_G.requireInjector() local Config = require('config') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local fs = _G.fs local multishell = _ENV.multishell local os = _G.os local settings = _G.settings local shell = _ENV.shell multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'System') UI:configure('System', ...) local env = { path = shell.path(), aliases = shell.aliases(), lua_path = LUA_PATH, } Config.load('shell', env) local systemPage = UI.Page { tabs = UI.Tabs { pathTab = UI.Window { tabTitle = 'Path', entry = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 2, ex = -2, limit = 256, value = shell.path(), shadowText = 'enter system path', accelerators = { enter = 'update_path', }, }, grid = UI.Grid { y = 4, disableHeader = true, columns = { { key = 'value' } }, autospace = true, }, }, aliasTab = UI.Window { tabTitle = 'Aliases', alias = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 2, ex = -2, limit = 32, shadowText = 'Alias', }, path = UI.TextEntry { y = 3, x = 2, ex = -2, limit = 256, shadowText = 'Program path', accelerators = { enter = 'new_alias', }, }, grid = UI.Grid { y = 5, sortColumn = 'alias', columns = { { heading = 'Alias', key = 'alias' }, { heading = 'Program', key = 'path' }, }, accelerators = { delete = 'delete_alias', }, }, }, infoTab = UI.Window { tabTitle = 'Info', labelText = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'Label' }, label = UI.TextEntry { x = 9, y = 2, ex = -4, limit = 32, value = os.getComputerLabel(), accelerators = { enter = 'update_label', }, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 3, values = { { name = '', value = '' }, { name = 'CC version', value = Util.getVersion() }, { name = 'Lua version', value = _VERSION }, { name = 'MC version', value = _G._MC_VERSION or 'unknown' }, { name = 'Disk free', value = Util.toBytes(fs.getFreeSpace('/')) }, { name = 'Computer ID', value = tostring(os.getComputerID()) }, { name = 'Day', value = tostring(os.day()) }, }, inactive = true, columns = { { key = 'name', width = 12 }, { key = 'value' }, }, }, }, }, notification = UI.Notification(), accelerators = { q = 'quit', }, } if settings then local values = { } for _,v in pairs(settings.getNames()) do table.insert(values, { name = v, value = not not settings.get(v), }) end systemPage.tabs:add({ systemTab = UI.Window { tabTitle = 'Settings', grid = UI.Grid { y = 1, values = values, --autospace = true, sortColumn = 'name', columns = { { heading = 'Setting', key = 'name' }, { heading = 'Value', key = 'value' }, }, accelerators = { }, }, } }) function systemPage.tabs.systemTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then event.selected.value = not event.selected.value settings.set(event.selected.name, event.selected.value) settings.save('.settings') self.grid:draw() return true end end end function systemPage.tabs.pathTab.grid:draw() self.values = { } for _,v in ipairs(Util.split(env.path, '(.-):')) do table.insert(self.values, { value = v }) end self:update() UI.Grid.draw(self) end function systemPage.tabs.pathTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'update_path' then env.path = self.entry.value self.grid:setIndex(self.grid:getIndex()) self.grid:draw() Config.update('shell', env) systemPage.notification:success('reboot to take effect') return true end end function systemPage.tabs.aliasTab.grid:draw() self.values = { } for k,v in pairs(env.aliases) do table.insert(self.values, { alias = k, path = v }) end self:update() UI.Grid.draw(self) end function systemPage.tabs.aliasTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'delete_alias' then env.aliases[self.grid:getSelected().alias] = nil self.grid:setIndex(self.grid:getIndex()) self.grid:draw() Config.update('shell', env) systemPage.notification:success('reboot to take effect') return true elseif event.type == 'new_alias' then env.aliases[self.alias.value] = self.path.value self.alias:reset() self.path:reset() self:draw() self:setFocus(self.alias) Config.update('shell', env) systemPage.notification:success('reboot to take effect') return true end end function systemPage.tabs.infoTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'update_label' then os.setComputerLabel(self.label.value) systemPage.notification:success('Label updated') return true end end function systemPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'quit' then UI:exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'tab_activate' then event.activated:focusFirst() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end UI:setPage(systemPage) UI:pullEvents()