local Event = require('event') local Util = require('util') local fs = _G.fs local modem = _G.device.wireless_modem local os = _G.os local computerId = os.getComputerID() modem.open(80) -- https://github.com/golgote/neturl/blob/master/lib/net/url.lua local function parseQuery(str) local sep = '&' local values = {} for key,val in str:gmatch(string.format('([^%q=]+)(=*[^%q=]*)', sep, sep)) do --local key = decode(key) local keys = {} key = key:gsub('%[([^%]]*)%]', function(v) -- extract keys between balanced brackets if string.find(v, "^-?%d+$") then v = tonumber(v) --else --v = decode(v) end table.insert(keys, v) return "=" end) key = key:gsub('=+.*$', "") key = key:gsub('%s', "_") -- remove spaces in parameter name val = val:gsub('^=+', "") if not values[key] then values[key] = {} end if #keys > 0 and type(values[key]) ~= 'table' then values[key] = {} elseif #keys == 0 and type(values[key]) == 'table' then values[key] = val --decode(val) end local t = values[key] for i,k in ipairs(keys) do if type(t) ~= 'table' then t = {} end if k == "" then k = #t+1 end if not t[k] then t[k] = {} end if i == #keys then t[k] = val --decode(val) end t = t[k] end end return values end local function getListing(path, recursive) local list = { } local function listing(p) for _, f in pairs(fs.listEx(p)) do local abs = fs.combine(p, f.name) table.insert(list, { isDir = f.isDir, path = string.sub(abs, #path + 1), size = f.size, }) if recursive and f.isDir then listing(abs) end end end listing(path) return list end Event.on('modem_message', function(_, _, dport, dhost, request) if dport == 80 and dhost == computerId and type(request) == 'table' then if request.method == 'GET' then local query if not request.path or type(request.path) ~= 'string' then return end local path = request.path:gsub('%?(.*)', function(v) query = parseQuery(v) return '' end) if fs.isDir(path) then -- TODO: more validation modem.transmit(request.replyPort, request.replyAddress, { statusCode = 200, contentType = 'table/directory', data = getListing(path, query and query.recursive == 'true'), }) elseif fs.exists(path) then modem.transmit(request.replyPort, request.replyAddress, { statusCode = 200, contentType = 'table/file', data = Util.readFile(path), }) else modem.transmit(request.replyPort, request.replyAddress, { statusCode = 404, }) end end end end)