local Util = require('opus.util') local device = _G.device local kernel = _G.kernel local os = _G.os local containers = { manipulator = true, neuralInterface = true, } local cache = { } local function getModules(dev, side) local list = { } if dev and dev.listModules then for _, module in pairs(dev.listModules()) do list[module] = Util.shallowCopy(dev) list[module].name = module list[module].type = module list[module].side = side end end return list end -- if a device has been reattached, reuse the existing -- table so any references to the table are retained local function addDevice(dev, args, doQueue) local name = args.name if not cache[name] then cache[name] = { } end device[name] = cache[name] Util.merge(device[name], dev) Util.merge(device[name], args) if doQueue then os.queueEvent('device_attach', name) end return device[name] end local function damnManipulator(container, method, args, doQueue) local dev = addDevice(container[method](), args) for k,v in pairs(dev) do if type(v) == 'function' then dev[k] = function(...) return device[container.name][method]()[k](...) end end end if doQueue then os.queueEvent('device_attach', args.name) end end local function addContainer(v, doQueue) -- add devices like plethora:scanner for name, dev in pairs(getModules(v, v.side)) do -- neural and attached modules have precedence over manipulator modules if not device[name] or v.type ~= 'manipulator' then addDevice(dev, { name = dev.name, type = dev.name, side = dev.side }, doQueue) end end if v.getName then pcall(function() local name = v.getName() if name then if v.getInventory then damnManipulator(v, 'getInventory', { name = name .. ':inventory', type = 'inventory', side = v.side }, doQueue) end if v.getEquipment then damnManipulator(v, 'getEquipment', { name = name .. ':equipment', type = 'equipment', side = v.side }, doQueue) end if v.getEnder then damnManipulator(v, 'getEnder', { name = name .. ':enderChest', type = 'enderChest', side = v.side }, doQueue) end end end) end end for k,v in pairs(device) do if containers[v.type] then cache[k] = v addContainer(v) end end -- register modules as peripherals kernel.hook('device_attach', function(_, eventData) local name = eventData[1] local dev = device[name] if dev and containers[dev.type] then -- so... basically, if you get a handle to device.neuralInterface -- (or manipulator) - that handle will still be valid after -- a module is removed if cache[name] then device[name] = cache[name] -- TODO: cannot simply merge - need to remove -- all functions then merge Util.merge(device[name], dev) else cache[name] = dev end addContainer(dev, true) end end)