local class = require('class') local os = _G.os local Entry = class() function Entry:init(args) self.pos = 0 self.scroll = 0 self.value = '' self.width = args.width or 256 self.limit = args.limit or 1024 self.mark = { } self.offset = args.offset or 1 end function Entry:reset() self.pos = 0 self.scroll = 0 self.value = '' self.mark = { } end function Entry:nextWord() return select(2, self.value:find("[%s%p]?%w[%s%p]", self.pos + 1)) or #self.value end function Entry:prevWord() local x = #self.value - (self.pos - 1) local _, n = self.value:reverse():find("[%s%p]?%w[%s%p]", x) return n and #self.value - n + 1 or 0 end function Entry:updateScroll() local ps = self.scroll if self.pos > #self.value then self.pos = #self.value self.scroll = 0 -- ?? end if self.pos - self.scroll > self.width then self.scroll = self.pos - self.width elseif self.pos < self.scroll then self.scroll = self.pos end if ps ~= self.scroll then self.textChanged = true end end function Entry:copyText(cx, ex) return self.value:sub(cx + 1, ex) end function Entry:insertText(x, text) if #self.value + #text > self.limit then text = text:sub(1, self.limit-#self.value) end self.value = self.value:sub(1, x) .. text .. self.value:sub(x + 1) self.pos = self.pos + #text end function Entry:deleteText(sx, ex) local front = self.value:sub(1, sx) local back = self.value:sub(ex + 1, #self.value) self.value = front .. back self.pos = sx end function Entry:moveLeft() if self.pos > 0 then self.pos = self.pos - 1 return true end end function Entry:moveRight() if self.pos < #self.value then self.pos = self.pos + 1 return true end end function Entry:moveHome() if self.pos ~= 0 then self.pos = 0 return true end end function Entry:moveEnd() if self.pos ~= #self.value then self.pos = #self.value return true end end function Entry:moveTo(ie) self.pos = math.max(0, math.min(ie.x + self.scroll - self.offset, #self.value)) end function Entry:backspace() if self.mark.active then self:delete() elseif self:moveLeft() then self:delete() end end function Entry:moveWordRight() if self.pos < #self.value then self.pos = self:nextWord(self.value, self.pos + 1) return true end end function Entry:moveWordLeft() if self.pos > 0 then self.pos = self:prevWord(self.value, self.pos - 1) or 0 return true end end function Entry:delete() if self.mark.active then self:deleteText(self.mark.x, self.mark.ex) elseif self.pos < #self.value then self:deleteText(self.pos, self.pos + 1) end end function Entry:cutFromStart() if self.pos > 0 then local text = self:copyText(1, self.pos) self:deleteText(1, self.pos) os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', text) end end function Entry:cutToEnd() if self.pos < #self.value then local text = self:copyText(self.pos, #self.value) self:deleteText(self.pos, #self.value) os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', text) end end function Entry:cutNextWord() if self.pos < #self.value then local ex = self:nextWord(self.value, self.pos) local text = self:copyText(self.pos, ex) self:deleteText(self.pos, ex) os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', text) end end function Entry:cutPrevWord() if self.pos > 0 then local sx = self:prevWord(self.value, self.pos) local text = self:copyText(sx, self.pos) self:deleteText(sx, self.pos) os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', text) end end function Entry:insertChar(ie) if self.mark.active then self:delete() end self:insertText(self.pos, ie.ch) end function Entry:copy() if #self.value > 0 then self.mark.continue = true if self.mark.active then self:copyMarked() else os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', self.value) end end end function Entry:cut() if self.mark.active then self:copyMarked() self:delete() end end function Entry:copyMarked() local text = self:copyText(self.mark.x, self.mark.ex) os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', text) end function Entry:paste(ie) if #ie.text > 0 then if self.mark.active then self:delete() end self:insertText(self.pos, ie.text) end end function Entry:clearLine() if #self.value > 0 then self:reset() end end function Entry:markBegin() if not self.mark.active then self.mark.active = true self.mark.anchor = { x = self.pos } end end function Entry:markFinish() if self.pos == self.mark.anchor.x then self.mark.active = false else self.mark.x = math.min(self.mark.anchor.x, self.pos) self.mark.ex = math.max(self.mark.anchor.x, self.pos) end self.textChanged = true self.mark.continue = self.mark.active end function Entry:unmark() if self.mark.active then self.textChanged = true self.mark.active = false end end function Entry:markAnchor(ie) self:unmark() self:moveTo(ie) self:markBegin() self:markFinish() end function Entry:markLeft() self:markBegin() if self:moveLeft() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markRight() self:markBegin() if self:moveRight() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markWord(ie) local index = 1 self:moveTo(ie) while true do local s, e = self.value:find('%w+', index) if not s or s - 1 > self.pos then break end if self.pos >= s - 1 and self.pos < e then self.pos = s - 1 self:markBegin() self.pos = e self:markFinish() self:moveTo(ie) break end index = e + 1 end end function Entry:markNextWord() self:markBegin() if self:moveWordRight() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markPrevWord() self:markBegin() if self:moveWordLeft() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markAll() if #self.value > 0 then self.mark.anchor = { x = 1 } self.mark.active = true self.mark.continue = true self.mark.x = 0 self.mark.ex = #self.value self.textChanged = true end end function Entry:markHome() self:markBegin() if self:moveHome() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markEnd() self:markBegin() if self:moveEnd() then self:markFinish() end end function Entry:markTo(ie) self:markBegin() self:moveTo(ie) self:markFinish() end local mappings = { [ 'left' ] = Entry.moveLeft, [ 'control-b' ] = Entry.moveLeft, [ 'right' ] = Entry.moveRight, [ 'control-f' ] = Entry.moveRight, [ 'home' ] = Entry.moveHome, [ 'end' ] = Entry.moveEnd, [ 'control-e' ] = Entry.moveEnd, [ 'mouse_click' ] = Entry.moveTo, [ 'backspace' ] = Entry.backspace, [ 'control-right' ] = Entry.moveWordRight, [ 'alt-f' ] = Entry.moveWordRight, [ 'control-left' ] = Entry.moveWordLeft, [ 'alt-b' ] = Entry.moveWordLeft, [ 'mouse_doubleclick' ] = Entry.markWord, [ 'delete' ] = Entry.delete, [ 'control-u' ] = Entry.cutFromStart, [ 'control-k' ] = Entry.cutToEnd, --[ 'control-d' ] = Entry.cutNextWord, [ 'control-w' ] = Entry.cutPrevWord, [ 'char' ] = Entry.insertChar, [ 'control-c' ] = Entry.copy, [ 'control-x' ] = Entry.cut, [ 'paste' ] = Entry.paste, [ 'control-y' ] = Entry.paste, [ 'mouse_rightclick' ] = Entry.clearLine, [ 'shift-left' ] = Entry.markLeft, [ 'shift-right' ] = Entry.markRight, [ 'mouse_down' ] = Entry.markAnchor, [ 'mouse_drag' ] = Entry.markTo, [ 'shift-mouse_click' ] = Entry.markTo, [ 'control-a' ] = Entry.markAll, [ 'control-shift-right' ] = Entry.markNextWord, [ 'control-shift-left' ] = Entry.markPrevWord, [ 'shift-end' ] = Entry.markEnd, [ 'shift-home' ] = Entry.markHome, } function Entry:process(ie) local action = mappings[ie.code] self.textChanged = false if action then local pos = self.pos local line = self.value local wasMarking = self.mark.continue self.mark.continue = false action(self, ie) self.textChanged = self.textChanged or self.value ~= line self.posChanged = pos ~= self.pos self:updateScroll() if not self.mark.continue and wasMarking then self:unmark() end return true end end return Entry