local colors = _G.colors local term = _G.term local _gsub = string.gsub local _rep = string.rep local _sub = string.sub local Terminal = { } -- add scrolling functions to a window function Terminal.scrollable(win, maxScroll) local lines = { } local scrollPos = 0 local oblit, oreposition = win.blit, win.reposition local palette = { } for n = 1, 16 do palette[2 ^ (n - 1)] = _sub("0123456789abcdef", n, n) end maxScroll = maxScroll or 100 -- should only do if window is visible... local function redraw() local _, h = win.getSize() local x, y = win.getCursorPos() for i = 1, h do local line = lines[i + scrollPos] if line and line.dirty then win.setCursorPos(1, i) oblit(line.text, line.fg, line.bg) line.dirty = false end end win.setCursorPos(x, y) end local function scrollTo(p, forceRedraw) local _, h = win.getSize() local ms = #lines - h -- max scroll p = math.min(math.max(p, 0), ms) -- normalize if p ~= scrollPos or forceRedraw then scrollPos = p for _, line in pairs(lines) do line.dirty = true end end end function win.write(text) local _, h = win.getSize() text = tostring(text) or '' scrollTo(#lines - h) win.blit(text, _rep(palette[win.getTextColor()], #text), _rep(palette[win.getBackgroundColor()], #text)) local x, y = win.getCursorPos() win.setCursorPos(x + #text, y) end function win.clearLine() local w, h = win.getSize() local _, y = win.getCursorPos() scrollTo(#lines - h) lines[y + scrollPos] = { text = _rep(' ', w), fg = _rep(palette[win.getTextColor()], w), bg = _rep(palette[win.getBackgroundColor()], w), dirty = true, } redraw() end function win.blit(text, fg, bg) local x, y = win.getCursorPos() local w, h = win.getSize() if y > 0 and y <= h and x <= w then local width = #text -- fix ffs if x < 1 then text = _sub(text, 2 - x) if bg then bg = _sub(bg, 2 - x) end if bg then fg = _sub(fg, 2 - x) end width = width + x - 1 x = 1 end if x + width - 1 > w then text = _sub(text, 1, w - x + 1) if bg then bg = _sub(bg, 1, w - x + 1) end if bg then fg = _sub(fg, 1, w - x + 1) end width = #text end if width > 0 then local function replace(sstr, pos, rstr) if pos == 1 and width == w then return rstr elseif pos == 1 then return rstr .. _sub(sstr, pos+width) elseif pos + width > w then return _sub(sstr, 1, pos-1) .. rstr end return _sub(sstr, 1, pos-1) .. rstr .. _sub(sstr, pos+width) end local line = lines[y + scrollPos] line.dirty = true line.text = replace(line.text, x, text, width) if fg then line.fg = replace(line.fg, x, fg, width) end if bg then line.bg = replace(line.bg, x, bg, width) end end end redraw() end function win.clear() local w, h = win.getSize() local text = _rep(' ', w) local fg = _rep(palette[win.getTextColor()], w) local bg = _rep(palette[win.getBackgroundColor()], w) lines = { } for y = 1, h do lines[y] = { dirty = true, text = text, fg = fg, bg = bg, } end scrollPos = 0 redraw() end -- doesn't support negative scrolling... function win.scroll(n) local w = win.getSize() for _ = 1, n do lines[#lines + 1] = { text = _rep(' ', w), fg = _rep(palette[win.getTextColor()], w), bg = _rep(palette[win.getBackgroundColor()], w), } end while #lines > maxScroll do table.remove(lines, 1) end scrollTo(maxScroll, true) redraw() end function win.scrollUp() scrollTo(scrollPos - 1) redraw() end function win.scrollDown() scrollTo(scrollPos + 1) redraw() end function win.reposition(x, y, nw, nh) local w, h = win.getSize() local D = (nh or h) - h if D > 0 then for _ = 1, D do lines[#lines + 1] = { text = _rep(' ', w), fg = _rep(palette[win.getTextColor()], w), bg = _rep(palette[win.getBackgroundColor()], w), } end elseif D < 0 then for _ = D, -1 do lines[#lines] = nil end end return oreposition(x, y, nw, nh) end win.clear() end -- get windows contents function Terminal.getContents(win, parent) local oblit, oscp = parent.blit, parent.setCursorPos local lines = { } parent.blit = function(text, fg, bg) lines[#lines + 1] = { text = text, fg = fg, bg = bg, } end parent.setCursorPos = function() end win.setVisible(true) win.redraw() parent.blit = oblit parent.setCursorPos = oscp return lines end function Terminal.toGrayscale(ct) local scolors = { [ colors.white ] = colors.white, [ colors.orange ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.magenta ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.lightBlue ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.yellow ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.lime ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.pink ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.gray ] = colors.gray, [ colors.lightGray ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.cyan ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.purple ] = colors.gray, [ colors.blue ] = colors.gray, [ colors.brown ] = colors.gray, [ colors.green ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.red ] = colors.gray, [ colors.black ] = colors.black, } local methods = { 'setBackgroundColor', 'setBackgroundColour', 'setTextColor', 'setTextColour' } for _,v in pairs(methods) do local fn = ct[v] ct[v] = function(c) fn(scolors[c]) end end local bcolors = { [ '1' ] = '8', [ '2' ] = '8', [ '3' ] = '8', [ '4' ] = '8', [ '5' ] = '8', [ '6' ] = '8', [ '9' ] = '8', [ 'a' ] = '7', [ 'b' ] = '7', [ 'c' ] = '7', [ 'd' ] = '8', [ 'e' ] = '7', } local function translate(s) if s then s = _gsub(s, "%w", bcolors) end return s end local fn = ct.blit ct.blit = function(text, fg, bg) fn(text, translate(fg), translate(bg)) end end function Terminal.getNullTerm(ct) local nt = Terminal.copy(ct) local methods = { 'blit', 'clear', 'clearLine', 'scroll', 'setCursorBlink', 'setCursorPos', 'write' } for _,v in pairs(methods) do nt[v] = function() end end return nt end function Terminal.copy(it, ot) ot = ot or { } for k,v in pairs(it) do if type(v) == 'function' then ot[k] = v end end return ot end function Terminal.mirror(ct, dt) for k,f in pairs(ct) do ct[k] = function(...) local ret = { f(...) } if dt[k] then dt[k](...) end return table.unpack(ret) end end end function Terminal.readPassword(prompt) if prompt then term.write(prompt) end local fn = term.current().write term.current().write = function() end local s pcall(function() s = _G.read(prompt) end) term.current().write = fn if s == '' then return end return s end return Terminal