local Util = require('util') local keyboard = _G.device.keyboard local keys = _G.keys local os = _G.os local modifiers = Util.transpose { keys.leftCtrl, keys.rightCtrl, keys.leftShift, keys.rightShift, keys.leftAlt, keys.rightAlt, } local input = { state = { }, } function input:modifierPressed() return keyboard.state[keys.leftCtrl] or keyboard.state[keys.rightCtrl] or keyboard.state[keys.leftAlt] or keyboard.state[keys.rightAlt] end function input:toCode(ch, code) local result = { } if keyboard.state[keys.leftCtrl] or keyboard.state[keys.rightCtrl] or code == keys.leftCtrl or code == keys.rightCtrl then table.insert(result, 'control') end if keyboard.state[keys.leftAlt] or keyboard.state[keys.rightAlt] or code == keys.leftAlt or code == keys.rightAlt then table.insert(result, 'alt') end if keyboard.state[keys.leftShift] or keyboard.state[keys.rightShift] or code == keys.leftShift or code == keys.rightShift then if code and modifiers[code] then table.insert(result, 'shift') elseif #ch == 1 then table.insert(result, ch:upper()) else table.insert(result, 'shift') table.insert(result, ch) end elseif not code or not modifiers[code] then table.insert(result, ch) end return table.concat(result, '-') end function input:reset() self.state = { } self.fired = nil self.timer = nil self.mch = nil self.mfired = nil end function input:translate(event, code, p1, p2) if event == 'key' then if p1 then -- key is held down if not modifiers[code] then self.fired = true return input:toCode(keys.getName(code), code) end else self.state[code] = true if self:modifierPressed() and not modifiers[code] or code == 57 then self.fired = true return input:toCode(keys.getName(code), code) else self.fired = false end end elseif event == 'char' then if not self:modifierPressed() then self.fired = true return input:toCode(code) end elseif event == 'key_up' then if not self.fired then if self.state[code] then self.fired = true local ch = input:toCode(keys.getName(code), code) self.state[code] = nil return ch end end self.state[code] = nil elseif event == 'paste' then --self.state[keys.leftCtrl] = nil --self.state[keys.rightCtrl] = nil self.fired = true return input:toCode('paste', 255) elseif event == 'mouse_click' then local buttons = { 'mouse_click', 'mouse_rightclick' } self.mch = buttons[code] self.mfired = nil elseif event == 'mouse_drag' then self.mfired = true self.fired = true return input:toCode('mouse_drag', 255) elseif event == 'mouse_up' then if not self.mfired then local clock = os.clock() if self.timer and p1 == self.x and p2 == self.y and (clock - self.timer < .5) then self.mch = 'mouse_doubleclick' self.timer = nil else self.timer = os.clock() self.x = p1 self.y = p2 end self.mfired = input:toCode(self.mch, 255) else self.mch = 'mouse_up' self.mfired = input:toCode(self.mch, 255) end self.fired = true return self.mfired elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then local directions = { [ -1 ] = 'scrollUp', [ 1 ] = 'scrollDown' } self.fired = true return input:toCode(directions[code], 255) end end function input:test() while true do local ch = self:translate(os.pullEvent()) if ch then print('GOT: ' .. tostring(ch)) end end end return input