require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Event = require('event') local UI = require('ui') local Socket = require('socket') local Terminal = require('terminal') local itemDB = require('itemDB') multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Turtles') UI.Button.defaults.focusIndicator = ' ' UI:configure('Turtles', ...) local options = { turtle = { arg = 'i', type = 'number', value = -1, desc = 'Turtle ID' }, tab = { arg = 's', type = 'string', value = 'turtles', desc = 'Selected tab to display' }, help = { arg = 'h', type = 'flag', value = false, desc = 'Displays the options' }, } local USR_SCRIPTS_PATH = 'usr/scripts' local SYS_SCRIPTS_PATH = 'sys/etc/scripts' local nullTerm = Terminal.getNullTerm(term.current()) local turtles = { } local socket local policies = { { label = 'none' }, { label = 'digOnly' }, { label = 'attackOnly' }, { label = 'digAttack' }, { label = 'turtleSafe' }, } local page = UI.Page { --[[ policy = UI.Chooser { x = 2, y = 8, choices = { { name = ' None ', value = 'none' }, { name = ' Safe ', value = 'turtleSafe' }, }, }, ]] coords = UI.Window { x = 2, y = 2, height = 3, rex = -2, }, tabs = UI.Tabs { x = 1, y = 5, rey = -2, scripts = UI.Grid { tabTitle = 'Run', backgroundColor = UI.TabBar.defaults.selectedBackgroundColor, columns = { { heading = '', key = 'label' }, }, disableHeader = true, sortColumn = 'label', autospace = true, }, turtles = UI.Grid { tabTitle = 'Sel', backgroundColor = UI.TabBar.defaults.selectedBackgroundColor, columns = { { heading = 'label', key = 'label' }, { heading = 'Dist', key = 'distance' }, { heading = 'Status', key = 'status' }, { heading = 'Fuel', key = 'fuel' }, }, disableHeader = true, sortColumn = 'label', autospace = true, }, inventory = UI.Grid { backgroundColor = UI.TabBar.defaults.selectedBackgroundColor, tabTitle = 'Inv', columns = { { heading = '', key = 'index', width = 2 }, { heading = '', key = 'qty', width = 2 }, { heading = 'Inventory', key = 'id', width = UI.term.width - 7 }, }, disableHeader = true, sortColumn = 'index', }, policy = UI.Grid { tabTitle = 'Mod', backgroundColor = UI.TabBar.defaults.selectedBackgroundColor, columns = { { heading = 'label', key = 'label' }, }, values = policies, disableHeader = true, sortColumn = 'label', autospace = true, }, action = UI.Window { tabTitle = 'Act', moveUp = UI.Button { x = 5, y = 2, text = '/\\', fn = 'turtle.up', }, moveDown = UI.Button { x = 5, y = 4, text = '\\/', fn = 'turtle.down', }, moveForward = UI.Button { x = 9, y = 3, text = '>', fn = 'turtle.forward', }, moveBack = UI.Button { x = 2, y = 3, text = '<', fn = 'turtle.back', }, turnLeft = UI.Button { x = 2, y = 6, text = '<-', fn = 'turtle.turnLeft', }, turnRight = UI.Button { x = 8, y = 6, text = '->', fn = 'turtle.turnRight', }, }, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), notification = UI.Notification(), accelerators = { q = 'quit', }, } function page:enable(turtle) self.turtle = turtle UI.Page.enable(self) end function page:runFunction(script, nowrap) if not socket then socket = Socket.connect(, 161) if not socket then self.notification:error('Unable to connect') return end end if not nowrap then script = '' .. script .. ')' end socket:write({ type = 'script', args = script }) end function page:runScript(scriptName) if self.turtle then self.notification:info('Connecting') self:sync() local cmd = string.format('Script %d %s',, scriptName) local ot = term.redirect(nullTerm) pcall(function() end) term.redirect(ot) self.notification:success('Sent') end end function page.coords:draw() local t = self.parent.turtle if t then self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) local ind = 'GPS' if not t.point.gps then ind = 'REL' end self:print(string.format('%s : %d,%d,%d\nFuel: %s\n', ind, t.point.x, t.point.y, t.point.z, Util.toBytes(t.fuel))) end end --[[ Inventory Tab ]]-- function page.tabs.inventory:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if page.turtle and row.selected then return colors.yellow end return UI.Grid.getRowTextColor(self, row, selected) end function page.tabs.inventory:draw() local t = page.turtle Util.clear(self.values) if t then for _,v in ipairs(t.inventory) do if v.qty > 0 then table.insert(self.values, v) if v.index == t.slotIndex then v.selected = true end if then local item = itemDB:get({, v.dmg }) if item then = item.displayName else ='.*:(.*)', '%1') end end end end end self:adjustWidth() self:update() UI.Grid.draw(self) end function page.tabs.inventory:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then local fn = string.format('', event.selected.index) page:runFunction(fn) else return UI.Grid.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page.tabs.scripts:draw() local function combineDirs(...) local list = { } for _,path in pairs({...}) do if fs.exists(path) then local files = fs.list(path) for _,f in pairs(files) do list[f] = fs.combine(path, f) end end end return list end Util.clear(self.values) local files = combineDirs(SYS_SCRIPTS_PATH, USR_SCRIPTS_PATH) for f,path in pairs(files) do table.insert(self.values, { label = f, path = path }) end self:update() UI.Grid.draw(self) end function page.tabs.scripts:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then page:runScript(event.selected.label) else return UI.Grid.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page.tabs.turtles:getDisplayValues(row) row = Util.shallowCopy(row) if row.fuel then row.fuel = Util.toBytes(row.fuel) end if row.distance then row.distance = Util.round(row.distance, 1) end return row end function page.tabs.turtles:draw() Util.clear(self.values) for _,v in pairs(network) do if v.fuel then table.insert(self.values, v) end end self:update() UI.Grid.draw(self) end function page.tabs.turtles:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then page.turtle = event.selected if socket then socket:close() socket = nil end else return UI.Grid.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page.statusBar:draw() local t = self.parent.turtle if t then local status = string.format('%s [ %s ]', t.status, Util.round(t.distance, 2)) self:setStatus(status, true) end UI.StatusBar.draw(self) end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'quit' then UI:exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'button_press' then if event.button.fn then self:runFunction(event.button.fn, event.button.nowrap) elseif event.button.script then self:runScript(event.button.script) end else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page:enable() UI.Page.enable(self) -- self.tabs:activateTab(page.tabs.turtles) end if not Util.getOptions(options, { ... }, true) then return end if options.turtle.value >= 0 then for i = 1, 10 do page.turtle =[options.turtle.value] if page.turtle then break end os.sleep(1) end end Event.onInterval(1, function() if page.turtle then local t =[] page.turtle = t page:draw() page:sync() end end) UI:setPage(page) page.tabs:activateTab(page.tabs[]) UI:pullEvents()