local Blit = require('opus.ui.blit') local Config = require('opus.config') local Util = require('opus.util') local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local kernel = _G.kernel local keys = _G.keys local os = _G.os local printError = _G.printError local shell = _ENV.shell local window = _G.window local parentTerm = _G.device.terminal local w,h = parentTerm.getSize() local overviewId local tabsDirty = false local closeInd = Util.getVersion() >= 1.76 and '\215' or '*' local multishell = { } shell.setEnv('multishell', multishell) multishell.term = parentTerm --deprecated use device.terminal local config = { standard = { textColor = colors.lightGray, tabBarTextColor = colors.lightGray, focusTextColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.gray, tabBarBackgroundColor = colors.gray, focusBackgroundColor = colors.gray, errorColor = colors.black, }, color = { textColor = colors.lightGray, tabBarTextColor = colors.lightGray, focusTextColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.gray, tabBarBackgroundColor = colors.gray, focusBackgroundColor = colors.gray, errorColor = colors.red, }, } Config.load('multishell', config) local _colors = parentTerm.isColor() and config.color or config.standard local palette = parentTerm.isColor() and Blit.colorPalette or Blit.grayscalePalette local function redrawMenu() if not tabsDirty then os.queueEvent('multishell_redraw') tabsDirty = true end end function multishell.getFocus() local currentTab = kernel.getFocused() return currentTab.uid end function multishell.setFocus(tabId) return kernel.raise(tabId) end function multishell.getTitle(tabId) local tab = kernel.find(tabId) return tab and tab.title end function multishell.setTitle(tabId, title) local tab = kernel.find(tabId) if tab then tab.title = title redrawMenu() end end function multishell.getCurrent() local runningTab = kernel.getCurrent() return runningTab and runningTab.uid end function multishell.getTab(tabId) return kernel.find(tabId) end function multishell.terminate(tabId) os.queueEvent('multishell_terminate', tabId) end function multishell.getTabs() return kernel.routines end function multishell.launch( tProgramEnv, sProgramPath, ... ) -- backwards compatibility return multishell.openTab({ env = tProgramEnv, path = sProgramPath, args = { ... }, }) end function multishell.openTab(tab) if not tab.title and tab.path then tab.title = fs.getName(tab.path):match('([^%.]+)') end tab.title = tab.title or 'untitled' tab.window = tab.window or window.create(parentTerm, 1, 2, w, h - 1, false) tab.onExit = function(self, result, err) if not result and err and err ~= 'Terminated' or (err and err ~= 0) then self.terminal.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) if tonumber(err) then self.terminal.setTextColor(colors.orange) print('Process exited with error code: ' .. err) elseif err then printError(tostring(err)) end self.terminal.setTextColor(colors.white) print('\nPress enter to close') self.isDead = true self.hidden = false redrawMenu() while true do local e, code = os.pullEventRaw('key') if e == 'terminate' or e == 'key' and code == keys.enter then break end end end end local routine = kernel.run(tab) if tab.focused then multishell.setFocus(routine.uid) else redrawMenu() end return routine.uid end function multishell.hideTab(tabId) local tab = kernel.find(tabId) if tab then tab.hidden = true kernel.lower(tab.uid) redrawMenu() end end function multishell.unhideTab(tabId) local tab = kernel.find(tabId) if tab then tab.hidden = false redrawMenu() end end function multishell.getCount() return #kernel.routines end kernel.hook('kernel_focus', function() redrawMenu() end) kernel.hook('multishell_terminate', function(_, eventData) local tab = kernel.find(eventData[1]) if tab and not tab.isOverview then if coroutine.status(tab.co) ~= 'dead' then tab:resume("terminate") end end return true end) kernel.hook('terminate', function() return kernel.getFocused().isOverview end) kernel.hook('multishell_redraw', function() tabsDirty = false local blit = Blit(w, { bg = _colors.tabBarBackgroundColor, fg = _colors.textColor, palette = palette, }) local currentTab = kernel.getFocused() for _,tab in pairs(kernel.routines) do if tab.hidden and tab ~= currentTab then tab.width = 0 else tab.width = #tab.title + 1 end end local function width() local tw = 0 Util.each(kernel.routines, function(t) tw = tw + t.width end) return tw end while width() > w - 3 do local tab = select(2, Util.spairs(kernel.routines, function(a, b) return a.width > b.width end)()) tab.width = tab.width - 1 end local function compareTab(a, b) if a.hidden then return false end return b.hidden or a.uid < b.uid end local tabX = 0 for _,tab in Util.spairs(kernel.routines, compareTab) do if tab.width > 0 then tab.sx = tabX + 1 tab.ex = tabX + tab.width tabX = tabX + tab.width if tab ~= currentTab then local textColor = tab.isDead and _colors.errorColor or _colors.textColor blit:write(tab.sx, tab.title:sub(1, tab.width - 1), _colors.backgroundColor, textColor) end end end if currentTab then if currentTab.sx then local textColor = currentTab.isDead and _colors.errorColor or _colors.focusTextColor blit:write(currentTab.sx - 1, ' ' .. currentTab.title:sub(1, currentTab.width - 1) .. ' ', _colors.focusBackgroundColor, textColor) end if not currentTab.noTerminate then blit:write(w, closeInd, nil, _colors.focusTextColor) end end parentTerm.setCursorPos(1, 1) parentTerm.blit(blit.text, blit.fg, blit.bg) if currentTab and currentTab.window then currentTab.window.restoreCursor() end return true end) kernel.hook('term_resize', function(_, eventData) if not eventData[1] then --- TEST w,h = parentTerm.getSize() local windowHeight = h-1 for _,key in pairs(Util.keys(kernel.routines)) do local tab = kernel.routines[key] local x,y = tab.window.getCursorPos() if y > windowHeight then tab.window.scroll(y - windowHeight) tab.window.setCursorPos(x, windowHeight) end tab.window.reposition(1, 2, w, windowHeight) end redrawMenu() end end) kernel.hook('mouse_click', function(_, eventData) if not eventData[4] then local x, y = eventData[2], eventData[3] if y == 1 then if x == 1 then multishell.setFocus(overviewId) elseif x == w then local currentTab = kernel.getFocused() if currentTab then multishell.terminate(currentTab.uid) end else for _,tab in pairs(kernel.routines) do if not tab.hidden and tab.sx then if x >= tab.sx and x <= tab.ex then multishell.setFocus(tab.uid) break end end end end return true end eventData[3] = eventData[3] - 1 end end) kernel.hook({ 'mouse_up', 'mouse_drag' }, function(_, eventData) if not eventData[4] then eventData[3] = eventData[3] - 1 end end) kernel.hook('mouse_scroll', function(_, eventData) if not eventData[4] then if eventData[3] == 1 then return true end eventData[3] = eventData[3] - 1 end end) kernel.hook('kernel_ready', function() overviewId = multishell.openTab({ path = config.launcher or 'sys/apps/Overview.lua', isOverview = true, noTerminate = true, focused = true, title = '+', }) multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/shell.lua', args = { 'sys/apps/autorun.lua' }, title = 'Autorun', }) end)