local ramfs = { } function ramfs.mount(dir, nodeType) if nodeType == 'directory' then return { nodes = { }, size = 0, } elseif nodeType == 'file' then return { size = 0, } end error('ramfs syntax: [directory, file]') end function ramfs.delete(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then fs.unmount(node.mountPoint) end end function ramfs.exists(node, fn) return node.mountPoint == fn end function ramfs.getSize(node) return node.size end function ramfs.isReadOnly() return false end function ramfs.makeDir(node, dir) fs.mount(dir, 'ramfs', 'directory') end function ramfs.isDir(node) return not not node.nodes end function ramfs.getDrive() return 'ram' end function ramfs.list(node, dir, full) if node.nodes and node.mountPoint == dir then local files = { } for k,v in pairs(node.nodes) do table.insert(files, k) end return files end error('Not a directory') end function ramfs.open(node, fn, fl) if fl ~= 'r' and fl ~= 'w' and fl ~= 'rb' and fl ~= 'wb' then error('Unsupported mode') end if fl == 'r' then if node.mountPoint ~= fn then return end local ctr = 0 local lines return { readLine = function() if not lines then lines = Util.split(node.contents) end ctr = ctr + 1 return lines[ctr] end, readAll = function() return node.contents end, close = function() lines = nil end, } elseif fl == 'w' then node = fs.mount(fn, 'ramfs', 'file') local c = '' return { write = function(str) c = c .. str end, writeLine = function(str) c = c .. str .. '\n' end, flush = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c end, close = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c c = nil end, } elseif fl == 'rb' then if node.mountPoint ~= fn or not node.contents then return end local ctr = 0 return { read = function() ctr = ctr + 1 return node.contents[ctr] end, close = function() end, } elseif fl == 'wb' then node = fs.mount(fn, 'ramfs', 'file') local c = { } return { write = function(b) table.insert(c, b) end, flush = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c end, close = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c c = nil end, } end end return ramfs