local Config = require('config') local Event = require('event') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local multishell = _ENV.multishell local os = _G.os local shell = _ENV.shell UI:configure('Files', ...) local config = Config.load('Files', { showHidden = false, showDirSizes = false, }) config.associations = config.associations or { nft = 'pain', } local copied = { } local marked = { } local directories = { } local cutMode = false local function formatSize(size) if size >= 1000000 then return string.format('%dM', math.floor(size/1000000, 2)) elseif size >= 1000 then return string.format('%dK', math.floor(size/1000, 2)) end return size end local Browser = UI.Page { menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = '^-', event = 'updir' }, { text = 'File', dropdown = { { text = 'Run', event = 'run' }, { text = 'Edit e', event = 'edit' }, { text = 'Shell s', event = 'shell' }, UI.MenuBar.spacer, { text = 'Quit q', event = 'quit' }, } }, { text = 'Edit', dropdown = { { text = 'Cut ^x', event = 'cut' }, { text = 'Copy ^c', event = 'copy' }, { text = 'Copy path ', event = 'copy_path' }, { text = 'Paste ^v', event = 'paste' }, UI.MenuBar.spacer, { text = 'Mark m', event = 'mark' }, { text = 'Unmark all u', event = 'unmark' }, UI.MenuBar.spacer, { text = 'Delete del', event = 'delete' }, } }, { text = 'View', dropdown = { { text = 'Refresh r', event = 'refresh' }, { text = 'Hidden ^h', event = 'toggle_hidden' }, { text = 'Dir Size ^s', event = 'toggle_dirSize' }, } }, { text = '\206', x = -3, dropdown = { { text = 'Associations', event = 'associate' }, } }, }, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name' }, { key = 'flags', width = 2 }, { heading = 'Size', key = 'fsize', width = 5 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', y = 2, ey = -2, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { columns = { { key = 'status' }, { key = 'totalSize', width = 6 }, }, }, associations = UI.SlideOut { backgroundColor = colors.cyan, menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = 'Save', event = 'save' }, { text = 'Cancel', event = 'cancel' }, }, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { x = 2, ex = -6, y = 3, ey = -5, columns = { { heading = 'Extension', key = 'name' }, { heading = 'Program', key = 'value' }, }, autospace = true, sortColumn = 'name', accelerators = { delete = 'remove_entry', }, }, remove = UI.Button { x = -4, y = 6, text = '-', event = 'remove_entry', help = 'Remove', }, form = UI.Form { x = 3, y = -3, ey = -2, margin = 1, manualControls = true, [1] = UI.TextEntry { width = 20, formLabel = 'Extension', formKey = 'name', shadowText = 'extension', required = true, limit = 64, }, [2] = UI.TextEntry { width = 20, formLabel = 'Program', formKey = 'value', shadowText = 'program', required = true, limit = 128, }, add = UI.Button { x = -11, y = 1, text = 'Add', event = 'add_association', }, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { backgroundColor = colors.cyan, }, }, accelerators = { q = 'quit', e = 'edit', s = 'shell', r = 'refresh', space = 'mark', backspace = 'updir', m = 'move', u = 'unmark', d = 'delete', delete = 'delete', [ 'control-h' ] = 'toggle_hidden', [ 'control-s' ] = 'toggle_dirSize', [ 'control-x' ] = 'cut', [ 'control-c' ] = 'copy', paste = 'paste', }, } function Browser:enable() UI.Page.enable(self) self:setFocus(self.grid) end function Browser.menuBar:getActive(menuItem) local file = Browser.grid:getSelected() if file then if menuItem.event == 'edit' or menuItem.event == 'run' then return not file.isDir end end return true end function Browser.grid:sortCompare(a, b) if self.sortColumn == 'fsize' then return a.size < b.size elseif self.sortColumn == 'flags' then return a.flags < b.flags end if a.isDir == b.isDir then return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower() end return a.isDir end function Browser.grid:getRowTextColor(file) if file.marked then return colors.green end if file.isDir then return colors.cyan end if file.isReadOnly then return colors.pink end return colors.white end function Browser.grid:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'copy' then -- let copy be handled by parent return false end return UI.ScrollingGrid.eventHandler(self, event) end function Browser.statusBar:draw() if self.parent.dir then local info = '#:' .. Util.size(self.parent.dir.files) local numMarked = Util.size(marked) if numMarked > 0 then info = info .. ' M:' .. numMarked end self:setValue('info', info) self:setValue('totalSize', formatSize(self.parent.dir.totalSize)) UI.StatusBar.draw(self) end end function Browser:setStatus(status, ...) self.statusBar:timedStatus(string.format(status, ...)) end function Browser:unmarkAll() for _,m in pairs(marked) do m.marked = false end Util.clear(marked) end function Browser:getDirectory(directory) local s, dir = pcall(function() local dir = directories[directory] if not dir then dir = { name = directory, size = 0, files = { }, totalSize = 0, index = 1 } directories[directory] = dir end self:updateDirectory(dir) return dir end) return s, dir end function Browser:updateDirectory(dir) dir.size = 0 dir.totalSize = 0 Util.clear(dir.files) local files = fs.listEx(dir.name) if files then dir.size = #files for _, file in pairs(files) do file.fullName = fs.combine(dir.name, file.name) file.flags = '' if not file.isDir then dir.totalSize = dir.totalSize + file.size file.fsize = formatSize(file.size) else if config.showDirSizes then file.size = fs.getSize(file.fullName, true) dir.totalSize = dir.totalSize + file.size file.fsize = formatSize(file.size) end file.flags = 'D' end if file.isReadOnly then file.flags = file.flags .. 'R' end if config.showHidden or file.name:sub(1, 1) ~= '.' then dir.files[file.fullName] = file end end end -- self.grid:update() -- self.grid:setIndex(dir.index) self.grid:setValues(dir.files) end function Browser:setDir(dirName, noStatus) self:unmarkAll() if self.dir then self.dir.index = self.grid:getIndex() end local DIR = fs.combine('', dirName) shell.setDir(DIR) local s, dir = self:getDirectory(DIR) if s then self.dir = dir elseif noStatus then error(dir) else self:setStatus(dir) self:setDir('', true) return end if not noStatus then self.statusBar:setValue('status', '/' .. self.dir.name) self.statusBar:draw() end self.grid:setIndex(self.dir.index) end function Browser:run(...) if multishell then local tabId = shell.openTab(...) multishell.setFocus(tabId) else shell.run(...) Event.terminate = false self:draw() end end function Browser:hasMarked() if Util.size(marked) == 0 then local file = self.grid:getSelected() if file then file.marked = true marked[file.fullName] = file self.grid:draw() end end return Util.size(marked) > 0 end function Browser:eventHandler(event) local file = self.grid:getSelected() if event.type == 'quit' then Event.exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'edit' and file then self:run('edit', file.name) elseif event.type == 'shell' then self:run('sys/apps/shell') elseif event.type == 'refresh' then self:updateDirectory(self.dir) self.grid:draw() self:setStatus('Refreshed') elseif event.type == 'associate' then self.associations:show() elseif event.type == 'toggle_hidden' then config.showHidden = not config.showHidden Config.update('Files', config) self:updateDirectory(self.dir) self.grid:draw() if not config.showHidden then self:setStatus('Hiding hidden') else self:setStatus('Displaying hidden') end elseif event.type == 'toggle_dirSize' then config.showDirSizes = not config.showDirSizes Config.update('Files', config) self:updateDirectory(self.dir) self.grid:draw() if config.showDirSizes then self:setStatus('Displaying dir sizes') end elseif event.type == 'mark' and file then file.marked = not file.marked if file.marked then marked[file.fullName] = file else marked[file.fullName] = nil end self.grid:draw() self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'unmark' then self:unmarkAll() self.grid:draw() self:setStatus('Marked files cleared') elseif event.type == 'grid_select' or event.type == 'run' then if file then if file.isDir then self:setDir(file.fullName) else local ext = file.name:match('%.(%w+)$') if ext and config.associations[ext] then self:run(config.associations[ext], '/' .. file.fullName) else self:run(file.name) end end end elseif event.type == 'updir' then local dir = (self.dir.name:match("(.*/)")) self:setDir(dir or '/') elseif event.type == 'delete' then if self:hasMarked() then local width = self.statusBar:getColumnWidth('status') self.statusBar:setColumnWidth('status', UI.term.width) self.statusBar:setValue('status', 'Delete marked? (y/n)') self.statusBar:draw() self.statusBar:sync() local _, ch = os.pullEvent('char') if ch == 'y' or ch == 'Y' then for _,m in pairs(marked) do pcall(function() fs.delete(m.fullName) end) end end marked = { } self.statusBar:setColumnWidth('status', width) self.statusBar:setValue('status', '/' .. self.dir.name) self:updateDirectory(self.dir) self.statusBar:draw() self.grid:draw() self:setFocus(self.grid) end elseif event.type == 'copy' or event.type == 'cut' then if self:hasMarked() then cutMode = event.type == 'cut' Util.clear(copied) Util.merge(copied, marked) --self:unmarkAll() self.grid:draw() self:setStatus('Copied %d file(s)', Util.size(copied)) end elseif event.type == 'copy_path' then if file then os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', file.fullName) end elseif event.type == 'paste' then for _,m in pairs(copied) do local s, m = pcall(function() if cutMode then fs.move(m.fullName, fs.combine(self.dir.name, m.name)) else fs.copy(m.fullName, fs.combine(self.dir.name, m.name)) end end) end self:updateDirectory(self.dir) self.grid:draw() self:setStatus('Pasted ' .. Util.size(copied) .. ' file(s)') else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end self:setFocus(self.grid) return true end --[[ Associations slide out ]] -- function Browser.associations:show() self.grid.values = { } for k, v in pairs(config.associations) do table.insert(self.grid.values, { name = k, value = v, }) end self.grid:update() UI.SlideOut.show(self) self:setFocus(self.form[1]) end function Browser.associations:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'remove_entry' then local row = self.grid:getSelected() if row then Util.removeByValue(self.grid.values, row) self.grid:update() self.grid:draw() end elseif event.type == 'add_association' then if self.form:save() then local entry = Util.find(self.grid.values, 'name', self.form[1].value) or { } entry.name = self.form[1].value entry.value = self.form[2].value table.insert(self.grid.values, entry) self.form[1]:reset() self.form[2]:reset() self.grid:update() self.grid:draw() end elseif event.type == 'cancel' then self:hide() elseif event.type == 'save' then config.associations = { } for _, v in pairs(self.grid.values) do config.associations[v.name] = v.value end Config.update('Files', config) self:hide() else return UI.SlideOut.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end --[[-- Startup logic --]]-- local args = { ... } Browser:setDir(args[1] or shell.dir()) UI:setPage(Browser) Event.pullEvents() UI.term:reset()