local class = require('class') local UI = require('ui') local colors = _G.colors UI.Checkbox = class(UI.Window) UI.Checkbox.defaults = { UIElement = 'Checkbox', nochoice = 'Select', checkedIndicator = UI.extChars and '\4' or 'X', leftMarker = UI.extChars and '\124' or '[', rightMarker = UI.extChars and '\124' or ']', value = false, textColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.black, backgroundFocusColor = colors.lightGray, height = 1, width = 3, accelerators = { space = 'checkbox_toggle', mouse_click = 'checkbox_toggle', } } function UI.Checkbox:draw() local bg = self.backgroundColor if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor end if type(self.value) == 'string' then self.value = nil -- TODO: fix form end local text = string.format('[%s]', not self.value and ' ' or self.checkedIndicator) local x = 1 if self.label then self:write(1, 1, self.label) x = #self.label + 2 end self:write(x, 1, text, bg) self:write(x, 1, self.leftMarker, self.backgroundColor, self.textColor) self:write(x + 1, 1, not self.value and ' ' or self.checkedIndicator, bg) self:write(x + 2, 1, self.rightMarker, self.backgroundColor, self.textColor) end function UI.Checkbox:focus() self:draw() end function UI.Checkbox:setValue(v) self.value = v end function UI.Checkbox:reset() self.value = false end function UI.Checkbox:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'checkbox_toggle' then self.value = not self.value self:emit({ type = 'checkbox_change', checked = self.value, element = self }) self:draw() return true end end