_G.requireInjector(_ENV) local Peripheral = require('peripheral') _G.device = Peripheral.getList() _G.device.terminal = _G.kernel.terminal _G.device.terminal.side = 'terminal' _G.device.terminal.type = 'terminal' _G.device.terminal.name = 'terminal' _G.device.keyboard = { side = 'keyboard', type = 'keyboard', name = 'keyboard', hotkeys = { }, state = { }, } _G.device.mouse = { side = 'mouse', type = 'mouse', name = 'mouse', state = { }, } local Input = require('input') local Util = require('util') local device = _G.device local kernel = _G.kernel local keyboard = _G.device.keyboard local mouse = _G.device.mouse local os = _G.os local drivers = { } kernel.hook('peripheral', function(_, eventData) local side = eventData[1] if side then local dev = Peripheral.addDevice(device, side) if dev then if drivers[dev.type] then local e = drivers[dev.type](dev) if type(e) == 'table' then for _, v in pairs(e) do os.queueEvent('device_attach', v.name) end elseif e then os.queueEvent('device_attach', e.name) end end os.queueEvent('device_attach', dev.name, dev) end end end) kernel.hook('peripheral_detach', function(_, eventData) local side = eventData[1] if side then local dev = Util.find(device, 'side', side) if dev then os.queueEvent('device_detach', dev.name, dev) if dev._children then for _,v in pairs(dev._children) do os.queueEvent('peripheral_detach', v.name) end end device[dev.name] = nil end end end) kernel.hook({ 'key', 'key_up', 'char', 'paste' }, function(event, eventData) local code = eventData[1] -- maintain global keyboard state if event == 'key' then keyboard.state[code] = true elseif event == 'key_up' then if not keyboard.state[code] then return true -- ensure key ups are only generated if a key down was sent end keyboard.state[code] = nil end -- and fire hotkeys local hotkey = Input:translate(event, eventData[1], eventData[2]) if hotkey and keyboard.hotkeys[hotkey.code] then keyboard.hotkeys[hotkey.code](event, eventData) end end) kernel.hook({ 'mouse_click', 'mouse_up', 'mouse_drag' }, function(event, eventData) local button = eventData[1] if event == 'mouse_click' then mouse.state[button] = true else if not mouse.state[button] then return true -- ensure mouse ups are only generated if a mouse down was sent end if event == 'mouse_up' then mouse.state[button] = nil end end end) kernel.hook('kernel_focus', function() Util.clear(keyboard.state) Util.clear(mouse.state) end) function keyboard.addHotkey(code, fn) keyboard.hotkeys[code] = fn end function keyboard.removeHotkey(code) keyboard.hotkeys[code] = nil end kernel.hook('monitor_touch', function(event, eventData) local monitor = Peripheral.getBySide(eventData[1]) if monitor and monitor.eventChannel then monitor.eventChannel(event, table.unpack(eventData)) return true -- stop propagation end end) local function createDevice(name, devType, method, manipulator) local dev = { name = name, side = name, type = devType, } local methods = { 'drop', 'getDocs', 'getItem', 'getItemMeta', 'getTransferLocations', 'list', 'pullItems', 'pushItems', 'size', 'suck', } if manipulator[method] then for _,k in pairs(methods) do dev[k] = function(...) return manipulator[method]()[k](...) end end if not manipulator._children then manipulator._children = { dev } else table.insert(manipulator._children, dev) end device[name] = dev end end drivers['manipulator'] = function(dev) if dev.getName then pcall(function() local name = dev.getName() if name then if dev.getInventory then createDevice(name .. ':inventory', 'inventory', 'getInventory', dev) end if dev.getEquipment then createDevice(name .. ':equipment', 'equipment', 'getEquipment', dev) end if dev.getEnder then createDevice(name .. ':enderChest', 'enderChest', 'getEnder', dev) end return dev._children end end) end end -- initialize drivers for _,v in pairs(device) do if drivers[v.type] then local s, m = pcall(drivers[v.type], v) if not s and m then _G.printError(m) end end end