local UI = require('opus.ui') local Event = require('opus.event') local NFT = require('opus.nft') local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local os = _G.os local peripheral = _G.peripheral local NftImages = { blank = '\0308\0317\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\010\0307\0318\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\010\0308\0317\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\010\0307\0318\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\010\0308\0317\153\153\153\153\153\153\153\153', drive = '\030 \031 \030b\031b\128\0308\0318\128\128\030f\149\030b\149\031 \139\010\030 \031 \030b\031b\128\128\128\128\128\128\010\030 \031 \030b\031b\128\0300\0317____\030b\031b\128\010\030 \031 \030b\031b\128\0300\0317____\030b\031b\128', ram = '\030 \031 \128\0318\144\144\144\144\144\031 \128\010\0308\031 \157\0307\0317\128\128\128\128\128\030 \0318\145\010\030 \0318\136\0307\0317\128\0307\0310RAM\0307\128\030 \0318\132\010\0308\031 \157\0307\0317\128\128\128\128\128\030 \0318\145\010\030 \031 \128\0318\129\129\129\129\129\031 \128', rom = '\030 \031 \128\0318\144\144\144\144\144\031 \128\010\0308\031 \157\0307\0317\128\128\128\128\128\030 \0318\145\010\030 \0318\136\0307\0317\128\0307\0310ROM\0307\128\030 \0318\132\010\0308\031 \157\0307\0317\128\128\128\128\128\030 \0318\145\010\030 \031 \128\0318\129\129\129\129\129\031 \128', hdd = '\030 \031 \0307\0317\128\0300\135\131\139\0307\128\010\030 \031 \0300\0317\149\0310\128\0307\131\0300\128\0307\149\010\030 \031 \0307\0310\130\0300\0317\144\0308\0310\133\0307\159\129\010\030 \031 \0308\0317\149\129\142\159\0307\128\010\030 \031 \030 \0317\143\143\143\143\143', } local tab = UI.Tab { title = 'Disks Usage', description = 'Visualise HDD and disks usage', drives = UI.ScrollingGrid { x = 2, y = 2, ex = '47%', ey = -8, columns = { { heading = 'Drive', key = 'name' }, { heading = 'Side' ,key = 'side', textColor = colors.yellow } }, sortColumn = 'name', }, infos = UI.Grid { x = '52%', y = 2, ex = -2, ey = -8, disableHeader = true, unfocusedBackgroundSelectedColor = colors.black, inactive = true, backgroundSelectedColor = colors.black, columns = { { key = 'name' }, { key = 'value', align = 'right', textColor = colors.yellow }, } }, [1] = UI.Window { x = 2, y = -6, ex = -2, ey = -2, backgroundColor = colors.black, }, progress = UI.ProgressBar { x = 11, y = -3, ex = -3, }, percentage = UI.Text { y = -4, width = 5, x = 12, --align = 'center', backgroundColor = colors.black, }, icon = UI.NftImage { x = 2, y = -6, ey = -2, backgroundColor = colors.black, image = NFT.parse(NftImages.blank) }, } local function getDrives() local unique = { ['hdd'] = true, ['virt'] = true } local drives = { { name = 'hdd', side = '' } } for _, drive in pairs(fs.list('/')) do local side = fs.getDrive(drive) if side and not unique[side] then unique[side] = true table.insert(drives, { name = drive, side = side }) end end return drives end local function getDriveInfo(p) local files, dirs, total = 0, 0, 0 if p == "hdd" then p = "/" end p = fs.combine(p, '') local drive = fs.getDrive(p) local function recurse(path) if fs.getDrive(path) == drive then if fs.isDir(path) then if path ~= p then total = total + 500 dirs = dirs + 1 end for _, v in pairs(fs.list(path)) do recurse(fs.combine(path, v)) end else local sz = fs.getSize(path) files = files + 1 if drive == 'rom' then total = total + sz else total = total + math.max(500, sz) end end end end recurse(p) local info = {} table.insert(info, { name = 'Type', value = peripheral.getType(drive) or drive }) table.insert(info, { name = 'Used', value = total }) table.insert(info, { name = 'Total', value = total + fs.getFreeSpace(p) }) table.insert(info, { name = 'Free', value = fs.getFreeSpace(p) }) table.insert(info, { }) table.insert(info, { name = 'Files', value = files }) table.insert(info, { name = 'Dirs', value = dirs }) return info, math.floor((total / (total + fs.getFreeSpace(p))) * 100) end function tab:updateInfo() local selected = self.drives:getSelected() local info, percent = getDriveInfo(selected and selected.name or self.drives.values[1].name) self.infos:setValues(info) self.progress.value = percent self.percentage.value = ('%#3d%%'):format(percent) self.icon.image = NFT.parse(NftImages[info[1].value] or NftImages.blank) self:draw() end function tab:updateDrives() local drives = getDrives() self.drives:setValues(drives) end function tab:enable() self:updateDrives() self:updateInfo() UI.Tab.enable(self) self.handler = Event.on({ 'disk', 'disk_eject' }, function() os.sleep(1) tab:updateDrives() tab:updateInfo() tab:sync() end) end function tab:disable() Event.off(self.handler) UI.Tab.disable(self) end function tab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then self:updateInfo() else return UI.Tab.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end return tab