local Packages = require('packages') local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local keys = _G.keys local multishell = _ENV.multishell local os = _G.os local shell = _ENV.shell local term = _G.term local success = true local function runDir(directory) if not fs.exists(directory) then return true end local files = fs.list(directory) table.sort(files) for _,file in ipairs(files) do os.sleep(0) local result, err = shell.run(directory .. '/' .. file) if result then if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.green) end term.write('[PASS] ') term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(fs.combine(directory, file)) print() else if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.red) end term.write('[FAIL] ') term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(fs.combine(directory, file)) if err then _G.printError('\n' .. err) end print() success = false end end end runDir('sys/autorun') for name in pairs(Packages:installed()) do local packageDir = 'packages/' .. name .. '/autorun' runDir(packageDir) end runDir('usr/autorun') if not success then if multishell then --multishell.setFocus(multishell.getCurrent()) end _G.printError('A startup program has errored') print('Press enter to continue') while true do local e, code = os.pullEventRaw('key') if e == 'terminate' or e == 'key' and code == keys.enter then break end end end