local UI = require('opus.ui') local colors = _G.colors local peripheral = _G.peripheral local settings = _G.settings return peripheral.find('monitor') and UI.Tab { title = 'Kiosk', description = 'Kiosk options', form = UI.Form { x = 2, y = 2, ex = -2, ey = 5, manualControls = true, monitor = UI.Chooser { formLabel = 'Monitor', formKey = 'monitor', }, textScale = UI.Chooser { formLabel = 'Font Size', formKey = 'textScale', nochoice = 'Small', choices = { { name = 'Small', value = '.5' }, { name = 'Large', value = '1' }, }, help = 'Adjust text scaling', }, }, labelText = UI.TextArea { x = 2, ex = -2, y = 7, ey = -2, textColor = colors.yellow, backgroundColor = colors.black, value = 'Settings apply to kiosk mode selected during startup' }, enable = function(self) local choices = { } peripheral.find('monitor', function(side) table.insert(choices, { name = side, value = side }) end) self.form.monitor.choices = choices self.form.monitor.value = settings.get('kiosk.monitor') self.form.textScale.value = settings.get('kiosk.textscale') UI.Tab.enable(self) end, eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'choice_change' then if self.form.monitor.value then settings.set('kiosk.monitor', self.form.monitor.value) end if self.form.textScale.value then settings.set('kiosk.textscale', self.form.textScale.value) end settings.save('.settings') end end }