}// i feel like this for loop is inefficient and could just add spaces around syntax all the time, so the following code has more writes to memory but may be more efficient. replace lines 5-27 with 29-37 by commenting out lines 5-27 and removing the /* and */ around lines 29-37. Note: i have not tested the code but it probably works.
if(!isNaN(splitInput[i])){// didn't need /[0-9]/, but that would be helpful to stop numbers from being in identifiers, but the ability to call a function "function_add_1" is easier to type than "function_add_one"
output.push({type:"int",val:Number(splitInput[i])});// also, /[a-zA-Z]/ wasn't necessary as my code uses anything that isn't `;() or ->
}elseif(syntax.test(splitInput[i])||splitInput[i]==="->"){// needs a || as -> wasn't included in the syntax regexp. it wasn't in because -> uses two characters so i wanted to have separate code for it. (also because regexps are confusing)
}elseif(splitInput[i]!=''){// if syntax is next to the end of the string or other bits of syntax the two spaces are in inputWithAddedSpaces so .split returns '' as one element. this makes sure that it is not read as an identifier