local function printUsage() print( "Usages:" ) print( "pastebin put " ) print( "pastebin get " ) print( "pastebin run " ) end local tArgs = { ... } if #tArgs < 2 then printUsage() return end if not http then printError( "Pastebin requires http API" ) printError( "Set http_enable to true in ComputerCraft.cfg" ) return end local pastebin = require('http.pastebin') local sCommand = tArgs[1] if sCommand == "put" then -- Upload a file to pastebin.com -- Determine file to upload local sFile = tArgs[2] local sPath = shell.resolve( sFile ) if not fs.exists( sPath ) or fs.isDir( sPath ) then print( "No such file" ) return end print( "Connecting to pastebin.com... " ) local resp, msg = pastebin.put(sFile) if resp then print( "Uploaded as "..msg ) print( "Run \"pastebin get "..resp.."\" to download anywhere" ) else printError( msg ) end elseif sCommand == "get" then -- Download a file from pastebin.com if #tArgs < 3 then printUsage() return end print( "Connecting to pastebin.com... " ) -- Determine file to download local sCode = tArgs[2] local sFile = tArgs[3] local sPath = shell.resolve( sFile ) if fs.exists( sPath ) then printError( "File already exists" ) return end local resp, msg = pastebin.get(sCode, sPath) if resp then print( "Downloaded as "..resp ) else printError( msg ) end elseif sCommand == "run" then local sCode = tArgs[2] print( "Connecting to pastebin.com... " ) local resp, msg = pastebin.run(sCode, table.unpack(tArgs, 3)) if not resp then printError( msg ) end else printUsage() return end