local os = _G.os local table = _G.table local Event = { uid = 1, -- unique id for handlers routines = { }, -- coroutines types = { }, -- event handlers timers = { }, -- named timers terminate = false, free = { }, } -- Use a pool of coroutines for event handlers local function createCoroutine(h) local co = table.remove(Event.free) if not co then co = coroutine.create(function(_, ...) local args = { ... } while true do h.fn(table.unpack(args)) h.co = nil table.insert(Event.free, co) args = { coroutine.yield() } h = table.remove(args, 1) h.co = co end end) end h.primeCo = true -- TODO: fix... return co end local Routine = { } function Routine:isDead() if not self.co then return true end return coroutine.status(self.co) == 'dead' end function Routine:terminate() if self.co then self:resume('terminate') end end function Routine:resume(event, ...) if not self.co then error('Cannot resume a dead routine') end if not self.filter or self.filter == event or event == "terminate" then local s, m if self.primeCo then -- Only need self passed when using a coroutine from the pool s, m = coroutine.resume(self.co, self, event, ...) self.primeCo = nil else s, m = coroutine.resume(self.co, event, ...) end if self:isDead() then self.co = nil self.filter = nil Event.routines[self.uid] = nil else self.filter = m end if not s and event ~= 'terminate' then error('\n' .. (m or 'Error processing event')) end return s, m end return true, self.filter end local function nextUID() Event.uid = Event.uid + 1 return Event.uid - 1 end function Event.on(events, fn) events = type(events) == 'table' and events or { events } local handler = setmetatable({ uid = nextUID(), event = events, fn = fn, }, { __index = Routine }) for _,event in pairs(events) do local handlers = Event.types[event] if not handlers then handlers = { } Event.types[event] = handlers end handlers[handler.uid] = handler end return handler end function Event.off(h) if h and h.event then for _,event in pairs(h.event) do local handler = Event.types[event][h.uid] if handler then handler:terminate() end Event.types[event][h.uid] = nil end elseif h and h.co then h:terminate() end end local function addTimer(interval, recurring, fn) local timerId = os.startTimer(interval) local handler handler = Event.on('timer', function(t, id) if timerId == id then fn(t, id) if recurring then timerId = os.startTimer(interval) else Event.off(handler) end end end) return handler end function Event.onInterval(interval, fn) return Event.addRoutine(function() while true do os.sleep(interval) fn() end end) end function Event.onTimeout(timeout, fn) return addTimer(timeout, false, fn) end function Event.addNamedTimer(name, interval, recurring, fn) Event.cancelNamedTimer(name) Event.timers[name] = addTimer(interval, recurring, fn) end function Event.cancelNamedTimer(name) local timer = Event.timers[name] if timer then Event.off(timer) end end function Event.waitForEvent(event, timeout) local timerId = os.startTimer(timeout) repeat local e = { os.pullEvent() } if e[1] == event then return table.unpack(e) end until e[1] == 'timer' and e[2] == timerId end -- Set a handler for the terminate event. Within the function, return -- true or false to indicate whether the event should be propagated to -- all sub-threads function Event.onTerminate(fn) Event.termFn = fn end function Event.termFn() Event.terminate = true return true -- propagate end function Event.addRoutine(fn) local r = setmetatable({ co = coroutine.create(fn), uid = nextUID() }, { __index = Routine }) Event.routines[r.uid] = r r:resume() return r end function Event.pullEvents(...) for _, fn in ipairs({ ... }) do Event.addRoutine(fn) end repeat Event.pullEvent() until Event.terminate Event.terminate = false end function Event.exitPullEvents() Event.terminate = true os.sleep(0) end local function processHandlers(event) local handlers = Event.types[event] if handlers then for _,h in pairs(handlers) do if not h.co then -- callbacks are single threaded (only 1 co per handler) h.co = createCoroutine(h) Event.routines[h.uid] = h end end end end local function tokeys(t) local keys = { } for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end return keys end local function processRoutines(...) local keys = tokeys(Event.routines) for _,key in ipairs(keys) do local r = Event.routines[key] if r then r:resume(...) end end end -- invoke the handlers registered for this event function Event.trigger(event, ...) local handlers = Event.types[event] if handlers then for _,h in pairs(handlers) do if not h.co then -- callbacks are single threaded (only 1 co per handler) h.co = createCoroutine(h) Event.routines[h.uid] = h h:resume(event, ...) end end end end function Event.processEvent(e) processHandlers(e[1]) processRoutines(table.unpack(e)) end function Event.pullEvent(eventType) while true do local e = { os.pullEventRaw() } local propagate = true -- don't like this... if e[1] == 'terminate' then propagate = Event.termFn() end if propagate then processHandlers(e[1]) processRoutines(table.unpack(e)) end if Event.terminate then return { 'terminate' } end if not eventType or e[1] == eventType then return e end end end return Event