local bootOptions = { { prompt = 'Default Shell', file = '/sys/boot/default.boot' }, { prompt = 'Opus' , file = '/sys/boot/opus.boot' }, -- { prompt = 'TLCO' , file = '/sys/boot/tlco.boot' }, } local bootOption = 2 local function startupMenu() while true do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) print('Select startup mode') print() for k,option in pairs(bootOptions) do print(k .. ' : ' .. option.prompt) end print('') term.write('> ') local ch = tonumber(read()) if ch and bootOptions[ch] then return ch end end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) print('Starting OS') print() print('Press any key for menu') local timerId = os.startTimer(1.5) while true do local e, id = os.pullEvent() if e == 'timer' and id == timerId then break end if e == 'char' then bootOption = startupMenu() break end end os.run(getfenv(1), bootOptions[bootOption].file)