: fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection failed.\n"); case MPD_DISCONNECT: case MPD_RECONNECT: if (mpd.conn != NULL) mpd_connection_free(mpd.conn); mpd.conn = NULL; mpd.conn_state = MPD_DISCONNECTED; break; case MPD_CONNECTED: mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_state(mpd.buf, &mpd.song_id, &mpd.queue_version); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_outputs(mpd.buf, 0); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_channels(mpd.buf); for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c)) { c->callback_param = NULL; mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL); } break; } } char *mpd_get_title(struct mpd_song const *song) { char *str; str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0); if (str == NULL) { str = basename((char *)mpd_song_get_uri(song)); } return str; } char *mpd_get_album(struct mpd_song const *song) { char *str; str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ALBUM, 0); if (str == NULL) { str = "-"; } return str; } char *mpd_get_artist(struct mpd_song const *song) { char *str; str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); if (str == NULL) { str = "-"; } return str; } char *mpd_get_year(struct mpd_song const *song) { char *str; str = (char *)mpd_song_get_tag(song, MPD_TAG_DATE, 0); if (str == NULL) { str = "-"; } return str; } int mpd_put_state(char *buffer, int *current_song_id, unsigned *queue_version) { struct mpd_status *status; int len; status = mpd_run_status(mpd.conn); if (!status) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD mpd_run_status: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } len = snprintf(buffer, MAX_SIZE, "{\"type\":\"state\", \"data\":{" " \"state\":%d, \"volume\":%d, \"repeat\":%d," " \"single\":%d, \"crossfade\":%d, \"consume\":%d, \"random\":%d, " " \"songpos\": %d, \"elapsedTime\": %d, \"totalTime\":%d, " " \"currentsongid\": %d" "}}", mpd_status_get_state(status), mpd_status_get_volume(status), mpd_status_get_repeat(status), mpd_status_get_single(status), mpd_status_get_crossfade(status), mpd_status_get_consume(status), mpd_status_get_random(status), mpd_status_get_song_pos(status), mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status), mpd_status_get_total_time(status), mpd_status_get_song_id(status)); *current_song_id = mpd_status_get_song_id(status); *queue_version = mpd_status_get_queue_version(status); mpd_status_free(status); return len; } int mpd_put_outputs(char *buffer, int names) { struct mpd_output *out; int nout; char *str, *strend; str = buffer; strend = buffer + MAX_SIZE; str += snprintf(str, strend - str, "{\"type\":\"%s\", \"data\":{", names ? "outputnames" : "outputs"); mpd_send_outputs(mpd.conn); nout = 0; while ((out = mpd_recv_output(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (nout++) *str++ = ','; if (names) str += snprintf(str, strend - str, " \"%d\":\"%s\"", mpd_output_get_id(out), mpd_output_get_name(out)); else str += snprintf(str, strend - str, " \"%d\":%d", mpd_output_get_id(out), mpd_output_get_enabled(out)); mpd_output_free(out); } if (!mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn)) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD outputs: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd_connection_clear_error(mpd.conn); return 0; } str += snprintf(str, strend - str, " }}"); return str - buffer; } int mpd_put_channels(char *buffer) { struct mpd_pair *channel; int nchan; char *str, *strend; str = buffer; strend = buffer + MAX_SIZE; str += snprintf(str, strend - str, "{\"type\":\"%s\", \"data\":{", "channels"); mpd_send_channels(mpd.conn); nchan = 0; while ((channel = mpd_recv_channel_pair(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { if (nchan++) *str++ = ','; str += snprintf(str, strend - str, " \"%d\":\"%s\"", nchan, channel->value); mpd_return_pair(mpd.conn, channel); } if (!mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn)) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD outputs: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd_connection_clear_error(mpd.conn); return 0; } str += snprintf(str, strend - str, " }}"); return str - buffer; } int mpd_put_current_song(char *buffer) { char *cur = buffer; const char *end = buffer + MAX_SIZE; struct mpd_song *song; song = mpd_run_current_song(mpd.conn); if (song == NULL) return 0; cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\": \"song_change\", \"data\":{\"pos\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_pos(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"title\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_title(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "}}"); mpd_song_free(song); mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn); return cur - buffer; } int mpd_put_queue(char *buffer, unsigned int offset) { char *cur = buffer; const char *end = buffer + MAX_SIZE; struct mpd_entity *entity; unsigned long totalTime = 0; if (!mpd_send_list_queue_range_meta(mpd.conn, offset, offset + MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_queue_meta"); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"queue\",\"data\":[ "); while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { const struct mpd_song *song; unsigned int drtn; if (mpd_entity_get_type(entity) == MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); drtn = mpd_song_get_duration(song); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"id\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_id(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"pos\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_pos(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"duration\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, drtn); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"title\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_title(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "},"); totalTime += drtn; } mpd_entity_free(entity); } /* remove last ',' */ cur--; cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "],\"totalTime\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, totalTime); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "}"); return cur - buffer; } int mpd_put_browse(char *buffer, char *path, unsigned int offset) { char *cur = buffer; const char *end = buffer + MAX_SIZE; struct mpd_entity *entity; unsigned int entity_count = 0; if (!mpd_send_list_meta(mpd.conn, path)) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_send_list_meta"); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"browse\",\"data\":[ "); while ((entity = mpd_recv_entity(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { const struct mpd_song *song; const struct mpd_directory *dir; const struct mpd_playlist *pl; if (offset > entity_count) { mpd_entity_free(entity); entity_count++; continue; } else if (offset + MAX_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE - 1 < entity_count) { mpd_entity_free(entity); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"wrap\",\"count\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, entity_count); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "} "); break; } switch (mpd_entity_get_type(entity)) { case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG: song = mpd_entity_get_song(entity); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"song\",\"uri\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_uri(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"duration\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_duration(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"title\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_title(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "},"); break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY: dir = mpd_entity_get_directory(entity); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"directory\",\"dir\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_directory_get_path(dir)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "},"); break; case MPD_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLIST: pl = mpd_entity_get_playlist(entity); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"playlist\",\"plist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_playlist_get_path(pl)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "},"); break; } mpd_entity_free(entity); entity_count++; } if (mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS || !mpd_response_finish(mpd.conn)) { fprintf(stderr, "MPD mpd_send_list_meta: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn)); mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE; return 0; } /* remove last ',' */ cur--; cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "]}"); return cur - buffer; } int mpd_search(char *buffer, char *searchstr) { int i = 0; char *cur = buffer; const char *end = buffer + MAX_SIZE; struct mpd_song *song; if (mpd_search_db_songs(mpd.conn, false) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_db_songs"); else if (mpd_search_add_any_tag_constraint(mpd.conn, MPD_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, searchstr) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_add_any_tag_constraint"); else if (mpd_search_commit(mpd.conn) == false) RETURN_ERROR_AND_RECOVER("mpd_search_commit"); else { cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"search\",\"data\":[ "); while ((song = mpd_recv_song(mpd.conn)) != NULL) { cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"song\",\"uri\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_uri(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"duration\":"); cur += json_emit_int(cur, end - cur, mpd_song_get_duration(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"title\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_title(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"artist\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_artist(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, ",\"album\":"); cur += json_emit_quoted_str(cur, end - cur, mpd_get_album(song)); cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "},"); mpd_song_free(song); /* Maximum results */ if (i++ >= 300) { cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "{\"type\":\"wrap\"},"); break; } } /* remove last ',' */ cur--; cur += json_emit_raw_str(cur, end - cur, "]}"); } return cur - buffer; } void mpd_disconnect() { mpd.conn_state = MPD_DISCONNECT; mpd_poll(NULL); }