local Event = require('event') local UI = require('ui') local kernel = _G.kernel local multishell = _ENV.multishell UI:configure('Tasks', ...) local page = UI.Page { menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = 'Activate', event = 'activate' }, { text = 'Terminate', event = 'terminate' }, }, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 2, columns = { { heading = 'ID', key = 'uid', width = 3 }, { heading = 'Title', key = 'title' }, { heading = 'Status', key = 'status' }, { heading = 'Time', key = 'timestamp' }, }, values = kernel.routines, sortColumn = 'uid', autospace = true, }, accelerators = { q = 'quit', space = 'activate', t = 'terminate', }, } function page:eventHandler(event) local t = self.grid:getSelected() if t then if event.type == 'activate' or event.type == 'grid_select' then multishell.setFocus(t.uid) elseif event.type == 'terminate' then multishell.terminate(t.uid) end end if event.type == 'quit' then Event.exitPullEvents() end UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end function page.grid:getDisplayValues(row) local elapsed = os.clock()-row.timestamp return { uid = row.uid, title = row.title, status = row.isDead and 'error' or coroutine.status(row.co), timestamp = elapsed < 60 and string.format("%ds", math.floor(elapsed)) or string.format("%sm", math.floor(elapsed/6)/10), } end Event.onInterval(1, function() page.grid:update() page.grid:draw() page:sync() end) UI:setPage(page) UI:pullEvents()