if not device.wireless_modem then error('Wireless modem is required') end requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Event = require('event') local GPS = require('gps') local Socket = require('socket') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Pickup Remote') local id local mainPage = UI.Page({ menu = UI.Menu({ centered = true, y = 2, menuItems = { { prompt = 'Pickup', event = 'pickup', help = 'Pickup items from this location' }, { prompt = 'Charge cell', event = 'charge', help = 'Recharge this cell' }, { prompt = 'Refill', event = 'refill', help = 'Recharge this cell' }, { prompt = 'Set pickup location', event = 'setPickup', help = 'Recharge this cell' }, { prompt = 'Set recharge location', event = 'setRecharge', help = 'Recharge this cell' }, { prompt = 'Clear', event = 'clear', help = 'Remove this location' }, }, }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), accelerators = { q = 'quit', }, }) local refillPage = UI.Page({ menuBar = UI.MenuBar({ y = 1, buttons = { { text = 'Done', event = 'done', help = 'Pickup items from this location' }, { text = 'Back', event = 'back', help = 'Recharge this cell' }, }, }), grid1 = UI.ScrollingGrid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = UI.term.width-9 }, { heading = 'Qty', key = 'fQty', width = 5 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', height = 8, y = 3, }), grid2 = UI.ScrollingGrid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = UI.term.width-9 }, { heading = 'Qty', key = 'qty', width = 5 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', height = 4, y = 12, }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), accelerators = { q = 'quit', }, }) refillPage.menuBar:add({ filter = UI.TextEntry({ x = UI.term.width-10, width = 10, }) }) local function sendCommand(cmd) local socket = Socket.connect(id, 5222) if not socket then mainPage.statusBar:timedStatus('Unable to connect', 3) return end socket:write(cmd) local m = socket:read(3) socket:close() if m then return m.response end mainPage.statusBar:timedStatus('No response', 3) end local function getPoint() local gpt = GPS.getPoint() if not gpt then mainPage.statusBar:timedStatus('Unable to get location', 3) end return gpt end function refillPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then local item = { name = event.selected.name, id = event.selected.id, dmg = event.selected.dmg, qty = 0, } local dialog = UI.Dialog({ x = 1, width = UI.term.width, text = UI.Text({ x = 3, y = 3, value = 'Quantity' }), textEntry = UI.TextEntry({ x = 14, y = 3 }) }) dialog.eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'accept' then local l = tonumber(self.textEntry.value) if l and l <= 1024 and l > 0 then item.qty = self.textEntry.value table.insert(refillPage.grid2.values, item) refillPage.grid2:update() UI:setPreviousPage() else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Invalid Quantity', 3) end return true end return UI.Dialog.eventHandler(self, event) end dialog.titleBar.title = item.name dialog:setFocus(dialog.textEntry) UI:setPage(dialog) elseif event.type == 'text_change' then local text = event.text if #text == 0 then self.grid1.values = self.allItems else self.grid1.values = { } for _,item in pairs(self.allItems) do if string.find(item.lname, text) then table.insert(self.grid1.values, item) end end end --self.grid:adjustWidth() self.grid1:update() self.grid1:setIndex(1) self.grid1:draw() elseif event.type == 'back' then UI:setPreviousPage() elseif event.type == 'done' then UI:setPage(mainPage) local pt = getPoint() if pt then local response = sendCommand({ type = 'refill', entry = { point = pt, items = self.grid2.values } }) if response then mainPage.statusBar:timedStatus(response, 3) end end elseif event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then self.statusBar:setStatus(event.selected.id .. ':' .. event.selected.dmg) self.statusBar:draw() end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end function refillPage:enable() for _,item in pairs(self.allItems) do item.lname = string.lower(item.name) item.fQty = Util.toBytes(item.qty) end self.grid1:setValues(self.allItems) self.menuBar.filter.value = '' self.menuBar.filter.pos = 1 self:setFocus(self.menuBar.filter) UI.Page.enable(self) end function mainPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'quit' then Event.exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'refill' then local response = sendCommand({ type = 'items' }) if response then refillPage.allItems = response refillPage.grid2:setValues({ }) UI:setPage(refillPage) end elseif event.type == 'pickup' or event.type == 'setPickup' or event.type == 'setRecharge' or event.type == 'charge' or event.type == 'clear' then local pt = getPoint() if pt then local response = sendCommand({ type = event.type, point = pt }) if response then self.statusBar:timedStatus(response, 3) end end end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end local args = { ... } if #args == 1 then id = tonumber(args[1]) end if not id then error('Syntax: pickupRemote ') end UI:setPage(mainPage) Event.pullEvents() UI.term:reset()