local Event = require('event') local Socket = require('socket') local Util = require('util') local os = _G.os local Peripheral = Util.shallowCopy(_G.peripheral) function Peripheral.getList() if _G.device then return _G.device end local deviceList = { } for _,side in pairs(Peripheral.getNames()) do Peripheral.addDevice(deviceList, side) end return deviceList end function Peripheral.addDevice(deviceList, side) local name = side local ptype = Peripheral.getType(side) if not ptype then return end if ptype == 'modem' then if Peripheral.call(name, 'isWireless') then ptype = 'wireless_modem' else ptype = 'wired_modem' end end local sides = { front = true, back = true, top = true, bottom = true, left = true, right = true } if sides[name] then local i = 1 local uniqueName = ptype while deviceList[uniqueName] do uniqueName = ptype .. '_' .. i i = i + 1 end name = uniqueName end local s, m = pcall(function() deviceList[name] = Peripheral.wrap(side) end) if not s and m then _G.printError('wrap failed') _G.printError(m) end if deviceList[name] then Util.merge(deviceList[name], { name = name, type = ptype, side = side, }) return deviceList[name] end end function Peripheral.getBySide(side) return Util.find(Peripheral.getList(), 'side', side) end function Peripheral.getByType(typeName) return Util.find(Peripheral.getList(), 'type', typeName) end function Peripheral.getByMethod(method) for _,p in pairs(Peripheral.getList()) do if p[method] then return p end end end -- match any of the passed arguments function Peripheral.get(args) if type(args) == 'string' then args = { type = args } end if args.name then return _G.device[args.name] end if args.type then local p = Peripheral.getByType(args.type) if p then return p end end if args.method then local p = Peripheral.getByMethod(args.method) if p then return p end end if args.side then local p = Peripheral.getBySide(args.side) if p then return p end end end local function getProxy(pi) local socket = Socket.connect(pi.host, 189) if not socket then error("Timed out attaching peripheral: " .. pi.uri) end socket:write(pi.path) local proxy = socket:read(3) if not proxy then error("Timed out attaching peripheral: " .. pi.uri) end local methods = proxy.methods proxy.methods = nil for _,method in pairs(methods) do proxy[method] = function(...) socket:write({ fn = method, args = { ... } }) local resp = socket:read() if not resp then error("Timed out communicating with peripheral: " .. pi.uri) end return table.unpack(resp) end end if proxy.blit then local methods = { 'clear', 'clearLine', 'setCursorPos', 'write', 'blit', 'setTextColor', 'setTextColour', 'setBackgroundColor', 'setBackgroundColour', 'scroll', 'setCursorBlink', } local queue = nil for _,method in pairs(methods) do proxy[method] = function(...) if not queue then queue = { } Event.onTimeout(0, function() if not socket:write({ fn = 'fastBlit', args = { queue } }) then error("Timed out communicating with peripheral: " .. pi.uri) end queue = nil socket:read() end) end table.insert(queue, { fn = method, args = { ... }, }) end end end if proxy.type == 'monitor' then Event.addRoutine(function() while true do local data = socket:read() if not data then break end if data.fn and data.fn == 'event' then os.queueEvent(table.unpack(data.data)) end end end) end return proxy end --[[ Parse a uri into it's components Examples: monitor = { name = 'monitor' } side/top = { side = 'top' } method/list = { method = 'list' } 12://name/monitor = { host = 12, name = 'monitor' } ]]-- local function parse(uri) local pi = Util.split(uri:gsub('^%d*://', ''), '(.-)/') if #pi == 1 then pi = { 'name', pi[1], } end return { host = uri:match('^(%d*)%:'), -- 12 uri = uri, -- 12://name/monitor path = uri:gsub('^%d*://', ''), -- name/monitor [ pi[1] ] = pi[2], -- name = 'monitor' } end function Peripheral.lookup(uri) local pi = parse(uri) if pi.host then return getProxy(pi) end return Peripheral.get(pi) end return Peripheral