mirror of https://github.com/Baidicoot/rpncalc-v4 synced 2024-09-28 23:10:45 +00:00
2020-05-31 02:52:02 +01:00

183 lines
4.7 KiB

function definition object:
{nargs:0, defn:() => {}}
types of object on list:
{type:"int", val:0}
{type:"char", val:"0"}
{type:"closure", args:[], func:{}}
{type:"pair", val:{fst:{}, snd:{}}}
[{type:"int", val:1},{type:"int", val:1},{type:"builtin", op:"+"}]
[{type:"int", val:1},{type:"int", val:1},{type:"func", args:["a"], body:[{type:"ident", val:"a"},{type:"int", val:1},{type:"builtin", op:"+"}]}]
exported functions:
addDefn - adds a builtin function
doStep - consumes instruction stream, stack, outputs stack
execRPN - consumes scope, instruction stream, outputs stack
const makeEval = (sign, defnarg) => {
if (typeof sign === "number") {
return {nargs:sign, defn:defnarg};
} else {
return {nargs:sign.length, defn:(scope, args) => {
let stripped = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sign.length; i++) {
if (args[i].type === sign[i]) {
} else {
throw 'typeerror'
return defnarg(scope, stripped);
export const makeFn = (sign, defnarg) => {
return {type:"closure", args:[], func:makeEval(sign, defnarg)};
let builtinDefn = {};
export const addDefn = (name, sign, func) => {
builtinDefn[name] = makeFn(sign, func);
export const addRPNASTDefn = (name, ast) => {
builtinDefn[name] = makeObj(ast);
const makeLambda = (lambda) => {
return {nargs:lambda.args.length, defn:(scope, args) => {
let newscope = Object.create(scope);
for (let i = 0; i < lambda.args.length; i++) {
newscope[lambda.args[i]] = args[args.length-1-i];
return execRPN(newscope, lambda.body).stack;
const makeObj = (elem) => {
if (elem.type === "func") {
return {type:"closure", args:[], func:makeLambda(elem)};
} else {
return elem;
const cloneElem = (elem) => {
if (elem.type === "closure") {
let argsClone = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elem.args.length; i++) {
return {type:"closure", args:argsClone, func:elem.func};
} else {
return elem;
const lookupScope = (name, scope) => {
let n = scope[name];
if (n) {
return cloneElem(n);
n = builtinDefn[name];
if (n) {
console.log(name, n);
return cloneElem(n);
} else {
throw 'var "' + name + '" not in scope'
const giveArg = (closure, arg, scope) => {
if (closure.args.length === closure.func.nargs) {
return closure.func.defn(scope, closure.args);
} else {
return [closure];
const apply = (elem, stack) => {
if (Array.isArray(elem)) {
applyMany(elem, stack);
} else {
if (elem.type === "closure") {
if (elem.func.nargs === 0) {
apply(elem.func.defn(stack.scope, []), stack);
} else if (stack.stack.length > 0) {
let out = giveArg(elem, stack.stack.pop(), stack.scope);
apply(out, stack);
} else {
} else if (elem.type === "ident") {
let id = lookupScope(elem.val, stack.scope);
apply(id, stack);
} else {
const applyMany = (outstack, stack) => {
for (let i = 0; i < outstack.length; i++) {
apply(outstack[i], stack);
const pushS = (elem, stack) => {
if (elem.type === "ident") {
let id = lookupScope(elem.val, stack.scope);
} else {
const defn = (elem, name, stack) => {
stack.scope[name] = execRPN(stack.scope, elem).stack;
const doStep = (ins, stack) => {
let instruction = ins.shift();
if (instruction.type === "push") {
pushS(makeObj(instruction.elem), stack);
} else if (instruction.type === "defn") {
defn(instruction.defn, instruction.ident, stack);
} else {
apply(makeObj(instruction), stack);
const showIns = (curr) => {
if (curr.type === "ident") {
return curr.val;
} else if (curr.type === "push") {
return "'" + showIns(curr.elem)
export const execRPN = (scope, i) => {
let ins = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(i));
let stack = {scope:scope, stack:[]};
while (ins.length > 0) {
let curr = ins[0];
try {
doStep(ins, stack);
} catch (error) {
throw error + ' while executing "' + showIns(curr) + '"'
return stack;