local Point = { } function Point.copy(pt) return { x = pt.x, y = pt.y, z = pt.z } end function Point.same(pta, ptb) return pta.x == ptb.x and pta.y == ptb.y and pta.z == ptb.z end function Point.subtract(a, b) a.x = a.x - b.x a.y = a.y - b.y a.z = a.z - b.z end -- Euclidian distance function Point.pythagoreanDistance(a, b) return math.sqrt( math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2) + math.pow(a.z - b.z, 2)) end -- turtle distance (manhattan) function Point.turtleDistance(a, b) if a.y and b.y then return math.abs(a.x - b.x) + math.abs(a.y - b.y) + math.abs(a.z - b.z) else return math.abs(a.x - b.x) + math.abs(a.z - b.z) end end function Point.calculateTurns(ih, oh) if ih == oh then return 0 end if (ih % 2) == (oh % 2) then return 2 end return 1 end function Point.calculateHeading(pta, ptb) local heading if (pta.heading % 2) == 0 and pta.z ~= ptb.z then if ptb.z > pta.z then heading = 1 else heading = 3 end elseif (pta.heading % 2) == 1 and pta.x ~= ptb.x then if ptb.x > pta.x then heading = 0 else heading = 2 end elseif pta.heading == 0 and pta.x > ptb.x then heading = 2 elseif pta.heading == 2 and pta.x < ptb.x then heading = 0 elseif pta.heading == 1 and pta.z > ptb.z then heading = 3 elseif pta.heading == 3 and pta.z < ptb.z then heading = 1 end return heading or pta.heading end -- Calculate distance to location including turns -- also returns the resulting heading function Point.calculateMoves(pta, ptb, distance) local heading = pta.heading local moves = distance or Point.turtleDistance(pta, ptb) if (pta.heading % 2) == 0 and pta.z ~= ptb.z then moves = moves + 1 if ptb.heading and (ptb.heading % 2 == 1) then heading = ptb.heading elseif ptb.z > pta.z then heading = 1 else heading = 3 end elseif (pta.heading % 2) == 1 and pta.x ~= ptb.x then moves = moves + 1 if ptb.heading and (ptb.heading % 2 == 0) then heading = ptb.heading elseif ptb.x > pta.x then heading = 0 else heading = 2 end end if ptb.heading then if heading ~= ptb.heading then moves = moves + Point.calculateTurns(heading, ptb.heading) heading = ptb.heading end end return moves, heading end -- given a set of points, find the one taking the least moves function Point.closest(reference, pts) local lpt, lm -- lowest for _,pt in pairs(pts) do local m = Point.calculateMoves(reference, pt) if not lm or m < lm then lpt = pt lm = m end end return lpt end -- find the closest block -- * favor same plane -- * going backwards only if the dest is above or below function Point.closest2(reference, pts) local lpt, lm -- lowest for _,pt in pairs(pts) do local m = Point.turtleDistance(reference, pt) local h = Point.calculateHeading(reference, pt) local t = Point.calculateTurns(reference.heading, h) if pt.y ~= reference.y then -- try and stay on same plane m = m + .01 end if t ~= 2 or pt.y == reference.y then m = m + t if t > 0 then m = m + .01 end end if not lm or m < lm then lpt = pt lm = m end end return lpt end function Point.adjacentPoints(pt) local pts = { } for _, hi in pairs(turtle.getHeadings()) do table.insert(pts, { x = pt.x + hi.xd, y = pt.y + hi.yd, z = pt.z + hi.zd }) end return pts end return Point --[[ function Point.toBox(pt, width, length, height) return { ax = pt.x, ay = pt.y, az = pt.z, bx = pt.x + width - 1, by = pt.y + height - 1, bz = pt.z + length - 1 } end function Point.inBox(pt, box) return pt.x >= box.ax and pt.z >= box.az and pt.x <= box.bx and pt.z <= box.bz end Box = { } function Box.contain(boundingBox, containedBox) local shiftX = boundingBox.ax - containedBox.ax if shiftX > 0 then containedBox.ax = containedBox.ax + shiftX containedBox.bx = containedBox.bx + shiftX end local shiftZ = boundingBox.az - containedBox.az if shiftZ > 0 then containedBox.az = containedBox.az + shiftZ containedBox.bz = containedBox.bz + shiftZ end shiftX = boundingBox.bx - containedBox.bx if shiftX < 0 then containedBox.ax = containedBox.ax + shiftX containedBox.bx = containedBox.bx + shiftX end shiftZ = boundingBox.bz - containedBox.bz if shiftZ < 0 then containedBox.az = containedBox.az + shiftZ containedBox.bz = containedBox.bz + shiftZ end end --]]